Show Boston Coppers Pirm TRIBUNE SPECIAL Boston Mass April 0The copper jnarlcet llko that in New York showed a tendency to Improve and prices were generally on a better level until the an nouncement of the Northern Securities decision When traders became active sellers and prices tumbled rapidly Traders were Inclined to look for a bet ter market over the holidays but the high rates for money together with the weakness in Amalgamated had a hail effect on the market Slacks were fair ly well taken on the decline but the I buyers were not eager for them After the pressure was removed prices rallied fractionally where they closed Horn blower Weeks brokers 53 State street Boston and 10 Wall street New York furnish the following quotations Sales IliRh Low Clone AmalgW ClCTi M < 2J 6 1300 Klfil 1 Blngham 235 IOr0 2021 JtOW Dab Wubt 16o lUll < 4o0 400 Mercur 930 1 IJG J 17M2 1 1732 Utah lfell 2S7B U73716 2SOO U S 3750 1M75 2173 2123 Curb Boston 54504S74 |