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Show u.' "Wff No human hand touches 4 D? PlICE'S oesi WHEAT FLAKE CELERY - ij ? m a i FOOD ElJ rom its first process of manu-acture manu-acture until it is served for the gitebe.It is composed of Wheat, 9Kfceleryand Salt. Not a trace of ny other substance. Tts daily Tjse has a tonic and laxative ef- ",'-'- L 10 cents a package. ' Pr sa1e all Grocers rflRIOUS ITCHING f HUMOR ON CHILD i M Weeding Sores Covered Her Whole . Body After an Attack of Measles ' $ I Nursed Every Night for Three ' j ; Weeks Nothing Helped Her, - -I 5THEN CUTICURA MAKES l 30MPLETE CURE IN 5 DAYS i..3jL . ti X. 15 m rajr P'nin my duty to join ' i 1 iose who praise the Cuticura Reme-I Reme-I v?8 lies. After my granddaughter of about Jri fi Beven years had 3 ' H 5". &&f been cured of tho ;t - ' t!?tm measles, she vraa "Tl at tacked about a . 1 'm" K fortnight later by ' rmL ' tflfi fur'ousi itching -1 ' lllffik Jnin painful erup- 't . ffjJYl tin all over hor 1'fV7 -MtN 0-v especially KU Oy ' O) the upper partof BljtJoi -Trv A r "wJeryandbleed-JflK "wJeryandbleed-JflK r i- Jf nS sores, espe-jMr4" espe-jMr4" ' cially undor tho IMwpB. of considerable size. She suffered lJ. 'great deal arid for three 'weeks we EMBurscd her every night, UKing all the (niedfes we could think of. Nothing Q"VWPuld help. We then remembered laying heard so much about Cuticura ggtaediea. "Wo sent for them and after ,F?enty-four hours we noted considerable JJpprovement, and, after utf.ig only one - Jtmpleto Eet of the Cuticura licmedlc3, gpnve consecutive- days the little one, PVfhtoourjoy.had been entirelycured, r 8WJias 'been wel1 for a long time. Mrs. 'V "fc,:R"efenacht' R. F. D.3,BaltersHeld, HUMOR ON FACE sAWUred by Cuticur Remedies jtr 6?. No Return in 20 Years. fon "when a lad of nixtoen, was f flj$lf , with humor on his faco and VvfyiWr using Cuticura Reaiedies he waa or Btljec j rom evety humor and has con-P con-P Ijwmued so to the present time after jgentJ yeai-s have passed. Your Cuti-gBMra Cuti-gBMra Soap has been used In my family PWj several vears and I have faith in tho Jw ra Remedies. A. II. Smith, jmonon, Me., Dec. 1, 1005." ' JsvVlf.mnW awl Jnternl Trfalment lor liQ flSSS at " r mL?,1 ,5tj,rll3,-9hl,tlrfn' an,i Adults. "n tU Buficuranini? ?OT ,26c- 10 Clwnv) the Skin, h KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Two Years Relieved In Three Months. MR. C. B. FIZtJR, ML Sterling, Ky., writes: "I have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble for ten years past. "Last; March T commenced using Pe-runa Pe-runa and continued for three months. I have not used it since, nor have I felt a pain. "T believe that T am well, and I therefore give my highest commendation commenda-tion ro the curative qualities of Pe-runa." Pe-runa." Pc-ru-na For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Goo. II. Siniser, Grant, Ontario, Can., writes: "T had not been well for about four years. I had kiduoy trouble, and, in fact, felt badly nearly all the time. "This summer I got so very bad T thought I would try Peruna, so'T wrote to you and began at once to take Peruna Peru-na and Manalin. "I took only two bottles of Peruna and one of Manalin, and now I feel better than T have for some time. "T feci that Peruna and Manalin cured me and made a different woman of mo altogether. T bless the day I picked up the little book and read of your Peruna." It is the business of the kidneys to rombve from the blood all poisonous materials. They must be active all tho time, else the system suffers. There are times when they need a little, assistance. Peruna is exactly this sort of a remedy. rem-edy. Tt has saved many people from disaster by rendering the kidneys service ser-vice at a time when they were not able to bear their own burden. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1907. The Freshest Coffee Your Grocer Sells BUY A CAIM TODAY. 1907 Rco Touring Car, 20 H. P., $1250. BHAEMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. I PIANOS I 4 High grade and medium, easy payment; ono price only, cash reductions; call-mates call-mates od piano repairing without cost; we do routine and tuning. NEW YORK & WESTBKN PIANO CO.. No. 62 M.nkat St.. noar Post Office. THE LAGOON ROAD Salt Lako aud Ogdon Hallway. j 'Elmon Bamberjor, President uud Genortl Mcnazor. Time Tabl In efl'cct September 4. 1900:, . LEAVE SALT LAKE, 5:50 nd 0 a. w, 1:80, 4:00 and 6:30 p. m- ' 1 LEAVE LAYTOK POli SALT LAKE. j and 10:15 . m.. 2:45, a and 7:45 p. a. 1 I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Absolutely Abso-lutely IlarmlcES. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly per-fectly safe for children lo lake, as it contains nothing harmful. Tor sale by all lending druggists. Mrs. "Margaret "Robertson Kerr and Prof. aieClcllan, assisted by Hugh Dougall, vocalist, will give a pianoforte piano-forte recital in the Salt Lake Theater Saturday evening. February 2. Tickets 50c. On sale at Clayton's Music store. Gossard Corsets. In tho fiossard corset the principle of construction is richt right lor grace, right for health, right for style. "Til BY LACE IX FRONT" All sixes at Tho Charlton Shop. It is undigested food that causes sourness and painful indigestion. Ko-dol Ko-dol For Indigestion should bo used for relief, Kodol is a solution of vegetable vegeta-ble acids. It digests what you eat, and corrects tho deficiencies of digestion. Kodol conforms to tho Nntional Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold hero by Auutec-Brice Drug 0., Main St. , I A GOOD I FIVE-CENT 8 j SMOKE I H When you want a luxurious 0 I smoke for five cents get ono of H Schramm's Havana Sprigs. I Not expensive but good a spo- H clal brand wo have carried for fifteen years and. for which we gj have a very cstensive regular j 3 They aro 5c each, 6 for 25c, or j 3 S2 a box of fifty. SCHRAMM'S I Where the Cars Stop. !j I New 1 Exchange Ind. I I phono 7 86 I I Number ) u" 1 I Five I I Carloads Just Arriving for Our New Addition. 1 !B We Invite You All to Inspect Them. 1 DAYNES-R01NEY J MUSIC COMPANY 25-27 E. Firs! South St. j As White and Pure as Snow, is WARD'S MASSAGE COLD CEEAM You want the best quality to bo had and there cannot bo anything finer than this. In jars at 25c, 50c and 75c. DAYTON DRUG CO. Cor. 2nd South and State streets. HAND SAFOLIO TOR TOILET AND BATH. Fingers roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapolio removes not only tho dirt, but also tho loosened, injurod cuticle and restores tho fingers to their natural bcaut3'. !. j j Give Us 1 Tina contract to take care of your eyesight during the year 1907. Rushmer MAKER AND FITTER. Of perfect eyeglasses. j j 73 West 1st South. 1 Don't fail to visit the UTAH CHAMBER OP COMMERCE, 56-58 W. 3rd South St., permanent exhibit of Utah's resources re-sources and products. , FREE ADMISSION. (L Columbia Phonograph IP&rsfc Co. (General) frjjjjllp 327-329 So. Main. St. Granhophoncs, Rocords and Suppllca Bell, 309?. Ind.. 1G13. Only exclusive tnlldns machine Uou30 In Slate. THOSE BEAUTZFUlo ffctH-fiS) Aliborii TlaU, o notke-ibl" ixmonc fah. tet3i lonlJln women, are produced only by pill Imparia! Hair Regenerator tvw cleaumit and moot Twitinir Hnir lkv$$ Coloriiitf known. IUb easily ivpplltd, ftvJfraliisolntoly harmless, unaffected hy V-S-rrf; bathe. Any Sliiido produced. Sample of hiUr coiorcl free. QgPBCIALCMCMICAL MF0.CO..L15 W.ZidSi-J'Uy Ycrtt. W. S. Hudson, dentist, lias dls covered a new remedy and euro for Pyorrhoea Alvoolarls, (Soro Gums and Looso Teeth). It costs little and docs much. "So he up and doing, lifo is real, Hfo is earnest." I Diamonds! I Sold with a written I j guarantee to refund the I full amount paid for them at the expiration of three years, which J means you can wear 1 I Diamonds Three Years j for Nothing. Reference : Walker! Bros., Bankers. I LSIEGEL, ! : JEWELER AND DIAMOND j BROKER, I 175 . Main. I The Popular Price Jewelry House. THINGS YOU FORGOT I to buy for Christmas may be quickly found and delivered de-livered or shipped if you will look through our stock, which is still replete with the best. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH i "Peacoei" Lump, Nit .md Slack; Anthracite, An-thracite, Charcoal, Smithing Coal, Coke. All the Time. Central Coal & Coke Co "At tho Sign of the Peacock."1 'Phonos 2600. S8 So. Main. You Should use PURE Olive Oil in all salads, aud for medicinal uses ask your phrsician for the name of the brand. We can furnish it. HaDidayDrugCo. Mooting Place for Theatre Parties. S. W. Corner Pirst South and State Streets. Phones 886. Ml III il II II I il II III I I III I I III II I llll ii i I I l j New Exchanges EUREKA, UTAH, t PRESTON, IDAHO. 3 Just Opened. I Best Toll Service in America. b I Utah Ind. Telephone Co. j I Call Ind. 51 for rrtcs. Ui mil in 1 1 1 !ii iiiiiiiii i 1 ii i ii i ii hi iwwf ruih'Viftitf'wrS Picture Frames, I Wall Paper, I PAINT, VARNISH, STAINS, j KALSOMINE, JAP-A- E LAC. I Midgley-Bodel Co. j Wall Paper and Paint Store, 33-35 East First South st. Hill I l 1 MP41WJWBlg!CTWBFreraE DUINK ! IDAN-HA .WATUUAIj L1THIA WATER. "HaVo Erorythlnr OooJ." T. J. Klesel i Co.. On1on. Rleer & Llndloy. Sa.lt Lnlco DItrlbtor. HOTEL METROPOlEl 35 East Third South. MRS. E. M. BUDGETT, Proprietress. Modern In every particular and up to dnte. : NEVER IIOERSQLD I pj IQmnrt Be Repeated, Buy Tomorrow. I jr THURSDAY MORNING PROM 9 I THURSDAY APTERNOON SPE- 1 fSt? TO 12. OIAL FROM 2 TO 5. 1 ffll KUnrS FLEECE LINED I :vC;t) I UNDERWEAR Knee Paals 1 f ' In gray, tan and hrowu ribhed, a 25 dozen in tho lot, including cordu- 1 j! 0( splendid made garment and a Rood roy, mised tweeds and cheviots, a l .-L wearer. Regular valuo 50c. Your good bargain at 65c. To close out I f choice per garment, from , tho lot, Thursday atternoon A ; 9 to 12 at Qd" from 2 to 5, per pair I I j A CHANCE TO BUY REOXBESPREADS AT $1.18 EACH j THURSDAY. j L'sH i 100 fringed and cut-cornored white Bed Spreads, always sold at 4& E ( ;. ! S1.75. Special for Thursday at, each v : , !J In SBOOnSS TAKEN FOR THESE. J j J H zdfcf Special tar Thursday All Day jjj f m . H ' In ur Mi iept' t I T' I Iit Our entire stock of fleece lined and I ft ' Vs. m&) outing flannel wrappers and two-piece 'IH aV lJJTftwV suits to bo closed out. A tremendous ft " JiteffJ. psjOTfvo assortment, light or dark colors. AW iH if!J'7tflwi' numerous variety of styles. None r K ' IH rjFf'' worth less than S1.25 anct up to 1.75. I . 'H Special for Thursday only at a jH ii n 1 1 ii i iwwawflBBMW'i m mmamm:!s(wzms3A l i 'j, l A j See Show Windows for Special Bargains, j ' , I coilinuesalliiioili I n I I FOLLOW THE CROWBS t I nmMamaeasaaa THE I . H 1 p " ' SALT LAKE CITY BREWING 3 ' - 'I 1 'H I COMPANY'S . ' I Sjffife , A HOME PRODUCT ; ; I J ; Superior Qualify 1 H J 0 J JACOB MOMTZ,Geni Manager H V PII0.NB No. 17 I ; H ("KnWvfeN Your Grocer I j gwlji ? . has "The Bread : ? H THE ABOVE ! '"il EVERY LOAF -J' H |