Show Centerville Woman Observes Her 81 st Anniversary 1 In n observance anCe ance of her hr first eighty birthday anniversary Thursday Thursday- Mrs I rs T J T Hyrum Ford of Centerville passed the day da quietly at her home Due nUl to lien her present minor illness only members member of her family called during durin the day A 1 time life resident of Centerville she he was vas born horn February 12 1861 an anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birthday She is the former Etta Cheney daughter of ZaCheus F E. E and Amanda mania Evans E Cheney earl early pioneers of Centerville She and her husband J J. J Hyrum Ford Foret will celebrator celebrate their fifty seventh wedding eddin anniversary late this month They w were cre married February 25 25 1885 Mrs Ford has served many m Years lars as organist for the Center- Center Mile ille I 1 IDS D S Relief society and is isan isan an 11 active member of the Daughters Daug of the Utah Pioneers Sagamore Sag camp amp at Centerville ille Mr Ford who is an and was as once engaged eng in in extensive ing and tiring dairy tir- dairying in ing our hour of seven se sons and dau daughter laugh daugh h- h ter- ter are ire in Ii living hiving The They are arl Mrs Marsus Mar Maron on sus III 1 L E. E of oi Tremonton Mrs 1 rank C C. c.- c. Rich ol oj of Fresno Calif Mrs Earl Farl F F. Hanson Manson and Wesley H H. H Ford both of Center Centerville |