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Show OUTLINING WORK on en CREEK Rexhurg Men Preparing fo Develop De-velop Property Near Old Viola Mine. TWELVE-FOOT VEIN CARRIES, $125 PER TON Will Run Six-Hiindrcfl-Foot Tunnel to Tap Ledge at Depth. Special to The Tribune. IDAHO FALLS, Ida., Jan. 30. Henry Flamm of Eoxburg and associates asso-ciates are laving out an immense amount of work, for the coming summer They have been working in a. small way for two .years, and in tho course of development work tho average value of the ore taken out has been por ton, carrying copper, gold, silver and a smnll percentage ot uranium. Mr. Flamm ia preparing to run a 600-foot tunnel to tap tho vein at a greater depth, whero oven richer values are expected. ex-pected. A twelve-foot vein has beon uncovered. The property is about twenty miles cast of tho famous old Viola mine. Joe Burger of New Sweden had n sale recently, and will soon move to California. Burrell and Williams, the Shelby butchers, have sold to T. J. Bennett all their interests, including the mca.t market fixtures, along with the three frame buildings and lots in Shelby known as the W. It. Johnson corner. Mr. Bennett has leasod tho property to the Pocatello Mercantile company, and is haying the buildings remodeled. It is said the Pocatello Mercantile company com-pany will open up a. saloon and billiard Sheep on Feed. Numerous herds of shoep have been brought in from the desert lately and placed on winter feed. Tho absence of anJ; great amount of snow in this vi-cinitj' vi-cinitj' has permitted the woolgrowers to keep their sheep longer on the wintor range this year than last. The early snows last year drove the sheep from tho desert earlv in December. Whilo Bishop Thomas was out of town for several days Inst week, the water pipes in his residence froze. When he returned and started a fire " 'P0 . ,8tore an explosion occurred which blew the front, of tho stove through two doors and smashed things generally. Tho pipes were frozen solid, and the steam generated in the water jacket having no place of escape, i!i6 explosion followed. The damage will amount to about $250. |