Show OP A Allows i Extra Sugar Sugar- JO For Canning Sets 25 Pounds As Limit For Each Individual Individuals may obtain up to 25 pounds of sugar apiece for home canning and freezing of or this sea sea- seaSons seaSon's sons son's fruit crop on and after Majr M 15 15 and this limit may include up to five pounds of sugar apiece for jams jellies and preserves 0 O P A A. announced Monday The sugar for home canning will willbe willbe be allotted on substantially the as last year year that that is is one one- on pounds Tor br or each four quarts or eight pounds of the finished prod prod- Although home canned foods I include primarily those that the housewife puts up in her kitchen for fat the use of her family anyone who contributes the ingredients or orthe orthe orthe the equipment or part of the labor required r for home canning opera opera- operations operations may consume the food pro pro- produced produced produced without surrendering ration points I These provisions said Admin Admin- Administrator I Prentiss Brown are in keeping with my preliminary an announcement an- an anI I that 0 O P A would I make enough h sugar available so soI that housewives can take the fullest I advantage of the new fruit crop and provide their th ir tables with gen- gen genI I erous home-canned home supplies of i these important foods The more fruit and vegetables vegetables- put up at home the less less- demand there will be on the limited civilian supply of commercially packed foods I earnestly appeal to those who home can fruits fruits and and vegetables to use use- their ther processed foods rations sparingly It must be remembered that millions of war workers and others in essential industries have neither the time nor the facilities to put up fruits and vegetables at at home They must depend entirely on commercially foods Every can of the commercial pack that is sav say saved saved sayed ed for these folks through home canning is a direct and important contribution to our war effort We Ve can run the total into hundreds of million of cans Lets Let's do it IL Local boards will receive written applications on and after May 15 1 No special form is required unless it is planned to sell the home prod prod- product product net and application may be made in person p or by mail The applicant must must furnish the following 1 A copy cop of war var ration book No 1 for each person for whom home canning sugar is 15 sought 2 The total number of quarts or pounds of finished fruit to be put up 3 The amount of sugar to be used for making mak ng jams and jellies not more than five pounds per person within the pound 25 maxi maxi- maximum mum The board will vill record the num num- number number number ber of pounds of sugar granted each person on the cover of his or or her war ration book No 1 I Home canning sugar allotments under the new program will be in inthe inthe inthe the form of sugar allowance cou cou- coupons coupons' coupons pons pans in denominations of f 1 I 3 5 S Sand and 10 pounds Housewives thus can spread s read their sugar buying over the entire canning season Each su sugar su- su sugar sugar gar allowance coupon will be mark mark- marked ed with the serial number of war ration book No 1 I and the book No 1 I and the book itself must be pre pre- presented presented presented to the retailer for checking whenever a sugar allowance coupon is spent |