Show r r r J More Eggs Per Hen More Milk Per Cow I More Corn Per Acre I Agricultural Science Now Fully Mobilized Science hitched bitched to the plow Is one of the main reasons for Americas America's astonishing food productivity Day by day the department of agriculture ture lure in operation co-operation with state col colleges c col- col colleges leges of agriculture and experiment stations Is carrying the results of research into practical application on the nations nation's six million farms A task force made up of some county agents home demon demon- demonstration demonstration agents H 4 4 H club leaders and specialists takes the findings of science science ence to the farmer Practically ev every every ery one of the th country's agri agri- agricultural agricultural cultural counties is served by a county agent of the agricultural ex ex- extension ex- ex extension tension service Food food and still more food That sums up the Food for Free Free- Freedom Freedom dom program In 1943 19 8 per percent percent cent more eggs over o 25 billion pounds of meat billion pounds of milk No technique making for more ef efficient orient farming or scientific fact that Y x b Lawrence Boyd a Lafayette Ind farmer devotes considerable of his acreage to corn He lie is shown here planting it will vill help increase the total food sup sup- supply ply ly is being overlooked Even such sucha a simple practice as giving a cow drinking linking water with the chill taken oft off ft of it on a cold winters winter's day can help boost milk production The practice of milking three times a aay aday aday day ay instead of two if generally fol fol- followed lowed owed and combined with feeding three tree times a day for only a day 90 90 day period would increase production sufficiently y to meet 1943 goals In a recent feeding test with cows that had lad production records of around pounds of milk a year in in- increases creases in the milk output as high highs as s 23 per cent resulted from feeding more grain |