Show TN tho probity bourt in ud and for sill bill I 1 4 lake county T utah waltin J mullet plaintiffs margadt boffil it lo lis div ibo iba of 0 t th he holud aiu laws in 0 tho hee territory of bl utah oth to hofft dufoo dant greeting gre oung you yoa som hereby to appear in ID st iq action broo glit A vitriol akkurt yon by tho the above named wallum 1 him J afong la in too tae probate lr oll coarl or tilt talt lk like county Torri torr ot of utah oth nd and aisher tho the com coin violet bloj vrho I 1 tip V illy ticen tir clu ula give of ct the iho dr day of erv loo a fkr the fir on you of this damm ono 1 I 1 served wilbin this county and dil if nut within I 1 his bat within judicial or of ilia ho tt of utah days d oLlier within forty urty days or will lis bl taken against you jon ty barit faull awarding to the of ud said alii sotira to ii brought to omiao 0 troia from this court ilia boo louir of it matrimony the plaintiff and dd tod and for such och ol 01 h ber and its id way bo L end unit f suit 1 ja I 1 mot at my lair baud arad al rest 81 of sald albl court aorl lu in all 2411 laky 11 tits this day of january Jn uary A 1 U wl 2877 D clerk of tie the court bill ball J counts |