Show origin cold processor J S new wherry berry liu cc cd some strong of facia nod aad or ar 9 fB iOEL the theory that the min a nod and nuggets of gold found buol to ia im rb tito located by precipitation tom abe Mical solutions holds in ft piper he has bu ishell oo on tho the sub lab act that geology tes liers in regard rd 1 lo 10 the bo ge rieng and distribution ir of gold that exists in tho the oldest known rocks tied kod hu has beca thou distributed through all strata derived ironi thorn them that in the metamorphosis of thew do rind rocks it has boom concentrated into segregated quartz by rome proc procer ulga not doit 3 a that chat it to Is a aleci t of fishum veins of all geological or fie p I 1 where here it hm has been deposited irom rem hat I 1 comical solo lines which have reached dicely buried rocks of vanous kinds loam irom them gold has been accumulating through cat gloor 1 10 n placer by the erosion it a Is containing |