Show A dead man mail upturns returns A alive i ve alfrom I 1 from the kansas olty city times I 1 canada bill when lo ho mado ibis his big some gome four years ago purchased a emill tram couo on union avonne last joet below tho the aluff street bridge tho the house lis baa been beca turned burned down since that time but for a timo time it was waa a notable resort for the monto mn men who made it their head ird this loubo wm wag then known as tho the 1 texas I exas and colorado god and saloon and was wag kept by a fat jolly old italian named louis jt it seems that lous bad acquired the namo name of boing being a rich nob old miser tbt bit he be hd had traveled all over tho the world and made faba fa balous loua amounts of money I 1 io the iho mines of Aos irolia and california Cali forcia when canada hill bill offered to buy b his e saloon he bo consented lie ile however however stipulated la in his bia oon contract tract that he bo should lo be permitted permit teJ to have all he bo could carry away at ono timo time out of the louis canada bill 1311 consented and hooded handed to louis lenin the price of the house booso the old italiano then called in ia a police oci am cor and took it a nod before beloro any person was aware abaro what the old alj ulan man was joing L bo c chopped open a bri brica 0 k ed up opt 0 to ia the wei will I 1 of f chimney ilao and took 88 s ingold in gold this wae 1786 dono done publicly and the times made a record of 0 thy the at the time S sinco i a c a that h hour 0 U r old louis has nover been in ia kansas city until a few days daya aro ago when ho he appeared at J P ubina hotel on union avenue aveado lie ile was wa reported dead sod end it wj visa the opinion of the police and detect detectives ivea that old louis loaia bizardi Maz had bad base murdered marder cd for his 88 ia 10 rold but abo ON old moo maa is alivo and told the reporter last evening a very interesting history ot of his hia leruo ibrom ayearst trip around tho the world Us prop osce to la bottlo in kansas cily cay |