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Show GOOD DAY FOR BULLS 1 1EA MARKET Reports of Crop Damage in the Sorthwest Cause of Active Buying in Pit. Cm CAGO, July 18, Wheat prices advanced ad-vanced sharply today on buying brought about by reports of damage to the spring sown crop; at tho close wheat for September Sep-tember delivery was 3c higher. Corn was down 3c; oats showed a gain of iflc; provisions were a shade to 10c higher. The mnrkot opened strong on active buying by commission houses and shorts, which waa based on claims that the wheat crop of Manitoba had been seriously ser-iously Injured by .dry weather. For a time offerings were Hght Toward the noon hour small holders took advantage of the bulge in prices to sell out and secure se-cure profits and cash houses also sold freely, presumably against purchases in the country. This caused a quick decline. de-cline. The market, however, soon recovered recov-ered from the slump on renewed buying by shorts, many of whom had apparently appar-ently oversold on the broak. The market mar-ket closed strong. 'September opened a shade to Jc higher at P35c to 95Bc, advanced to 9-Hc and then declined to 33c. The close was at 94iJ"'f)-llc. September corn opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 53gc to 533c, sold at 531c and then declined to 53c. The. close was at 53i532c. There was an actlvo trade in oats. The market was quiet all day. Results of rust In Iowa was the principal bullish influence. in-fluence. A leading hull was one of tho most aggressive buyers. Soptember opened ifvic to hsPio higher at 38Jc to 38j; sold hotween 3Sic and 3S5339c, and closed strong at 3SRc. Provisions were steady. At the close September pork was up 10c, lard was up 2c and ribs wero a shade higher. RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. July 91 913 fOi 913 Sept 933 91i 93 9-14 Dec 07i flfii 9G5 973 May 1.02i 1.023 1.0H 1.02i Corn July 531 53i 52J 322 Sept 532 531 53 53R Dec 51 51 50J 50fi May 522 523 51$ 52fe Oals May HZ 513 -II 41 July 133 433 133 133 Sept SSI 39 3S1 33g Deo 392 393 39 394 Mess Pork, per barrol Sept 16.-55 lfi.lo lGJ2i 16.J2j Lard, per 100 pounds Sept S.91i 8,95 S.90 S.95 Oct S.975 8.97J 8.97J S.97S Short Ribs, per 100 pounds Sept. S.55 S.60 S.55 R.."i7i Oct S.50 8.55 S.50 S.00 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady; No. 2 spring wheat, 09cf81.0l; No.' 3. 9f(?i99c; No. 2 red. 90913c: No. 2 com. 531(g)53ac; No. 2 yellow, 531534c; No. 2 oats. 133c; No. 2 white. 47ic; No. 3 white. -ISiTj-iOic; No. 2 rye, S5c; good feed-ing feed-ing barley. 50("'55c: fair to choice malting. fi0t??63c; No. 1 Northwestern flax seed, $1.22; prime timothy seed, $-1.65; clover, contract grades. $15,50; short ribs, sides (loose). $S-37iS.621; mess pork, per bbl.. $16.25(jJ'16.37i; Inrd, per 100 lbs., SS.72i; short clear sides (boxed), ?S.759.00; whisky, basis of high wines, "1.31. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 17,300 20.600 Wheat, bushels .. 31,200 5.S0O Corn, bushels 279.900 507.000 Oat?, bushels 160,500 116,900 Ryo. bushels 3,000 Barley, bushels .. .. 12,100 2,2Cf0 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On the produce oxchango today tho huttor market was steady; creameries, 2125c: dairies, lSi'22"iC. Eggs, firm; at mark, rases included, lli'Sf-l ie; firsts. 1-Hc: prime firsts, lSJc. Cheese, steady; 12J13c. Minneapolis Wheat. . MINNEAPOLIS. July 18. Wheat September. OSJSSJc; Dccomber, 09g5f 99ie; No. 1 hard, Jl.OlirgJl.Ol? ; No. 1 northern. $1.00k(31.00"'; No. . 2 northern, 97i'y'97c; No. 8 northern, 915J96C St, Louis Wool. FT. LOUIS, July IS. Wool Stoady ; medium grades, combing and clothing. 25 (f'26c; light fino. 2223c; heavy tine, 17g 18c; tub-washed. 29(360. |