Show I KAYSVILLE Mrs LeMont Bueler and Mrs Glen entertained the officers and teachers of the Kaysville first ward primary at their regular monthly meeting on Monday even even- evening evening ing ng at the home of Mrs Miss Irma Webster recently return returned ed cd from the California mission mis ion was the special guest Mr and Mrs LeRoy G. G Webster and sons Jay Maurice and Doug Doug- las spent Sunday in Brigham City as guest of Mrs Websters parents Mr and Mrs Joseph epperson Miss Alta AHa Cottrell daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Cottrell is is still undergoing treatment at the L LD LD LD D S hospital Mr and Mrs Lamar Green arc are the proud parents of a son born May 6 Mother and son are arc doing I nicely Mrs James and daughter Jannett in Kaysville Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Glen Stuart and sons Dean and Val J J. J were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Wlford H H. Webster Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Wallace Vallace King Mr I and Mrs Olene King and Mr V. V H H. King attended the funeral ser ser- service service service vice of Parley King Ling held at Antim Antim- ory Or Utah Sunday Mrs Golden J. J Webster and daughter Goldia spent Sunday as guest of Mrs Webster parents Mr and Mrs Bert Warren at Center Center- ville Mr and Mrs Conley Watts and andi i three sons s ns moved to Logan where they will make their home for the summer slimmer Miss Jean J an Flint daughter arc are Mr and Jessie B. B Flint was home over the week-end week Miss Flint is a ste ste- stewardess ste- ste stewardess I warde s on the United Air Line Mr and Mrs LeRoy Stuart of Clearfield visited relatives in Kays Kays- Kaysville yule ville Sunday Mrs Rulon Barnes underwent an operation in the th L 1 D S hospital an Tuesday morning Mr l and Mrs Vaynard Waynard Bennett and children spent Sunday in Og Og- Ogden Ogden den at the home of Mr and Mrs Oscar Gertsen Mrs W. W E. E Barton is in the L D DS DS DS S hospital undergoing treatment Mrs 1 Dale Grant and daughter Diania spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Ernest Grant of West Vest Bountiful Mrs Lois Stevens Mrs Mary Roberts and Mrs John Graham motored to Morgan and spent Sun- Sun Sunda Sunda Sunday da day afternoon visiting relatives Mr and Mrs Don Wiser and children of Ogden were Saturday evening guests of Mr and Mrs A. A A.M. A.M. A.M. M. M Barnes Mr Arthur Swanger and daugh daugh- daughters Merle Merie and Virginia from Gar- Gar Garfield Garfield field visited relatives relatives and and friends in Kaysville Sunday Funeral services for Mrs Effie Effic Newman Reeves 73 of Kaysville was conducted Friday at 1 p. p p m. m in Larkin and Sons funeral chapel in Ogden Service was directed by Bishop Hubert C C. Burton of the Kaysville first ward Mrs Reeves a resident of Kaysville for many years ears died at 7 a. a m. m Wednesday at the family home She had been ill for several months Mrs Reeves wa wac Mar 1 69 in Eng Eng- England England England land a daughter 01 o r John and Lydia Kayne Newman In Jn 1896 1894 she came cameto to Kaysville and on February 28 1896 she was married in the Salt Lake L D S temple A number of the Kaysville first ward she had served as a member of the North Davis stake primary association board and as a primary teacher for more than 30 years ears She also was very active as a teacher in mutual improvement and Relief society or organizations or-I or or- or organizations I and for many years she was an active member of the Bay View Literary club of which she was a charter member Surviving Surviving Surviving ing are arc the following sons and daughters Muriel and Frank I. I Reeves of Kaysville Newman Reeves of Huntington Park Cali Cali- California California fornia Cornia and Mrs John E. E Dahlstrom of Copperton seven grandchildren and one sister Mrs Florence Gar- Gar Garrett Garrett rett of England Burial was in in the Kaysville and Layton cemetery |