Show BIBDRNIANS IN CONFERENCD I onte5t for Presidency bsorbLng Topic Among Deegatcs Denver Jtdy iTimree imun1red and twcmttyLwo ieicgtttcs rcpresentimtL tytwo States Ctnuda tnd Mexico aroma aro-ma mm It endonce i t t ito biennitt I comtvcn Lion of LimO Ancient Order of Iiibermiiamu in peLion Iii tiliR city lime conteSt forth for-th presidency Is time uinorblng topic amnong time deiegnton Thcro arc three emimuhimlaicti 1mm the lieu John Ji Ryan of BomUjmm Vatrici ONeiil of ihtibutCilmltta ntmcl James JI loian of Syracttin N YON Y-ON iii lmti Lime umtited tupport of the Pcnnylvu1tiI New lersoy uul IeimLWarc i1eiegrttiotm witicim vci e I ito mat to arrive imaving been deinyoti elgitteeti itottrs by rititroad visimotmti lime rejmort if the comniitee on creden thmmia sas received and tidopted itt time morning RcioJ1 of time convetitton and a recetu tvtms titemi makem untii afternoon Tim ltCt Peter C YoricO of Smut Iitit cisco who im NptctCd to tniu imp the flht of rtther I ienehrv for rtnHtate inemit its tcnciter ut Caeth at the Wnsh lngton I1mivPr4tty watt uilnihtted to a tmcat without bJeet1umi The iitiittt nttxiitary today elected the following oficorm Cimnirnutti Mhts Kaihi erymi F Sheridan of tmcmstchtsett iac ietary Miss Mice L Keatirmg of dinne Otn ieiittiiei i is SacLtIt I Ciari of Denver imergxintitnrtn Miss Fiecmnor IeConmt of Conmtectlcttt Tita uCttrmmron tetahon was devoted vitoll L rOut iou mmtmm L I tr fiUt It ci octal rocort tr Irebidimit Jiimt F CeatImtg which inut IICn zciiecltcied i bitt a fLee noutm vimt iii otr itttt i LotnorrmJw J oImrnnmtm1t ot tC chily vms taifemi HL io ocioci rb VCmIiid the crnuii iflmtmitlCL iwld at Ito iimt1or itoUi Quite a mttormn rmmu Iltrentemiect sritcmt IL yfl5 ttnmmntimmctti thttit owItd to t 1ii iie8L ncmmnher of chiic ma tes Present byimi the C1iipCit of any lAztntmt bait lit Lime it itncl been do clued to CXCidtdId tilt iddhiet Jitc lvtm Ilnaily 1eStPCtI hy tViliItg It mparn Lu JttC ii frir time adto8 hit cictotimur lcmtii i4 |