Show It seems by the news from Cuba that the visit of the commission to Washington has absolutely cleared the atmosphere of that Island that the commissison has been able to report re-port at home that the Americans are the same great race that they Bought they were when they came to their rescue and drOve old Spain out of the island that there Is no disposition on the part of the Government or of most of tho people to throw obstacles in their way or to annex their Island to the United States that the restrictions restric-tions required in the Judgment of the American people are Just what Cuba needs to have done on to Insure her own safety and peace The old confidence and goood will seem all to have come bock A large majority of the convention con-vention favor acquiesenco In the Platt amendment and Gen ts Wood who was beginning to lose presTTge has fully regained his former popularity The truth Is that those people are half children and there Is no way to dqal fl l successfully with them except through an unvarying kindness but based on a firmness that will not give way to any of their whims |