Show POLY POLYGAMY low ow the filthy cyst system e rn is treated by a saint reviewed n ae he aig light 0 ht of sacred and profane history 1 I for behold niah the ibo itil this people walo begin to wax la in initially iniquity they UD an lor boy seek to lo case themselves la in oom committing whoredom Ieca uva of the liag which wor written dari I koj end him rii son jon land and holomon truly hd bad many ludy alves and oj which hiah thing loss u abominable before me alib me ibo lord idock of 0 mormon page it id rr a 0 thee ralth the lorl lord note you yoa ny my atiat anti inti lucli u ia iq 11 a enquired of c my lay trod head 0 I 1 know sea oa 02 u a d who rela I 1 ilia iho lord J alti ulti tied my geT yanta abrahah line and Js jboob bob u also mage sud aad so go onion my ur r TABU u caching ilia principle in nod ml doc TIDO of 0 their mai w ties and con ca blocs ito etc on Mar carnago nago III at pago EDS Tn iouNe the above I 1 have bato taken us as an text from which to la preach a good orthodox loralou serrano to 0 o my lit thren cutai let as they love have long since she dint tit their eyes aej cats cars to truth brath go as it is found in a the books I 1 find DO means of reaching tho the public car even ou on hoea vital isaae of our faith only through broach your jour columns and add while I 1 as ai a latter day saint cannot ot ol dorse doras you in all respects pursue on 03 the iho mormon question yet I 1 am truly glai hat chat there hero is la through your columns a li liering caring for or all parties among us whether alor mormon Apos titto or gentile tho the subject of polygamy is ia one of interest to all classes cl in utah if not dot to the rest of mankind I 1 iho he discussion of the ho subject if wisely onil and discreetly cannot cannet fail to bo be both nod and profitable profil ablo in tho the discussion ol of the subject in order to via be anything lilo it its social as wall ss as its religious bearings upon tho the race and should you sao eco fit bt to open your coln to my peo pea i propose to enter upon such 8 an 81 1 examination 1 I ara am a member 01 ol tho the mormon church to so called yet I 1 am constrained to differ with many even erca with abo be beoda of the church upon apon this sai am confident ol of tuy my ability to refute tho the arlin mente in ia support of this principle plo no ai is a doctrine ot of the church ibis may seem a hold bold ot for 9 a poor Tiri Tuto member to I 1 in a deign in seeing this doctrine has been lone ion advanced and boldly defended by apostles prophets prop bols acers reve latera oto eta eto eta yet et I 1 ani am willing to bland by ilia record wb when C n once laid felly open to tho the view and this is all I 1 propose to do to eo far at least na as the subject has a rel religions iya 0 1 1 3 boating upon ilia church of jasas 1 a s christ of litter latter day saints but bat I 1 propose to call al attention fire era to roi poi propose as aa a 0 social institution in the light of history hattory hit hiFt tory ory profane and sacred bi aj well to es in the light of facts facia as reen beca in to tho mormon church of today to lo day jay according to barred history hii tary the tha first case of polygamy wm was I 1 that bat of who ho wan wait ilia iho dereath from froin ad adam am through the murderer an and I 1 ianell idolf A for worse borao mur darer than ln iiii murderous mar mur dorous progenitor to bid own I 1 suppose my polygamous oas bret braa broa will not claim this adois ancient n w worthy 0 r thy as constituting one ol of that b bright r tig b t galaxy of biblical cl aroca of tho the school ye yet the ho stands a at t I 1 tho h 0 very three threshold 11 ol 01 a of abia a 1 ii inesita tio tion a slen and d t r ng to 1 0 say adim adam A abel b el noih th a and no d all the dav down to noah not dot ono one of this splendid Eplen did line lina of whom it ii n md fad alir ihry y wera r a e 11 1 II 1 beyond you quo question alion pre sali rave 0 of f r right i abe not no is i said eivid to have beu a polygamist this t too w til h tho the world woe youria and aad d devoid id c ot 1 inhabitants inhabit iol ints and the com m nd had bad loco boon given to loco go forth multiply and abo earth now there tro bra two emcil pleass pleas set ct up no to in defonis of polygamy viz vil first to prevent crimo crime sod aud 0 to rates raea up dp a righteous seed peed firt first it is ia arrn d list there alwawi has haa bon been a surplus ol of forn fornadas alas io in tho the kopul population a of the iho earth carlli biell is ia ilia iho fruitful source of vio vies between tho the boxes this thia it is claimed aimed ol is u greatly ameliorated or entirely prevented by po pygmy which however n ii no not irae the cacti ol of history demo 0 arate it II tho the jewah or I people 0 were ai nil is s asserted by our brethren a people keople then it is ia certain 1 as the ilia ro boord ord ol of the poop people 0 fally how i that it did aid not prevent chii vice among them indeed judging from the biblical account of chii people thoy in ia no sexist led oven even too modora doer US ni lions in ia ob and sexual parity lieu van from the king down to io ibn iba poorest and bumb loit ot tho the people abi vice wua by no means uncommon and less lesa could scarcely bo be said and of other ancient as j well us as modern modera poly ri allons christ spoke polio of the tha JOTS jews as 33 an 30 ad BOD goner Criton illin thus alo entire would seem to is como under thin olisa or lical wo can scarcely thick that bat on an sotiro nation or people could coald by any fall iota this fear ul lit condition yet ecar coly less ICES is anaid said of the iho people at other periods of their history bi alory it is useless hero to B give alvo chapter and verso versa to prove tho the above state moot true imo as aa all biblo bible readers tire are fally ally conversant with the falts anti and as 01 reg irile ancient profane history the measure ot of light remaining to us ua upon the cub jcck is ot of amilar import and ana is as to a comparison of modern all and d moro tuoi oRamio gamio nations the aavo cat calca of monogamy need not fear the result of tho the coco part IOU modern modera at apohen oates and prophets ophela pr to the contrary As to modern nations Dt ion all bilings which go to make up op the geo crill aggregate of human intelligence as a 9 art fic science ienco sod aad more ali aid that are calculated to exalt moo maa stova aboto tho the condition of the ibo beistle savage who for a un lin dont donst they ibo almost la infinite finito superiority of over tho the who iciak abio of instituting a oompaul oom parl on between englad 00 aill turkey tho the united states with persia pcr with arabia etc and 3 tt it those these ire are the bright s our poly gamio brethren are wont 10 effir us IQ in defense of this ancient and loni long ond and onca ciple by wiy way of a digression I 1 will lora here motica a statement made by orson pratt ia defense of this colo bli sl principle plo to I 1 ho he by byo torn cm of l anti and go aidlin ai ibling blin cacti by these moo in ia order to bolber r up abi null O hent and tru h b ile iio mikes makes a blat ement in tho the ader published ju in 1 0 0 in that the best im lita that about tour four birthe of tho the bunoan biily believe slid aud practice io ia their respective laws the be doctrine 1 fcc f a plurality of wives soo 4 er for january Ja 1653 1853 page 12 this dl u so iii houious that baj bad it dot been made by so aa apostle it might Hil tit bo be bli by aa u unworthy the ibo notion ol of tuy any oue lint t 03 ibe B has stood for or over twenty years undisputed by mormon or gentile I 1 cannot pus it without notice ilia it ii well known by bv every io in school boy that europe lal and amuno contain stoat about of the global ill all of whom tre are lots ili except a 8 low millions mil liona in turkey which nto are lully fully camp c n tea for by siberia in ia asna ama tb e ra are moy many millions milli oDi ot of monogamist not included in anthis thia cati matil nod and what ii imore more there is i pat ono one in a hundred within those nations who practice polygamy A |