Show I Miss Shirley Day DayIs Is Wedded To Hill Field Officer Back from a Grief brief honeymoon to points in jut Idaho arc Lieutenant I James ames Gj G Walton of Ogden Og and It s true th thc mer 1 Miss iss Shirley I Day of Layton daughter of Mr 11 and Mrs 1 Glen Da Day The bridegroom bride bride- bride j i groom Kroom is a son of Mr 1 and anti Mrs 1 J. J 1 I Walton Valton of Newton Iowa The couple were married J ary 7 in a civil ceremony at Preston Preston Preston Pres Pres- ton Ida with Mr and Mrs l Norman Norman NortHan Nor Nor- man tHan Layton of Layton a as attendants atten atten- dauts 1 Mr r. r and Mrs Layton are also newlyweds The bride wore a smart suit of bei beige e a wool with navy accessories I Lieutenant Walton w who ho is en engaged engaged n en- m in government go defense work at Hill 1111 Field Davis county is a Crad te of Iowa Iona state uni university curd md is is a member of social I The bride has been employed fori fora for a i 1 number 11 of years as o g government tit cn t r noot rk clerk i at Layton Temporarily re residing at Layton the couple will be at home at Og Og- glen g- g len liter after March 1 1 I The I he first of parties of-parties for the brides bride was sis s- s is a show shower sho on Wednesday with Mis u Par Da mother of 1 Mrs rs Walton I il as hostess F Forty lorty rt persons p attended |