Show FIGHTING TO GET DOWN W S McConiick Tells of Efforts at Rescue V S McCornlck was one of those who hurried to Turk City on the special spe-cial train when the news reached this city The others who wont up wore Mayor Thompson Judge Dlckson J D Wood Dr Hoot Dr Ilummcr and Ernest JVunbergcr The special train loft the Rio Grande depot at islin I am and made ihe i trip In i the remarkable lime of 1 hour and 10 minutes Park City was reached at five minutes af tem I nOn n-On our arrival at Park City Mr McCorniok said wo started at once for the mine There vmts little excitement ex-citement the saloons had boon closed by 1 It proclamation of the Mayor and all business wns at a standstill On time road up to the t mine which Is two miles from the city we met Ihe wagons wag-ons bringing the bodies of tho dead mon down to the city There wns nothing in Ihe I actions of the people to give the Idea that nn awful catastrophe catas-trophe hall befallen the community and nobody seemed at that I time to have a very clear Idea of what had occurred or of the extent of the calamity calam-ity Whon wo arrived at the mIne twenty twen-ty bodies had boon taken from the Daly West and six from the Ontario and it vas said that at least four dead men were still in the Daly West The Idea prevailed that this was the extent ex-tent of the accident Everybody was at work doing all In their power In the work of rescue Most of the deaths wore caused by l poisonous gases The men would come out of the mine very sick and we were told that t two or throe died after they were taken out into the jmre air It was nearly 2 oclock In the mornIng morn-Ing when the people of Park City were apprised of the accident The report first came from the mouth of the tunnel tun-nel where a horse was killed by the force of the explosion In a few minutes min-utes there as a crowd about the Daly West shaft people from the city and from the neighboring mines I There were hundreds of brave men lighting to go down In the cage as fist as it came up One oi1 the cages seems to have been wrecked by the explosion and this interfered greatly with the mork of rescue Many of the rescuers were overcome with the deadly gas that seemed to fill the mine and had to be I brought out One of tho sad features was that it least two of the rescuers died in making I efforts to rescue their brother miners Nothlncr definite could be learned as to how the accident happened The Impression prevailed that a can of powder pow-der must have been dropped in the magazine or that some one must have gone in with a lighted candle T dont know how much powder was in the mine but I was told that there were several tons of It No there was no serious damage to the property of the I mine so far as I was able to learn I and I cant say anything as to the liability lia-bility of the company Of course there are always suits for damages when accidents of this kind occur and there will be no exception In this case hut I no one can tell at this time what will be done along this line I Mr McCornlck was worn out from the effects of the excitement and the unusual exertion He hurried out of bed at 1 oclock In the morning and from that lime to the time the special train got back in the afternoon he with the others of the party was on the jump He expressed the deepest regret over the accident but was not prepared to attach any blame to anyone any-one |