Show from this on tie he will probably have 0 or ot of harvey 1 till th long ions debate Is over now if the K W ather would only mode moderate ratel it li Is probably not too soon eoon to ta say ay that the cruet cruel indian war Is over can the utah climate bo be improved by music the jingling music at 0 the dollar ot of our dadd daddies les in politics e do those villo nho denounce the tri tribune bune fw for demanding a clean camp campaign algia haritti want ti be ba understood under tood as favoring a dirty on i I 1 j tho the st louis democrats democrat have bavo na not further hope ot of political pie therefore they feel etl tree free to endorse silver and their delegation to the state cOnvent convention lon Is solid for the vi white alte metal the detectives should let up on holmes in proving that ha be has corni comi emitted all the murders in the co country tor for the past thirty years they are felpi help I 1 1 ing his case by charging impossibilities C the ogden press wants proof that it ita to if a boodle paper it refuses to formale till contess yet tet every one of 0 its issues Is i a bonfe confession sion and wo we shall from time tat to 1 time as it becomes pert pertinent ineat add to the evidence i the living truth a congregation 1 a paper in michigan denounces thel the moustache as nasty fit only tor for heath en n sports and loafers no Christ lare man can afford to wear one tha tha screed acro d was probably waitea by a young man whose Jo lotion tion failed to bring beng it out i 1 another key tor for the alleged cipher t I 1 showing that bacon wrote shakes parea pi ares plays Is 13 announced the announcement no Js Is not important as don nully can be counted on oa to refute everything that Is not the only original I 1 simon elmon pure utah newspapers which print paid editorial w rotc ups ot of boodle candidates and then their resent the accusation of being boodle papers evidently think they they have arrived at a station they were no not to they need somebody to t tell i them where they are at j noo Roosevel sevelva ts enforcement ot of chesun the sunday day law in sew now york torn city Is good executive work but the truth la Is laws ot of that kind are passed in deference terence de to a sentiment that no longer in fact exists 1 and their enforcement always de feath eatie atoa party responsible tor for doing it the th gre great t mass of at the democratic strength ri is irvn in the 8 south and the south cares notel eibl vh g tor for or silver or anything ise save a t the a loaves and fishes tor for which it tit bat hasl I 1 appetite this to ell the those else tho ho r reckon on help from the south or from democracy on the olver dyer question the death of 0 dr rdward edward beecher in brooklyn on sunday removes another shining mark ot at the older and purer time lie he was 0 man of broad education rills brain and generous heart his misfortune was in having a brother who though younger completely eclipsed film the new york L evening posts post 11 story ot or the colorado ute trouble ot of last year originating in an excessive blu bill rendered by a mormon elder and thrown out by agent day Is doubtless a take and re bem fem crt to a subsequent occurrence to m lt it the refusal ot of day to pay lila iris boa board rd bill while trying not to collect Ms big stray indians nothing was over ever P nean ean illethe like the uprising la in utah ta in behalf of 0 popular education the past five years and still BUH the tha good m work ork goes on OIL school meet mcca ingo are being held all over the territory this month and in moet ot or thorn there Is an advance noted either cither la in the determination to have better instruction or better school houses houi ien and often b th il then Is any difference the he lauds lauda 1 11 I in a 01 carlisle and hoko lr ir more acm fervent arit in the it 11 in rp rr of tile east than I 1 in a thi to m alt 1 at both the these 0 officials frici als 11 b n conspicuous and 0 att ti nr liar in a all 11 ll and they are ara fai r q i ka K for dr hi t A mo but ir iri n uni cove covers re a bet I 1 i houi bd b dbr d brad br d pher u i a good aa many idla me nian I 1 k if 6 tit anke city we do not no if 1 there are any ol of them who collit ll 11 ns by an n extra effort obtain food clou sh V last althem them six weeks week enough anund liar cur cup there has bag never been a aron 7 t located and sunk upon S until the upp er strata nvere an all ans exposed and has ha not been there th it a good 3 showing it la Is not dot of OP good tor for ei strong ra men an to f h idle idl cs they ought to i gather them alvel S I 1 together an and 12 mak up their v mande mini nothing Is 1 morth orth having in that t that Is 1 not earned this world 1 and 0 while hue if 0 t yet they car can sleep out of I 1 or k ii Z without inconvenience to at least make a struggle to secure for fop them be lac I 1 von what bo be a competency it t hey should full fill their two or three months montha work would do them good it in a pitiful when a strong man raches the point I 1 that hat he la Is ready to r fil ld hla his arms mil and uve live on an the bread 01 t charity arity wo ive have a bravo contemporary up jhc in the fco 0 of tile ilia rull dow dom at or of the me democracy in kentucky in ohio find and everywhere title cla for or that matt er on lie silver question in the face ot of the attitude altitude 0 of f the of 0 the united stater alo IR IN supposed to be a democrat democh at the elie attitude altitude of all lili his cabinet and all his hl federal officers throughout the and teri of the union our neighbor bor comes up smiling and says a mya it iraq hai tinted stated sli Verat times that thu the only hope for liver is 19 in ill tho the democratic party that would be a comedy it there wore were not so eo much of a a tragedy connected with will it our neigh bor is a confident newspaper that la Is it ft to IB confident it can tool fool the people of itah into the th billet that there Is an any F thin which the party will du do which will antagonize it tn if tile the ginat money centers cc n on w watch tt it depends depend ii for or We in ill chicago cara are 1150 10 a man a started i little restaurant rottau rant a litan lit 1 I a 11 ftfe n cent eating house houm As A his business increased he established other houses of tile the fame kind hind and Is now n two or three times time millionaire we believe if 1 IL a good man mail anil and a good woman both of whom were ere airet class cla cooks were to open a little building build lne in the center ot of one 0 of our great city blocks go I 1 around the block in the morning mill and I 1 take tak the different orders of 0 ill tha varl ous ou millea fa ot of what they wanted for dinner at what hour they wanted it they with tuch such help as they m might ight need could do tho the cooking for the iho whole block it they were good cooka cook 0 and were neat and tasty aud and were to deliver to the people smoking lot hot their dinners find and after dinner take their orders and in the fame manner deliver their breakfast if cooking would practically KO 90 out of existence in houses in the city and that s on one uok block k it wc uld b lr eay easy to extend it to other blocki and I 1 I 1 th the needful to run mn campaigns so go fur far as aa the th partle parti 11 are concerned haw eniver looks look badly role now so tar far as the people are conc concerned emed the silver cause Is growing and wo we believe that tile the people aro A going to be b heard pretty roon noon we have nothing to praise in the way the republican p party arty has hn treated silver but we have everything to condemn on the part of the democracy por for years they held on out t to the th people that it they could be restored stored rt to power they would meet the pe peoples oples demand and give some nome intelligent legislation on silver the people trusted thorn them they have turned their backs on an the people and when their organ says iby the only hope tor for the cause Is 1 through that thai party then jolly men laugh and serious men f acl eel like wins crying the th final result would be that people would live more cheaply than they now live suffer buffer less dis comforts and the people enraged ene aecil in tho the enterprise would make money it Is a thought worth consideration |