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Show I " Jjc Pali iukt ifilmni!. i Issued ovory mornlnpr ly Bait T.nlse Trlhuno Publishing Company. ' TERMS OV SUBSCRIPTION. Daily and Sunday Trlbuno, week...? .2o Dally find Sunday, ono month 1.00 Dally and Sunday, llireu months... 3.00 Dally anl Sunday, one year 12.00 , Sunday Trlbuno, ono year 2.00 i Sunday Tribune, six months 1.00 , Semi-Weekly Tribune, one year,. . l.aO S. C. Beckwlth, Special Agency, Solo Eastern Advertising Agent. Eastern office. Tribune Building. New York; Wcfit-ern Wcfit-ern ofllco. Trlbuno Building. Chicago. Business communications uhotild be addressed: ad-dressed: "The Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah." , Matters for publication, to "Editor The Tribune, Salt l.aka City. Utah." Where Tho Trilnmo Is On Sals, Murray, Utah Excelsior Stationery Co., Ind. phone 177-1. Provo, Utah A. V. Robison, 27 East Cen- tcr street New York Arthur Hotallng. Broadway and Thirty-eighth street: Waldorf-Astoria; Waldorf-Astoria; Imperial Hotel. Philadelphia Ryan's Ticket Office; Wn. SenokoiY. Chicago Palmer House; Auditorium Hotel; Ho-tel; O. E. Barrett; Empire News Stand. , , . Wa.ihlnnton New Willard: Raleigh; Becker & Orndorff, 1427 Pcnn. Ave. Otnalia Union Station News Stand. Kansas City M. T. Wright, 612 Main street; Yoma News Co. Portland Oregon News Agency. Los Angeles Alexandria Hotel: B. E. Amos. . , . Ban Francisco Hotel St. Francis: Foster & Orcar. Ferry Building; Parent s Stationery Co. , Seattle W. C. Ellis; J. R. Justice; Wll-con-McVey Co. , tienver Brown Palaco; Kcndrlck Book and Stationery Co.; Julius Black; H. P. Hanson , , . Boise Idanha Hotel; Boise Book and MtiFlc Co. Pocatello Chaffee & Company. Ely Thos. OdaJovtch: Ely Reading Room. Las Vegas Wilson Drug Company. Rhyolltc Sam H. Sncars. Goldfleld Hunter Stationery Co.; Ij. Polln. Tonopah . H. Rounsevell; Sherman & Oldfathcr. .Ttntto John G. Evans; Kcefe "Bro?. Entered at the Postofflce at Salt Lake City ns second -class matter. Tribune Telephones. Ask for clthor Bell 4CC0. 4GB1. 46M. 4SG3 or 4C4. Ind. 360. 3SI or 34S for all de-partmenta de-partmenta of the paper. Tuesday, January 20, 1907. |