Show boru or of the ibo indian cola palau paring hariu I 1 the h 0 recent campaigns against the ibo sioux u crooks troops have pa 0 the iho cheyenne sun marched miles the general and his staff raining them from rom first to last only c bollitto nOL n mouthy lItTo hati leon actually cout cont bogod a E 8 a in ID thia wl chich 1 0 ai would louse lauko an average of 17 tailor sattoot net per dermouth mouth the tb spells tag from rom tho the tow four principal battlon battles tied bud froni from the led cloud cload agency affair are captured and ud destroyed be homes of nearly I 1 a ams about robes end ami tons of other camp equipage indiana ow a aured JW JOO billed rua aj 1 iso wounded and 1800 ponies c plated captured a condral book crook b hm lost a total tit 0 twenty tan lo 10 miu mem killed and fifty aho abilo been lost loit by a occident and disease |