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Show I Now York Flour aiid Grain. NEW YORK, July 17 Flour Recools. 14,000 barrels; exports. 17,800 barrels; steady, with a light trade. Wheat Rocelpte. .22,400 bushels: spot, firm; No. 2 red. 97c elevator nad 9Slc r. o. b. atloat: No. 1 northern Dululh, si.Jl r. o, b- afloat; No. 2 bard winter, ?1.00g f. o. b, afloat. Soiuh unfavorable crop news from the Northwest advanced wheat over 1j today. The crowd was short nnd bought freely on the damage news, con-pled con-pled with higher continental causes and rains In winter wheat State:;. Near the close realizing caused a setback, final prii-i.s showing 1 to lftc net advance. Inly closed at .ISc; September, OOctff? 1.003, cloned at $1 00; December. $1.025fJ 1.0-, closed at $1,038: May. $1.06(Q1.072, closed at $1.07. |