Show FOREIGN closing liy day of the conference of the rower the boys take taho 1 I i for their several Iloni homes eg blut como come toll igoe jn jan 20 W abo abe gazette the result of tho the gooter cooler once that europe bai lowered her prestige by her compliant amor As AI the tha porto bag refused tho the proposals europe moot now ell CD force lee her 0 inal ail doie dc minji sudi instead io Bleil rm oi of the modified ifil boberko hf 0 theaon ho uon forence TURKEY a cone allon jn 20 the grand vizier was to the yesterday erday the ottoman will present cou conater riter proposals to lo the conference with the object of 0 conciliation Clo conference LONDON jin 20 harvot pasha opined opened proceed logs at to days bitti tilting 13 9 of the conference by reading a note not e ports porto might coma to an understanding with the powers on corttis coresia points ol of detail but bat over in silence tho the proposal prop oeal I 1 relative to the ointment of Gover governor mors ot of an n commission over by bya ra ottoman 11 nally sag bag gebben that hit tho the sett lemout of the relating to bervia bema and montenegro bo be reserved lor for ulterior deci iloa thereupon lorl lord salisbury nry declared test tatt the porto having refaced the I 1 TO a chiet chief guarantees demanded dema oded by th tho 0 powers there wn was no longer any aay common basis for dinoui iod nod aad the conference CoDler coco must therefore bo be regarda el I 1 an at nn AD eod ead goo ignatieff Igoa russian plenipotentiary tent iary snake similarly he be do blared clued tho the partos proposals blo able anil and laid I 1 upon ithe aba r re e testing on the porte sod expressed the ho hope that tarkey would oot Dot undertake hostilities against servia and Morito negro but cause the be poti position tion dofher christian subjects to bo be respected the conference then brolio broke up lord salisbury Salie bary and gen ignatieff leave monday and other will in ia the tha course ol at a week 11 OLLAND ashore noTrE jo jan 20 the thip mass mais from now new yott york lor for rotterdam grounded at blas lia this morning chic coming up op Lb abe lifer to tile tho oliv |