Show CLAIMS A CONFIDENCE GAME Eymundsson Says Magnuson Passed Confederate Bill on Him Provo May H Slgfus ISymundsson hast has-t commenced suit against rh rev Mag nuson In Justice Andersons court to recover re-cover 100 and Interest the legal raCe Interest besides X O attorneys fee Tho fwts in the case as set forth by the plaintiff aro vorypeculiar t Isaicl that Magnuson who Isa resident of Spanish Fork in 1S9S went ona vlsl to his moWer country Iceland nnd meeting EyniundBsoii1 there found that the latter was thinking leaving the old country to coniQ to Utah The rfcfqrtdarit had an I old tlW Confederate bilrwith lilm and proffered to oxcljunsQ IL foi a like J amount Pf the inoney of Iceland Ey j mundsson knowing tbPX vthe United I States money was tho proper thing to have in Utah traded for tho bilL Ho still haa that ConedcralobII and now asks judgment against Magnuson for 100 In payment for the money secured In faraway far-away Iceland A Minister Has Smallpox ML Pleasant May 14Rcv G H Smith tile M E minister of this city camo in on tho train today from Salt 7 Lake and was taken In tow by the quar tntlno physician rt tho < postoJllce ho having a welldovclopcd case of smallpox ard has no doubt exposed a number of people Unless moro care Is used by peo j po who have the djscaso there Is no T tolling when or where it can bo checked Until this case developed Jc was supposed sup-posed to bo about stamped out here but there Is no telling how many people were posed today Governor Wells WJ11 Help Provo May 14The City Council last i evening appointed Apostle Reed Smoot R R Irvine Sr Col C J2 T ooao and Acting Mayor J II McBwan ns a committee com-mittee to secure If possible a halfhours visit la the Garden City ofPresident Mc Klnjcv and party ns they pass through Got Wells has promlHcfd tolund his influence in-fluence to the proposition and If successful success-ful the citizens will spare no time or montv rtAhjir rcccplfon |