Show THE JOURNEY JOURN liY infernal wanderings of finx the tramp soul cremation a slow but sure thing the place where the prophet is is to go apholt timo time ago oar or beloved prof lica sent MO me to which I 1 took borely to hort heart at first bat it only proved to bo be a mission I 1 have completed the record thereof ibo roof I 1 in in part in tho the firm ot a letter ft my by to be mored away in the archives of the church in the ibo krailo it at st george lo afar ear drig after the broich of 0 mortality departed from my taber cade I 1 felt eo hunt ond airy that I 1 coull ke arcely keep my feet in fact it waa iraq it a sensation ikin to Piri w D such as aa our als line induces induce but bot I 1 woe waa immediately taken in ebaire by a mattly looking spirit and ww was by install oui flight to purgatory which is vulgarly calla ridd lers erB grego ilia ibo bill bell wy house tor for all departed its it is rather a pleasant place mi lot t every body you yoa meet is ia troubled ai i h zloty and an air of bunei 1 pervades the place I 1 root inot nobody y thoro there I 1 bad personally known on co carth sod and therefore taiti about until my guide again took nio me la ia ue ile proceeded with wo we to an immense pillar d I 1 r I 1 ia a its ia conception than tho the r gp ta obi li lil libb L with kith its ita adix piece ring tho the oth ethereal ereal clouds at its iiii base there blood two iwo venerable looking person boiling A strong to brother orlon pratt with his big bolg flating board whits as ilo driven snow enow end the tha other a alfr per fact likeness of brother brother john raylor faylor 11 thess bro are the two said my guide and nd they bowed low at mt and chii pillar pillar is ia ilia atio guide pot poet of I 1 bad na until now would 10 lo joaa with willi mo ino or whither I 1 was flior magn my galdo ido led bad disappeared sill the alio thief who re semb icil brother pratt said mid to ms me painting og to the right this thia long and endiola lino is aji way but this one eid tho hi other thief ill dr cling toy Otten tiOu to abo left A ball lanoil roal roa bravi as 3 a all 11 opened at my feet and cleouls of sulphurous fumes surg oil cd up op to the very base of the iho guide post post only aly to mil and come again il 11 ceso eless ebb not ind flaw my vision win wai not but bat as far as ai I 1 could see an B ocean ol of billowy smoke donio as ail inkot stretched into paco with nothing on it lu bodom not even shade ahado or thine thy mi eion is in ia the ibo prison paid faid the thief brother taylor aad od tit at these words I 1 tell felt myself half ball UL uc gliding do tn the f donal I 1 did not dot mail the lumm fume until restored rob ored to leoso sonso by something on my nose which I 1 picked off and found to be an imp about as long as ai my 1 y ficher I 1 boxed his bia cara sod th threw rew him down but bat he lodged astride my nose noea again and struck hit spurs in clear to his bra hecla so BO I 1 let tim him ride and thui ho be a M metod mo me wilk tho be most moet blench on the way down I 1 idl fill in ia with many baoy ot of our oar i all of carried ka an imp us so edid idid I 1 did little devils of every csizi si zi and aad shape ill all but mo me wit h tit dr verlo and sundry tortures tor tors bu t b being a special missionary as I 1 soon boon alter learned I 1 was spared pared ri at cite a cincera of poidrous pon drous red hot doors door I 1 mot III ot boothr act hr guide olad in hot bot iron armor who welcomed mo me nuj nod said I 1 step in 1 I cant eliud the h hot oil I 1 answered you must gnall I 1 lo ho r allied in N at which the bo gates gate aliw fla open with a thad against the ibo molten metal walls wails sod I 1 was wai jerked through betle over head bead let the HID presence of no na army of imps imp late hera in the name ol of lucifer a loog along addron of welcome was wag delivered tj mo me lie ia the ibo amba ma or of th the kingdom oo on earth and your port bonal 6 live five dear brig brie I 1 cannot descend into detail in this ibis hablo and jm perfect imperfect record of my journey but bat I 1 visited many maar man aiom in ia Lu lucifero Luci cifers iera house which led mo me to the conclusion that thaia oal crecca lion is il a blow but sure euro proc procesa coo aa la ia th ancient ovens ovena I 1 found david colomon and their r kind of prophets prop bela and kings the animation was nearly out of uio former as the iha beat under him blia had bid been doubled fo tor r reasons roi sons but solomon could talk yet and when I 1 asked him how it was wae he bo end baia it was all on account of c marriage and such the rd hot style ot of my reception at it tto royal palace would bo be worthy of imitation by jolany W but ahn abl a is ij ot 01 no DO for I 1 lost sight of in contemplating tho the man lucifer is ii not EO ed large as LO ho has been represented on the contrary lie be IS 11 rather a email men man at any uy rale rate ho he is not lot any larger than ours r and do you know the prophet joseph was right when he laid faid the devil was a gentlemen gentleman alter plying cont to him he bo troea arose his bia looes squeaking like rooty binge ts so he bo dee bottled from his throne recently erected on the lulls of our come brother aiex I 1 YOU yon for wo aro are all brothers hero I will conduct you to the tha amio or modern ovens and od lo ho 10 led the we Y into a fp flain ain hall hal lot dot unlike a milli moria on in either cither land hand this ond he raid faid is intended tor for brother john D leo and wo we design deeina to him a slow cremation as ai an n experiment this th n is brother georgea aco ire A llo as a favor lafavor for faith faithful fol libor in the tha lat tr jy joy boil to bo be given 1113 oven licit to brother lee and to hive bavo three holes bored iota the bottom of it to admit of the tit into the firo fire you know lo bo always had bad a horror tf of frydl ioe lia io his bis own oa grovac brother deoreo A rolled over when hp hoard board ci ta klog and bicel hie bis wig to lo aipa the tha nic mci lallo allio sweet beat frem lis bis bump of fedoration Tenor veD oration alion lio lie said kind 0 warm finx makes mo me think casl of st george nowa hows brother brigham 2 ua ile enjoys the usual amount ol 01 f the ibo holy spirit the is ia pouring in from the sainta Sa irle tho the work owl walk fr for our dead noes forward lor ird I 1 he bo ill 11 goal for twenty byo years wig vis lay ay via mmary ot of the ibo tiena lewa at this jn Ja cottin cotor auiler called my attention to the tot that 1 I hl COMO asa apeci al to see that a proper place was prepared for tho the 11 Y reception of if you my deir 91 ax right hero bore ho he tad ead as wo we h sited halte J la ia fronton broat of an altri meat saro eti with will the busts bum ol of alaia judas and other worthies ive have given my old parl brabam so an eler net roost an aa I 1 11 I 1 ein cm ashure you my Lic loved it was waa bear ocary y corn com piety ri in all iti with a gridi ioa luck book devices dc viccii such only so na LIMA ingi ingino litt afy iy cc conceive 11 and nd to mind you of t little episodes aro are obaD abundant dant but tharo was waa no DO ebey diey chair after roach much meint how however 0 var one was supplied a won ticul armed chair all ajl iron white hot bot io in alich to reet yourself when K ben the iho gridiron n bunk book gad harl birl the furnace nill it i bo a sop supplied plied with coal from the weber m liine ina you state etolo acoman from an ungodly Gentilo Oen tilo and nud jac loco is iii to bo be your fireman I 1 ibie his account of my journeys must be kept atom the lb biinte for if they find out how near tho the coll nd ill ia they faitha at tonce once A lart arthr ir lepord will still ton boon be b seat YOU yon dear brig I 1 saw MW the boys boy brothers Brot heri jedediah Jode diah I 1 willard willara fin DJ ot oll linTs inra with whom I 1 haj had much talk sdney riol lon noil antl mertia harris airris I 1 siw at Fidd fiddlers lers garcoa on my wy way beat but they boull not have much to say bf to 0 o mo me lint what they dil did talk bout about related grit in in keeping a humbug boit a for so many years at paying r alea I 1 have hao bought basis several of 0 tho the carriages the tilis court stole irom from YOU yoa ot of course very qui all colv j dolinny W will leavo for or st 0 rge IQ ia a few ew days the between him bim ani brother heber r you heard that the iha ot ieli wore were caused by miry blary joo joe dinning dancing the tailors sailors hornpipe horn in the kanii bohomol ho joao dg ill ia q aniel aliet in your family I 1 frost you rou bro are wall and pray the tha lord to preg ervo you for the iha good of landol yours youra I 1 in 10 tho the a r boidol binl lion I ION jon jin 0 6 1877 1871 |