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Show AGAINST A COMMISSION Commercial Clubs of Idaho Towns Oppose Op-pose Gov. Gooding's Scheme. Special to The Tribune. BOISFi, rda Jan. 2S. Resolutions against a railroad commission, as recommended recom-mended by Gov. Goodinp, are being adopted by commercial clubs and simitar simi-tar organizations in various parts of the State, and it is clearly evident that the people generally arc stroncty opposed op-posed to the creation of sucn a commission. com-mission. The following one adopted by the Oakley Commercial club shows now the people feel on the matter: Be It resolved by the Oakley Commercial Commer-cial club. That, according to our information infor-mation nnd best judgment, it would be unwise and Improper for our State Legislature Leg-islature to pass and enact Into law the bill now pending and known as the State Dnll....l I.. l till i """npiiu jiiiiimbiiii ijiii, as, in our opinion, the benefit to be derived from such a bill would not begin to be equivalent equiva-lent lo the Injury such a measure will undoubtedly prove to the development of our young Slato. For these and many other reasons we are opposed to the proposed pro-posed bill nnd sincerely hope that It may not become law. Petitions and resolutions of this character char-acter are pouring in on members of tho Legislature from their constituents. |