Show INJUNCTION CASE SET Healing Will Bo Had on Tuesday S May 21st Yesterday Judge Rolapp sot for hoar lag tho injunction case of Jones ct ahvs Browning ct aL tho water sulU Tho case will be heard Tuesday the 21st Judge lilies and H 11 Henderson will defend the case for the city while tile plaintiffs will bo represented by Judge Maglnnls Judge Bagicy A J Weber and others Reformers Are Moderate Rev J W Taylor is authority for the statement that there will no radical or sweeping demand made upon die Mayor in the campaign against vice He states however that gambling must go The matter will bo brought up at a meeting to be held this evening fit tile Tabernu clo and time meeting will vote upon the adoption or rejection of a resolution In corporaiing the demand of the reformers Should the resolution carry it is understood under-stood that time Mayor will be called upon to see that the gambling halls are closed slot machines abolished saloons closed on Sunday and that minors bo prevented fromenterlng these places i Entertain the Knights MaJGcn J R Carnahan and Brig Qen George W Powell of the Uniform Rank Iv oC P wcro in Ogden yesterday and were emcrtalned by the local Knights The visitors were taken for a drive up Iho canyon and banqueted Bond Forfeited J C Cramwell arrested on complaint of citizens of Huntsville charged with obtaining money under false pretenses did nol appear for trial yesterday tad his bond VIH declared forfeited A trunk belonging to Cramwell and loft with tho court ns part BCCI rity on the bond was opened and found to contain every do serlpllon of cheap Jewelry ll will probably prob-ably bo sold at auction S Ogden Briefs Lolo Fuller comes lo timer GrandUlriday evening S Moslah Evans of ProVo was in Ogden yesierday en route toCorlnnc Alaruo grist of vpgs and drunks were tlisposed of by Ppllcc Judge Hall yesterday yester-day Julius Klejcl won a horseand buggy raffled by Jack Murdoch lost night The lucky number was 19S Yesterday a marriage license was Issued lo Heber II Scowcroft 33 and Ida Pill grce 21 both of Ogden They will bo married In tile Tcmplo at Salt Lake today to-day The McKlnlcy reception committee mot last evening but nothing was done beyond be-yond receiving a telegram from Secretary Secre-tary Cortclyou oayinp that the Itinerary of the President could not be changed |