Show CLEARFIELD r The local Relief society held its annual March social in the ward chapel last Tuesday last Tuesday afternoon with president Katharine Parker in charge The lesson on Bible Dible lit literature lit lit- literature was given there was wasa a a short program including including-a a a talk on Relief society organization by President Parker and two musi musi- musical musical musical cal numbers The Flag FIig Without a Stain and Friendliness rendered by a chorus composed of Susie Nel Nelson N Nelson el elson son Golda Barlow Rachel Larson Mary Blood and Effie Effic Henrie accompanied ac ac- accompanied accompanied companied on the piano by Mrs Wilkins Luncheon consisted of salad rolls pickles and slices of light and dark cake Guest speaker at the West Vest Point ward chapel last Sunday evening was Mr Davis one of the contractors contractors contractors tors who helped build the Alaskan an highway Several from our town at attended attended attended tended the interesting meeting George E. E Holt returned several days ago from a a trip tri to St St. Louis Missouri where he lie went to attend the wedding of his son Allen S. S Holt and Patricia Dee Dec Doyle of St. St Louis Eldon Barlow Darlow local merchant re received a telephone call late Sunday evening from his brother Lieuten Lieuten- Lieutenant ant Wilmer Vilmer Barlow Darlow who is in in training train training training ing at camp Hood Texas Mrs Mary Heiner and her par par- parents parents parents Bishop ishop and Mrs David Stoker motored to Brigham City Sunday where they spent the day as guests of Mr and Mrs Vernal Harris Mr and Mrs Jesse Layton visit visit- visited visited visited ed Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs Arvil Sessions Little Gary Duncan of Salt Lake City spent several days this past week we k with his grandparents Mr I and Mrs Carl B. B Green The child I is the son of Mr and Mrs Joe Dun Dun- can Frederick N N. Clark who has been employed as a clerk in Barlow and Sons store during the winter months has returned to work on his farm His brother Nathaniel Clark of Ogden will take his place in the store Larry Wilcox student at the U U. SA S SA SA A C has been home this past week with his parents Mr and Mrs Emery Wilcox Mr and Mrs Dewey Dewcy Phagan and andI andson andson I son Kenneth have ha returned from a weeks week's trip to Riverton Wyom ing They went to Wyoming so that Kenneth 18 could report for forwar forwar forwar war service The youth has a ten furlough Miss Lavinia Anderson of Kays Lays Kaysville Kaysville Laysville ville visited last Friday with her sister Mrs Ellen Forbes They at at- attended attended attended tended a picture show in Ogden Jay Layton serving with the U US US US S tank corps somewhere in North Africa reports that he lie is O. O 0 K His parents Mr Air and Mrs Jesse Layton received a letter from him Sat Sat- ur ay March Frank Brown Drown with the armed forces formerly stationed in the Canal Zone has been transferred to duty somewhere on the high seas according to word recently received by his mother Mrs Dolly Brown Drown oil w Robert L. L L Smith serving in the Marines and in training at Ocean- Ocean Oceanside Oceanside Oceanside side California arrived home the latter part of the week for a brief bricf r furlough and visit with his wife and parents Mr and Mrs C. C L. L Smith Mrs Maralda J. J Hanks her daughters daugh- daugh daughters Mrs Gladys Simpson and Mrs Mrs' 4 V Phylis King and Miss Colleen King left lett Wednesday and returned Sunday Sun Sun- Sunday day of last week from a trip to Bur 4 1 ley Idaho where they visited with Mr l and Mrs Austin Hanks Mr and and Mrs r Augustin Hanks Mr Mfr and Mrs Paul V w Wilcox x and Mrs W. W G. G Holt Mrs Rachel Anderson of N phi Utah was vas a guest several days this i past week at the home of her son- son law in and daughter Mr and Mrs Verno Barlow Darlow i Perry Smith training with the U S armed forces in Maryland l re- re recently visited Washington D. D C. C While there he was the dinner guest of Mr and Mrs Milton Bar Bar- low Mr r. and Mrs Nephi Wallace Vallace and little son Jerry left by train for their home in Pasadena California last Saturday morning Mrs Wal Val Wallace Wallace Vallace lace and Jerry left by train for their home in Pasadena California last Saturday morning Mrs Wal Val Wallace Wallace Vallace lace and Jerry had been visiting a month with her law brother and sister Mr and Mrs Le Roy Flippen Mrs Wallace Vallace came three weeks later for a short visit and to accompany his family back to the coast r Mrs l Kay Huntsman small daughter Delma Kay and new 0 baby son Michael arrived by train Sunday morning from Overton Nevada Ne where they had spent a number of weeks as guests of Mrs Huntsman's parents Mr and Mrs T. T B. B Woodham They were met atthe at atthe atthe the Clearfield 0 O S L depot by Mrs Maxine Mrs Alice Barlow and a d Mrs Winnifred Barlow Darlow visited last Sunday Sun Sun- Sunday Sunday day afternoon in Syracuse with Mrs Irs Samuel Thurgood Mrs Edella Smith was released as Relief society organist at Tues Tues- Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday day meeting of the organization and Mrs Lavinia Wallace Vallace was appointed ap appointed ap- ap appointed pointed to fill the vacancy Mrs Smith is one of the clerks employ employ- employed ed at the local post office Under the direction of Dr D. D K Barnes director of the Davis coun coun- county county county ty public health unit immunization against smallpox and typhoid fey fey- feyer fever fever er was given in the Clearfield school house last |