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Show MILLING GRADES THAT COUNT. 'Sovou Trqughs Has Eoason to Rojolco in Its Low-Grade Ores. From an expression made tho first of the week by Clinton D, Ray, ono of the Seven Troughs pioneers, it is apparent thai this district, which has attracted so many Salt Lako dollars aud hopes, , has more lo depeud on in tho great volumes of milling ores alrnadv disclosed dis-closed than upon the surface resources re-sources of shipping grade. This has been the history of nearly" all .Nevada .Ne-vada camps. The ore, containing thousands thou-sands per Ion. found upon the very surface, has served to attract the attention at-tention of the investor, ami no more sure way of obtaining the world's confidence con-fidence could be provided, but when it comes to an investing proposition, the man who buys mining stock for investment invest-ment purposes takes a long-distance gaze at the proposition. The average investor knows very well that it is the milling grades of rock that are liable to be permanent and lasting. Surface shipments are good things to bring a bit of ready money into tho treasury, but when it I'omcs lo paying dividends it takes development de-velopment work and great bodies of ore. Seven Troughs is to be congratulated congratu-lated upon having such splendiu sur-faco sur-faco showings; it means quick returns, but limited returns when compared with what tho milling grades of rock will produce in years to come. The plans now on foot to build mills to handle tho lesser grades of oro arc hoalthv indications, and they mean that Seven Troughs will likely be a long-term producer and sharer of profits with thoso who bought stock in its companies. |