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Show "ELDERLY MEN!" At a summer meeting on the Isle of Shoals, a person named Hudson, of Newton, Massachusetts, delivered an address on Mormoniam. A part of the gentleman's lecture is reproduced in tho editorial columns of the Descret News; and in thNc choico morsel which the church, organ thus singles out for special attention and partial commendation commen-dation appears tho following: "The spoaker did not minimize (speaking of polygamy) the tragedy, often the heartrending heart-rending horror, of possible situation; but ho showed that women entered into it sacredly with their faces set God-ward, God-ward, making martyrs of themselves for the sake of thoir religion, It is now, however, a thing of the past, enduring en-during only in tho case of elderly men," Thero is a text for numerous sermons; ser-mons; but The Tribune passes by all the opportunities of that kind in order to offer a lit Liu sympathy to Professor Josoph M. Tanner and President Benjamin Ben-jamin Cluff and President Brigham H. Roberts nnd Bishop Victor Ilegstcad and the several hundred other men whoso wives have deemed them to be just In the glory of iheir young manhood, man-hood, and who now aro shown, by a friendly commentator on Mormonism, to bo doddering down into the shadows. Poor fellows! Win-, that word "elderly" is applicable, appli-cable, in fact, to very few of the present pres-ent polygamiEts. How can ono say elderly in describing a gentleman who recently testified that eleven children had been born to him since the manifesto mani-festo ? It was very unkind of the News to give currency to this idea; and particularly partic-ularly in the' case of Professor Tanner, who has not yet given any indications that he desires to bo considered past the marryiug age. |