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Show M On Account of Tuesday 9 11 being Pioneer Day and a m 11 Holiday, Keitn-O Bnen 1 jf Company will Not Close jj jj onWednesday Afternoon I KEEP COOL bVoBLEBBATING " " M "The Prettiest Spot in Utah." :ji ResteuranTservioe. I Davis Cconty I Skating. W. Thirty-Mnute Eida Champioasllip Baseball 1 Shoot-the-Ohutss., Eaiis. ! toe at 4:30 P. M. J IhfnI IT 8S NEVER HOT AT LAGQQl I ! j NO MOSQUITOS. NO SALOON. ; Upper Falls i Snmmsr Resort i MOST BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED I ! RESORT IN STATE. 1 ; The Ideal Family Outing Place j Amonp tho plnc3 In tho heart of J j beautiful Provo canyon, between Up- I I per and Bridal Veil falls. Alonj: the J famous TROUT STREAM, the Provo J j river, where the air and water la puro. clear and freeh from the snow-capped mountain peaks. Rio Grande railroad station. Long 1 , dlstanco 'phone. Rates reasonable. I Address J. L. DONNAN, Prop.. I PROVO. U7.AH. j I LORN A. LORNA Leraa 13 still considered tho latest perfume, per-fume, elogant and lasting. Only at ! Hafliday Drug Co."s Now Storo S, W. cornor 1st So. and State St j Betweon Salt Lako and Orpheum t Theaters. I LORNA LORNA j I SELL I Toa. It civos pcrfoct satisfaction, j I. X. LANNING, I Grocer, II and 3rd Sta, If s a Pleasure To have glasses that aro satisfactory satisfac-tory every way, In make, stylo, and. fir. We tet your eyes, make exnctly the kind you need and guarantee thern, TOO. If you don't need glasses we cheerfully tell you so. MAKER OF PERFECT EYE GLASSES. Both 'phones 17B3. 73 West 1st So. KEEP COOL and order your now Suit from G. M. LEWIS. The Reliable Re-liable Merchant Tailor. We can save you tho price of an outlns. DO IT NOW. GS-67 Commercial block. 'Phones. Oo.l-Z Bell. SIC Ind. SEWING MACHINES And SUPPLIES RENTING, REPAIRING. WHITE OFFICE. 73 West Flrt Houth. SMART SHOP B 200 WALKING SKIRTS in Voiles. Etamlnes, Mohairs, LK Broadcloths and Mannish Materials In all tho colors, Including tjir and blacks. There Isn't a skirt In this lot that has been In otirHV over 1 year, and most of them arc this season's goods. 50 Silk Petticoats 75 Sateen Petticoats JK AH colors and slzea. IS The above are the best bargains we have ever offered. "'f l ' WAISTS AND WASH DRESSES In -f TrlH S Lawns, Mulls, Handkerchief Linens, r - & lr'HV ; and Batistes. Beautiful fresh goodo. V VX 1 I This season's merchandise HATS-Streat and Pattern Hats $!.48to4 $5.00 to $25.00 VALUES. (See window display) BELTSttfjM WEAR AND NOVELTIES. PRICES TOO LOW TO ADVERTIiBl ,Wo never show goods the SECOND SEASON. - B 216 SOUTH HAM I pANCIS St. Francis Annei j , Amid the Palms of Union SquaBjf I Model 200 OUTSIDE ROOM'-JK PL Now Open i I WOODS, Central. ConvenientflM Manager, Fine Sample Rooms. I ,B I A postal received from Denver by Rioger & IanjBk jj "Two days and nights In Donver - without I acho. Thanks to OLD SABATOGA." ' tP I Pretty good recommendation for tho Whiskoy, isn' Tlie Tribuno Gives tlio People . Wants trie Large |