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Show jpRE AT HOME It Lake City Citizens Gladly Testify and Confidently Recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, t ie testimony like the following f has placed "Doan's Kidnej Pills" Far above competitors. When people it bore at home raise their voice in iso there is no room left for donbt. id the public statement of a Salt :e City citizen: ?rs. F. J. Moddy, of 30 South Sixth gt St., Salt Lake City, Utah, says: pair's Kidney Pills brought a won-fu won-fu change in my condition, in less rftn. month "s time, T had been suffer-jpiisery suffer-jpiisery from inflammatory rheuma-ij rheuma-ij and swelling of the limbs. Noth-jlhelped Noth-jlhelped me until I got a box of n's Kidney Pills at T. J. Hill Drug & store. That one box rid me of the lmatism and reduced the strolling Iho limbs and left my whole system ifgood condition. Jl is a pleasure to Snmend a remedy so good as Doan ?s fney Pills." or sale by all dealers. Price 50 Is. Foster-Mi lburn Co., Buffalo, Now 5, sole agents for the United States, emembcr the name Doan's a.ud jt-no other. f Half Tones jZmc Etchings I fM It's Easy ipPi To Buy j ig The Best Zou'U get the cream of tho first IcklngB of the Japati tea crop, tweet and fresh, laden with, all its natural goodness by just saying lb your grocer, hewletfs Three Grown Tea, Please. I I The Choice of the Chef, husler's I FLOUR j?or no other reasons I Ilaan its incomparable I jread-iiiakiug qualities. J Lj ( I Automobile Clocks, Automobile Goggles Ijhone 65 for the cor-J cor-J rect time. 4aj uwc crre 1 Sr picture Frames, 1 Wall Paper, E PAINT, VARNISH, STAIN3. I M KALSOMINE, JAP-A. i Tjj LAC. 1 SHidoky-Bodel Co., 1 UWall Paper and Paint store, n Ja3-35 East First South St. 1 Frapenal Hair Regenerate timk ""y11"8 rtcopnisod as tho W STANDARD flAJR COLORINO gf Gray or Bleached Hair. Its ia-Vm ia-Vm PMcallon is not tffootTbr bathe fljfl i3: any natural hhado DrotroSd . Bainplo ot tout bair colored frov fgribuno Gives Your Wants Ue Largest Circulation. The Doctor Avay From Homo When Most Needed. People are often very much disap-pointed disap-pointed to find that their family physician physi-cian is away from homo when they most need his services. Diseases like cramp colic and cholera morbus require prompt treatment, and have in many instances proven fatal before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. sum-moned. The right way is to keep at hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 2sTo i physician can prescribe a better medicine medi-cine for these diseases. By having it in the house you escape much pain and suffering and all risk. Bivy it now; it mfl3' save life. For sale by all druggists. Use Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Sy-rup. Contains no opiates. It drives the cold out of tho systnm by gently moving mov-ing the bowcis. Contains Houoy and Tar and tastes nearly as good as maplo syrup. Children like it. Sold by Aa-stce-Brice Drug Co., -11 Main st. FOR TORPID LIVER i I Take Horaford's Acid Phosphate It stimulate healthy liver activity, relieves re-lieves constipation, flick headache and malaria. Boyal bread is the. cloan, crinp, well-baked well-baked bread and overy loaf bcarB the crown label. Ask 3-our grocer for it. Salt Lake Photo Supply Co. Kodak and'kodak finishing, 142 Mniii. i A Bold Step. ffo overcome tho well-granndod and ! reasonable objections of f more Intoi-1 Intoi-1 tigent to tho use of secret, iclnal com-' com-' pounds, Dr. E. V. Pierce, oi Buffalo, N. ' x., somo time ago, decided to make a bolt) departure from tho usual course pursued by tho makers of put-up medicines for domestic do-mestic use, anLso has published broad-', broad-', cast and odF" y to tho whole world, a full and comprete list of all tho Ingredlcntu , entering inline composition of his widely celebrated mydlGWfeB. Thus he has taken his namonras jratrons and patients nto his full onfidfence. Thus too ho has re-movcKIstnedlcInes re-movcKIstnedlcInes from among secret nostnfrriof doubtful merits, and mado thcmtcmcd! of Known. Composttlon, By this bold PfoP Dr. Plorce has shown th'ld his tormulaa are of sucbnTcellPnc., tlint he 18 not afraifj.to subject them tu rfot only does tho wrapper of every bottlfi at Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the famous medicine for weak stomach, torpid Hror or bllfonnnc&c and all catarrhal disease; wherever located, have printed upon it. fa plain EngUeli, a full and complete list of all the inrrredicnts composing It. but & srvi.i'l book litis been compiled from numerous standard medical works, of all tha dlfTciwiit BChools of practice, containing very nurr-oub nurr-oub extractn from the vrrltlutrs of lea'llns practitioners of medlclno, endorsing fn tht strongest postfale. tJ7Ji. each nnd every lnjrre-dient lnjrre-dient contained in Dr. Pierco'a medicine:; One of these little books will bo mallod fret to any ono sending address on postal card o by letter, to Dr. TL V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.. and reaucstlnjr the same. From this lit ll book It will be learned that Dr. Pierce's medicines med-icines contain no alcohol, narcotico, mlncrn1. agents or other poisonous or Injurious offents and that they are made from native, medicinal medici-nal roots of prcat Taluo: also that some oi ' tho most faluablo ingredient! contained in Dr. Fiorco's Farorlto Prescription tor -vrotk. nervous, over-workod, "run-down." nervous aud dobllitatel women, were employed, lone years aco, by tho Indians for similar ailments Effecting their nquaws. In fncu ono of th.o most valuable medlcinnl plants entering into the composition of Dr. Plorce's Favorite Proscription Pro-scription was known to tho Indians a? "Suaw-Weed." Our knowlcdtro of tho uses of not a few of onr most valuable notlve. medicinal me-dicinal plants was trained from the Indians. As mado up by improved and exacb pro-cesseSi pro-cesseSi tJietavorlto Prescription "is & mcs ofHcIent remedy for reulatlntr all tho worn' anly functions, correctlnp displacements, a prolapsus, anteverslon and retorvereion overcoming painful periods, tonlncr up tin parves and brineinc About a porfect state o; tseaJ th. Sold by all dealers in msdicinea. PIMPLES j And Blackheads Prevented and n Cured by Cuticura. I Gently smear tho faco with Cuticura 1 Ointment, the great Skin Cure, but do I yi?v not rub. Wash off E YtrSzy the Ointment in ftvo S-sX minutes with Cuti- t L cura Soap and hot f Jcl5i'iB ) water and batho F ifJjil j f reel' for somo L 4( VmI-tA J ' I minutes. Repeat (j ihiiM morning and even- g 5 jlj-i3fl irtG- At other times b ' : ' Cuticura Soap for H bathinc tho face as often as agreeable. REAL . SCE CREAM SODA That's tho kind we servo at our I Soda Fountain. Wo make it ourselves our-selves and it is mado out of pure fiweot cream and sugar. If it t were possible to make it better n ' we should do it. & We sell the ICE OREAM 2Gc tho pint; 50c tho quart. a ' I MYim mm co. I Oor. 2ud So. and State Sts. fl Customer pleased; Employer content- 8 ed. What more can mortal man ask t for? S HAMLIN PAINTS j Will Pay. I Tho Equity Investment Co., a (Incorporated.) Alex. A. Robertson, Mgr. V Successor to ' HOMER & ROBERTSON, f 219 South Main St. U REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSUR- I ANCE. 1 ; i . lt E. F. AMUSSEN S JEWELRY COMPANY. U 70 Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, & JEWELRY. t FINE WATCH .ii. JEWELRY REPAIR- f. I NO. U Hi $1.25 A MONTH I Z Keeps Men's Clothes Cleaned nnd Precsed. Ask about It. u Tompleton Cleaning Co., B Phones 1133. 112 E. 2nd South. SPECIAL CLOTHING BARGAINS $ Hundreds of line unioii-iniule, bond- J 9 tailored suits, Including black und M blue serges and Thlbets. All tho lat- 9 est styles. Your choice. $10.00. Worth $1G.00, $1S 00 and ?20.00. 4 THE HUB, H 50 East 1st South St. i . It Is Worth a Fortune To You I To have your loose and sore teeth , made tight, strong and well so you F cun use them the rest of your re- f inalnlng years. Sallna Tablet Treat-mom Treat-mom does this at a very, very small cost. W. S. HUDSON, DENTIST, 10" South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. CONSTRUCTING QITARTWRMASTIOR'S I office, Boise. Idaho, July 10. moT Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received re-ceived hero until 11 a. m. August 1-j 1907, for construction of dmlnngo svslfm and for grading-at "Boise Barracks, Idaho, h Information furnished on application L" I fc. reserves right to reject anv or nil bids or any part thereof. Proposals should I bo enclosed In envelope, scaled nnd In- K doraed "Proposuls for clr;iI)iago pustom." or "Proposuls for grading." nnd addressed I to Caplalu Juo. J3. Wli-n, CJ..M. Qb v 'Don't Dose i AJff To . Death-? Av I Slop ruining your stomach with coal L Polsons won cure your IV ' RHEUMATISM; at best they I MEM J only relieve and will eat your I go stomach wreck your To he who guossos nearest to tho correct number of envelopes dis- I played in our window we will PRESENT froe 1 To the nearest correct, 5 gallons Now Era Paint. U To tho second nearest correct, 2 gallons New Era Paint. 8 To tho third nearest correct, 1 gallon Now Era, Paint. Or an oqual value of any "Acme Quality" product. B COME IN AND MAKE A GUESS OR MAIL YOUR ANSWER. I .oIT COSTS YOU NOTHING,.,, I Guoss tho No. of Envelopes to bo . . ...... H Name I Address E CnImerPaiiit&Glass "ACME QUALITY" PAINTS I Everything That Goos on With a Brush. H Contest Closos July 20. B SALT LAKE 234 Main. J ! PMP' PARK CITY 361SMain. 1 i TflTWK LOGAN 47 BT. Main. j Ujj PROVO 32 Centre. V DR. ZIMMERMAN, Manager. 3, Teeth extracted positively vithout pain, free with j other work. j Set Teeth (best rubber)" .$5.00 : Gold Crowns, 22-k, $3.50 to.. $5.00 Bridge work, best, $3.50 to $5.00 M$ j Gold Fillings, $1.00 up. fraO I All Other Pill bags, 50c to...' 75c liliw' I 12 YEARS' GUARANTEE. ' J$&. FREE examination and advice. j$n Jj flfe Open till 6 p. m. Sunday. 9 lo 12 i Bring finis ad with you at either office, 71 WEST SECOND SOUTH. B Vs FF ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY Clothing for Men, Womon and children. A largo and Up-to-Dato M ' Assortment to Soloct Prom. Wo choorfully extend credit to everybody. H j We Clothe You the Year Around for $1.00 a Week. ' No reference or Security Neccssnry. hi iirrr -lrnn'T "ii'iiiriiirnTrriTrinirBiiTiiwnimi-i 1 1 fcaiiiiimiiminwii nm Owing to our increasing trade we aro putting in another ovon. Six i more delivery wagons aro being made. With this new equipment wo j will be able to handle our increasing businoss. j - BAKERY m NINTH SOUTH' BETWEEN I : FOURTH AND FIFTH EAST OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION. S "RATHTISrO- "The Water Is Fine." Qe ! x.j.jn.j.xxcr Good sult( room and koy Z5C j ADAWflTM Frao a!l arternoon. I .umV;AiNU 10c each for entire ovcnlno. ! I LI BOVTiTTVTf?- Six first-clnsc alloys. 1! I t xjvJ YJ X.IJ.1N VT Each game, per person lVSC j TV BOATINCy vf'y PP"la'' attraction. tyCZtr I A I SKATTTSTf-r Finest floor In the State. OCT.ra S ' xxi-a.xxxNLT As long as yol 1e for 5c 3 TH Til "RTO- 4- Roller Coaeter, Ye Olde Mill. QC 8 S J.1J.JJ AJiVT Touring Car, and Electric Theater AOCS I POOL AND BILLIARDS AT CITY PRICES. ' R CITY PRICES at Bar, Cafe and Lunch Counter 1 ' i GzmwMZB Sals USs Yw& -Any I CMSser Year Has Ens? (CUfefa Such I H j 13ispreeeiSm YsSisgs 'life 1 ! We've Cut the -Prices I 1 1 l So deep there can no longer be any 'doubt as to the J I ultimate consummation of om' purpose a complete 1 j clearance of all remaining summer stocls A new ! sales record has been established yesterday, to- 1 a day, however, should witness the greatest selling. 1 I of all. ' A Banner Event in This Store! i fl I We'll Be Huirrylng Out the I H RemaiBieg SmmmeF Goods m H j Resulting in tempting bargains, the like of whicK li 1 you'll not find again in many months. ; " lIIUp!i1Hy When .visiting Saltair i I jrJ I Beach, Lagoon or Salt JfW I Palace, ask for our , J . jS, 66Ainerieaii i: I j jrim' Beauty Beer" . I I jWpB 1 Its ever increasing popu- ! ' I larity proves superior qual- 5 j g, Salt Lake City Srewlig I I j j tempany S IfillSJ ST. MORITZ, Genl Mgr. t 1 1 THE BRS AD OF jfl 1 feflfflkli Jt Wo ship tlirougliout Utalj, '"'il 1 EVy"'.! ffliK X Wyoming, Idaho and wH Tfpfl ll THE AB O VEIr I EVERY LOAF. mm? m H ! iiH SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY! I R rftrfJI fBS ov a bnmd new Lady's 14-k. Gold I S(!b billed "Watch, either Elgin or Waltham, j jgd'F with a written guarantee to wear for J j 20 years and to keep good time. J jfl j AM EXTRAOMBINARY BARGAIN iH I I. SIEGEL, j JEWEIjER and diamond broicer, I iH 175 So. Main St. Advancshe Qjt charges ' J H Century Prinflng Co., 1 I 165-167 South Wert T6mplo. Phones 604. I VH SALT LAKE'S PRINTERS Tha most complete jwintins estahliahment on tho Pacific Ooast. H Printers, Bookbinders, Publishers and Iinotypexs. . i t M Huado.uartors for Artistic Printing. I , H The Bofit Work at lowest living prices. 1 1 Gall nnd get estimates. I , H WEDDING GIFTS fflSSt H 4lw M SILVERWARE AT SPECIAL PRICES W X , SAL FICKLE, THE JEWELER, Mm 233 MAIN STREET 233 4 $1 -3i BELOW KENYON HOTEL. CLOSE TO. THE FENOS & . |