Show SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Herman Furchpott of St Louis havo announced the engagement ot their daughter Stella to Adolph Simon V of this city Tho marriage will be solemil marilngo Izcd In St Louis on November 12th U I VV 0 r Mrs 1C C Belcher returned last even lag from California InS Calfornlu 0 0 V air and I r Morton French and I daughter and Miss Frances French have I pone t their cottnKO at Santa Monica Cal whero they will upend tho wInter I Mr and Mrs L C Trent have gone to p London for 1 short stay i 0 I V Mra John C V Griffiths hIs returned to the city after a pldadint lalt with friends I and relatives In the East 0 I I V 1 MraM J Flynn I r forAuJrla yes terday to Join her husband iVhb IH I super intending the Great BoulddcPcrsevcranco mIne Mrs Flynn will absent ler ol foc a year and on her return will be accom V panlcd by his lordship VV a c Miss Esther Allen will give i violin aolo V as a prelude to the addrefea to be giver by Superintendent Cooper at tho teachers meeting this forenoon In tho high bchool 1 building S c 0 V I The residence of A E Hyde 40 North XCTnple street contained nearly 150 guesta mi Thursday evening1 who met to ode i brato the birthday of the lato President John Taylor There was a vary pleasant uvcnlnr panged tho t8B prlnqlpal speech be ing mado by President Goorwo Q Cannon who wis remlnlacpnt Jaicly and at tho i close congratulated all present on tho chanpti from the old conditions In Utah to the new President Taylor was born November 1 ISttS and e died I July 2 16S7 The members of thq Alumnnq association associa-tion of St Marys ucajloiny will have their annual Imnquct this evening Xho rcm ers meet In tho vcnlni parlors at 1 pm where an Informal SwIll S-will bo tendered to tho visiting membcra ut 430 tho business mcclliirr will bo held L nt which the election of oWcer will Ink C place nt 030 tlio graduating class of IDOL will give an entertainment In honor of tho alumnae at 030 tho munition of the association V as-sociation and their guests will enjoy tho banquet for which elaborate preiwni I tons havo been made lreparl |