Show CENTERVILLE CENTE VI LLE SARAH L L. L ROBERTS co coo cio BEN ROBERTS All AIl All of lots 1 and 2 I in block 21 plat A Centerville townsite survey cont coat acres CHRISTIAN V V. STENBERG All STENBERG-All All of lot 3 block 22 plat A Cen Cen- Centerville Centerville Centerville terville townsite S L M cont acres GOLDIE B B. BETTRIDGE BETTRIDGE All All of I lot 2 block 23 plat A Center center- Centerville centerville ville yule townsite survey S L M cont acres acres I JOSEPHINE A. A A BARRY Begin BARRY Begin Beginning ning at point west feet from northeast corner of lot 4 block 25 plat A Centerville townsite west feet south I feet east cast feet feel north feet to beg cont cant 40 acres I ALMA A W. W LARETTA LARETTA JILL HILL PETERSEN PETERSEN Beginning Beginning at north northeast northeast I east corner of lot 4 block 25 plat A Centerville townsite I south feet west feet I north norih feet east cast ea t feet to beg cant cont 34 acres 1192 I ORRIN LEROY HULDA N N. RANDALL RANDALL All All of lot 1 block 26 plat A Centerville townsite survey S L M cont coat acres 1004 JOHN R R. MILDRED R. R B BAR BAR- BARBER BER Beginning BER-Beginning Beginning feet north and feet west from I southeast corner lot 7 block D I plat N M I C Centerville townsite north 57 feet east 1794 feet I south 57 feet west feet I to beg cont cant acres 1566 j ERIC 1 RIC Commencing northeast corner cornel of grantors grantor's I land and on west side of street running north and south I rods east cast and rods north from the southwest corner of lot I 1 block BA EA plat B C Center Center- Centerville Centerville Center 1 ville vine townsite south feet west feet north feet east cast feet to beg cont cant acres CHARLES DUNCAN JR etal etal- etal Beginning east cast 2661 chains and north chains and west 2605 feet from southwest corner of lot 1 block BA plat B. B B C. C C Cen Cen- Centerville Centerville terville townsite S L M west 99 feet flet south 25 chains west I chains north feet east feet south 9 rods west 99 91 feet south 10 rods west 14 rods to beg cant cont acres B. B B DUNCAN DUNCAN Beginning Beginning on west side of road 2661 chains east and north chains from southwest corner of lot 1 block bl ck BA plat B. B B C. C Centerville town- town townsite townsite townsite site S L M 1 west 2605 feet north 1485 feet flet east 2605 feet south 1485 feet to beg cont cant acre 1004 OLIVE A A. WILLIAM A A. DUNN Beginning 1483 chains north and 1256 chains east from south southwest southwest southwest west corner of Section 7 tp range IE S L M west 1123 chains chain south chains east I chains north chains to beg cont coat acres beg at I point chains west and chains north from southeast cor corner cornor ner nor of said Chase survey Said corner being the southeast cor cor- corner cornel corner ner nel of lot 4 Section 7 tp range IE S L M 1 north chains west 1070 chains south chains east cast 1070 chains to beg cont coat acres WILLIS II H ELMA F. F LAYTON Beginning 6 j chains north and 7 18 chains west from southeast corner of W W of northwest Vi 4 of Section 17 tp range IE S L M hi west 45 rods north 10 rods feet east 45 rods south 10 rods feet to beg cont cant acres Also beg 6 chains north from southeast corner of W of NW of Section 17 north 1 1 04 west feet west 2225 feet south feet west 2552 feet south 28 east feet north 89 53 east cast feet fet to beg cont coat acres Also beg 12 chains north from southeast corner of W of I 4 of Section 17 north chains west chains south feet east cast 2552 feet flet north feet felt east cast 2225 feet to beg cont cant acres teres In all aU 1264 acres CHARLES A. A PARRISH Begin PARRISH-Begin- Begin Beginning ning chains north from southwest corner of NW of Section 17 tp range IE S L LM M DI north 1640 chains east to 4 rod street south 1640 chains chairs west to beg coat cant 1195 acres JENNIE ENNIE LAWRENCE WHENCE LA BARBER BAlmER Beginning 1798 feet north and feet felt east cast from southwest corner of NE 4 of Section 18 tp range IE lE S L M 1 east cast 21 rods north 1117 feet west 21 rods south 1117 feet flet to beg acres LESTER ESTER G G. RUTH H. H WALTON Beginning 44 chains south I from northeast corner of block 10 O. O M. M Deuel survey west chains north 2 chains west chains north 2 chains west chains south chains east chains north chains to beg acres 1345 FISHER FISHER Beginning Beginning chains cast east and 1481 chains north from southwest corner of NW 4 of Section n 18 tp range IE S L M north 1 feet fett west feet south feet east feet fet to beg acre acre 1430 OTTO N N. SMITH Commencing Commencing at ata at a point 2032 chains east cast and a chains south from north nort west corner of NEIf of Section 18 tp range IE S L M Centerville townsite north feet west 60 feet south feet east cast 60 feet to beg cont cent acres cres Also commencing 2032 chains east cast and chains south of the northwest corner of NE' NE of Section 18 north feet east 33 feet south feet west 33 feet to beg cont cant in street acres acres' 2060 |