Show Anson Call Family 2nd Bountiful Settler Observe his Birth Day DayOn I Inow On May keeping a custom now 90 years old four of the time daugh and three of the time sons of Anson An n Anson son Call a pioneer of 1848 met in the time home of Aaron Call of Ogden together with their wives and cele cele- celebrated celebrated the time anniversary of their fathers father's birth Patriarch Anson B. B B Call whose I home is is in Mexico visited the time old homestead a month ago He called I a meeting in Bountiful which was attended by 50 SO of the family He was the only one on one of Anson Calls Call's I children who was not present at this Ogden meeting Samantha Call Can I Mann of of Salt Lake City now past 82 years of age is the time oldest and Sarah Call Barlow of Bountiful 73 years old is the youngest Among Amons the time first generation there isn't a musician there isn't a I. I preach preach- preacher er er there isn't a doctor and there isn't a politician Lucina Call says saS My My I How Very Ordinary Why Vh there wasn't even a pretty prett girl but you yon youcan youcan can find every kind in the second generation Willard Villard is a veteran of the time Span Span- ish-American ish war David has held his family together in one concern They arc are successful farmers and 1 market gardeners Cynthia Call Can says she has success success- successfully successfully successfully fully kept her lier name out of the time columns of the time and nd she s e objects to being named In m this tins article y 4 y- y M. M t |