Show I MOUNTAIN ANDCOAST t I JAP WANTS TO VOTE Question of Gjreat Importance Cpmcs Up in British Columbia Vancouver n C Nov 2A Japanese named Tomml hna demanded to bo placed on thai voters Hats here threatening appeal ap-peal to the courts an a naturalised Brit j Ish citizen If refused ho will ask for a I decimation that the British Columbian law oiclndliiK Ohlntao and Japanese from I Voters rlghiu la unconstitutional Limo nuemioii la moat Important aa the Japanese Japan-ese would hold lie balance of power In several constituencies If allowed to vote The Big Horn Colony The Mormon colonists who Immigrated to WyomIng and settled along the Slio shone river last summer have laid out two townsman one on Sage creHc and tIm other near the head of their thlrtymilo canal One of the tawny hits been named Hlioshono and the other Byron Cheycnno Tribune 1 Anxious to Bet An enlhslastlc rancher on Wood river according to tho JIalley Times wants to bet 5100 against 10 that McKInley will carry New York Indiana and Illinois 100 ugalnsv J100 upon each of lie following follow-ing First That Bryan will not carry his own product Second That Bryan will not carry his own city Third That Bryan will not carry his own county Fourth That Bryan will not carry his on Stab Vlfth JiOOllmt Bryah will not bo elected elect-ed Another Prosperity Sign C E TVhltc manager of lie Nevada Copper company of Lovelock Is hero looking for charcoal burners He wants 23000 bushels of charcoal burned nt his companyu mine forty miles southeast of Lovelock Mr While Is representing a Philadelphia company and JIIIK been doIng development work on the mine for the past year There Is now 75 < KO worth of ore on the dump and the company has constructed the latest Improved waterJacket smeltor and will have It running In BX weeks Reno Gazette |