Show marino of by no an unseen fron croli A specimen of boat boal sailing exter exterior sor dinay was ito eased down the ibo bay cat erday by ito fo or more gentle into of this city abe cat boat lead conal 14 a parly to bullocks point for a aboto duim Ji DOir r anil and tiler uio the party hail had landed ch the to brat WM was made londo last iima to lo thu tho wharf A groag wind was wag blowing irom corona the ISM eon boubli la and d the boat tier moor logs logo sa aad d went cot sailing riling royly ocr ibo he iq in the direction 01 1 fuelling u straight as it altered by a master bend band the craft finally ground til ad on bu the ilo kliore dear joe whore where slid about anui a lulf half all hour aben the ibe former lioun occur anca WH wag repe attal for am 68 if controlled by spirits the be boat beat about and add earn camo allia fling majestically back over the asur loading within opy BOY feet from the bo place fro from 01 v ilia fit sain rud dIed elial bout boat con of saki call I 1 ianni main onto ODO aide A the iba bay to the ibo othar conie come aboud road return li if alimoot like elcon CUT cal spot 11 from whence mite me off do d in it ab nb h amr 11 0 goading power at 61 th belm pas P log bt but bui the ibo sory S ory in bylls been add diio journal |