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Show SUGAR COMPANIES ARE SOW HSBUOATEfl Stockholders of the Three Concerns Con-cerns Approve the Articles of Incorporation. 4' 4- 4 The stockholders of the Utah, 4 4 Idaho and Western Idaho Sugar 4- 4 companies met in tho local of- 4 4 fioes Thursday afternoon and 4 4 approved the now articles of in- 4 4 corporation in which tho three 4 4 companies arc consolidated. 4 4 This is the final step in tho 4 4 matter of consolidation, and the 4 4 identity of tho three sugar 4 4 companies of Utah and Idaho is 4 4 lo6t in the organization of tho 4 4 more pretentious concern. The 4 4- consolidation was mado in ac- 4 4 cordaucc with the plan sub- 4 4 mittcd by tho board of dircc- 4 4 iors of tho reapectivo compa- 4 4 ' nios, a syuopsis of which lias 4 4 b;ou published at divers times. 4 4 Tho stockholders of the thrco 4 4 companies mot at different 4 4 hours during the afternoon, 4 4 and each body vot?d separately. 4- 4 Hereafter tho company will bo 4 4 known as the Utah-ldnho Sugar 4 4 company. 4 4- ' 4 |