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Show TALISMAN m CAR OFRESOURCESEN ROUTE Beaver County Company Sends First Shipment From the Mine Friday. Consulting Engineer P. .T. Donahue, of tho Talisman Mining company, returned re-turned Monday morning from Beaver county, and tho Teports he brings for the local stockholders arc encouraging in the extreme. Mr. Donahue states that whilo at the mine Friday tho first shipment ship-ment for tho local market "was plncod aboard tho wagons, and as soon as this consignment -will have boon disposed of another of similar character "will follow fol-low to the valley smelters. Mr. Donahue is great ly ploascd -with tho developments upon this Beaver county property, although the dolay in securing tho heavy equipment has served to greatly om'bnrrass operations. This cquipmcnl,howovcr, is on tho way to tho mine at lhis time from this city, and upon its irstallat'on the manage meat -will hi able to handle its resources re-sources and make bettor progress in the developing o; other ores as well. When acked Monday how far the main body has boon itcvcloped on the 225-foot level, Mr. Donahue stated that tho Talisman property had followed it for 40 feet along the strike, and that exactly the same ore was known to exist ex-ist on the same level J00 feet away, and whilo he would not undertake to state that the entire distance would be of such a grade of ore, ho felt that such might be the case upon development. develop-ment. The character of ore being sent to market by this companj- is identical with that. .from tho Codar company's ground adjoining, containing exlremclj-rich exlremclj-rich silver aud lead values. San Francisco Copper Lettor. .Tames J. Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, 6 West Second South street, furnish the following mining letter, received re-ceived from San Fraucisco. ovor their private wire. 3'cstorday afternoon: "Today's "To-day's market appcarod to be a little stronger and the trading shows a bet- iny vnln-n T1,. T3ll J T 1. T- ;"'unn.. jjtn inu ijujjiuu in tension were the principal features of tho regular board, about 25,000 of the former being handled botween 30 and 33. and over G000 of the latter between 237 V and 245. The principal feature of the Manhattan list -was tnc reported strike in MuBtang, which drove that stock up to 30c. Taking the market as a whole, the appearance is a little better." Ore Shipments. The Pioneer sampler released the following fol-lowing number of enrs of ore Monday: Utah, S: Nevada, 2. ( The Taylor and Brunton sampler rc-cascd rc-cascd the following: Utah, 22: Ida-ho, Ida-ho, 1. Ore and Bullion. Tho ore and Tmllion receipts for Mon-dn-, given by McCornick & Co -were s follows: Ore, $68,000; bullion, ;?26,-000. ;?26,-000. ' The Metal Market. The metal quotations for Monday posted by McCornick & Co., wero as follows: Silver, 6S&c; lead, .$6; copper, cop-per, 24 Vic 1 Mining Notes. W. G. Page, tho mining engineer who has been sipk for several days, was able to bo at his desk a while yesterday-. Superintendent Sappington, of "the Cyclone Mining company, was in tho city Sunday from the property at Stockton. Stock-ton. i Wm B Jeffs, one of the extensive Co-timbus Co-timbus Consolidated stockholders, is in the city on mining business. Mr. Jeffs is. the brother of Lewis A. Jeffs, the mining engineer. D. C Willyjms, of the National Development De-velopment company, and formerlv with the Annie Launo companj'. is 'in tho city on mining businoss. J. A. .lacobson? manacror of flm f t,on company, expects to leave today lor the Ely properties of the company to mako an inspection of tho developments during his absence Superintendent Gibbs. of ,tho Gold Butte company writes the local oflico lrom the Eureka group, recently puV ch.sed by he company, that it has a quisition PrPcy this new ac-Frank ac-Frank A. Bird rffid Charles S, Cowan SfeWih? v1(T e?en-nce- the for-' mcr at tho Anchor mine and the latter at tho Washoe smelter, have started an assay oflico at 160 South West Temple Tem-ple street of this city. A. L. Jacobs, the well-known broker has returned from a several months5 trip o Europe and the Eastern coast Mr. .Jacobs found New York City in a very receptive mood for Utah miiin? properties. "iminf. At tho Salt Lake Hardware company com-pany s store the ore exhibit from t o lenngton district is on display. aml on Monday it, attracted considerable S tention on the part of visitors. It i, doubtful U ever a more l.rillitint red mel.nl display was made anywhere iu the western countrv. J IU At tho recent director's mril r the Addie Mining company" at' Tfntic a projiosition was made Mm n for a 'substantial bloof 1 e gffi stock, the sale of same to furnish niS quate funds for a complete dewini, Z of the property. The ddie lmPmont into tho public cazo fh 8p?0 did aclnevcmcn s unon such n. p- l" tenet f" S& |