Show lolff roar the tb pine from under rider the bor struck dumb 1 the we cue or jam 8 coleman Colom Rn tho the colored or oil boy formbly ft memble of the church of iff lob ft bicci el her john jasper bo famosa colored preacher is pastor has bos to it which has cooled every TCO more excitement moung tho the of that church then than it did lo in the iho beg laing who when coleman brier after I 1 buying a inisi belled from church C to speak CA k claming blaming that ito ho haj had told A lie boil havior 9 1 in evoked god ad to p milyko jila tongue if bu be lold lato colo difini to dr I 1 alphs offida I 1 be ho be abny t if mated hoping that thai medical assia lanco would revive the 1 g 1 0 boy ho ans doboga ltd t lolila being gp expelled ld from 0 o church ft a few do da a moro the boy it mho ito is about seven seventies tien yer years old so DC comported his bin mother to 10 dr office an diffort was waa mado made him by but the alleged bumb caecil and disobedient boy refused ir dr tabb called I 1 IQ a ur 0 lee sad od the two iwo chloroform to to boy vur very boon bonn ho he was wait gently sor bhonn n it a awny ay dundur n tho alt z annu once ot at the ibo drug b but lit a davir broko k n a word the fact that pm power in ilia ibo brao of 0 ordinary inary moo use oo 00 he sort or of anglo aszon jn in iho he c k est time a aad it in 10 the iho laudel tune buc to g tho the cat mely situ struck upon the iho idea that illg C calitri balt bal try itri if properly pro pirly used would out I 1 kioh ably bl urk ork like a conrat it aa aad dan racer ahn handles cf its little were acro placed 10 the lilt boyf a baud lie UM as t told ld to I 1 bold easy cosy bull 3 billic I 1 caught them firmly i 11 liy was 1 mc it on oil to prevent ilia boy f from r to ag the isoo gottlog G alid litin liioi under their control it aljo is med lost ical men walled and add knew they bud bad him ube was a to bo be had bad at all A powerful current with rapid ity cut brough the ihu hile trea dumb with fine eno albect ills ilia league and 1 in A ant olce was waa hardly baril at the albir side kida of the osia as if gimping gailing fr breath I 1 b Sl io opil p ia preva I 1 the olvea jelly got 01 ol the ibo atal at of cl him nod selected prevailed with wilh a lound voice be seat forth a plaintive alca for mercy lie ho speak plain coomb though and the ho physicians continued cd to put it to him bini wr fur gods sake falu doctor stop sheo klu dm dat boodle I 1 till wall gogh ait try IQ with 0 the a boys cost appeal the battory as stop fc lopped lom ibo he clec electric current lurked a ed oil abo boya liberty ceab |