Show STUART AGAINST mm odds that the sport beats the governor TOOLS POOLS ON THE PRIZE FIGHT tour hundred to COO against corbett and to against fitz fiess simmons three to one that the right Is pulled off of at dallas the new york yacht races 0 defend er beats the Vig vigilant llant no new w york july 29 covet nor culber gons ona edict averse to pugilistic term jn ill the state of 0 texas does docs not seem m to have had much effect on the ilia sports they all believe implicitly in imn dan siuai Ls fit ability to bring off tins the li bi fight at dallas As side shows the odonnell donnell end anti maher and ryan and smith lights have also alho engaged tile tho interest terest of too sporting fraternity jn in the uptown hotels tonight to lo night the admer ors ora of pugilism ism gathered and dIR discussed CUSSed the chances of fotu kaff aits atts scheme coming out on top word was received from nw N w or iwens to that pools hart had han hf n eq ft in new orleans louis ile jool NI iphi Gal vegron Jacksonl ll atlanta Atlan td pittsburg ulilla delphia chicago st louis cine richmond san denver st paul pueblo kansas city 1 ill I amso chattanooga cleveland detroit Deti Det olt to locco if do columbus indianan ha dacol li D acol iton and new avik where thi the Iol boilo loving odds odda can be obtained 4 to 6 corbett 5 to 4 acal nt 6 to 7 against odonnel 7 to S against maher lalier 4 to 5 against ryan byan ts u to 6 against smith 1 4 to 5 that the corbett bout does not laet twenty rounds 4 to 5 that it exceeds aner twenty ty abaer rounds 4 to 6 that the melhor 1 bout does not net last twenty rounds and il A to 5 that it exceeds twenty rounds 4 to 6 that the sinith ryan bal hout tat line does 1 not last twenty aunda and 4 to 5 that tha t it exceeds twenty rounds combination betting 5 0 to I 1 corbett to min and to pick the other two winners ivan nars 8 to I 1 to ta win and pick the other two winners bakers of the books tire arc so confident float governor Culber sons proclamation mitlon will not hold that they offer tempting odds of 3 1 l to I 1 hast that tile fight will drle place in the state ot of texas in sporting circles tonight to night the ma majority jorty of those diio who are ar or ahe lie inside capr ed is aa bing perfectly that stuart knew his bus and dallas would set eba ahr light FAST TIME AT MANSFIELD C E n coulter rides bides ft a mile in 38 3 8 on oil a halt half mile I 1 crack mansfield 0 0 july 29 3 C inn of the most successful meets lit in the circuit w waa a 8 held today to day berate 2000 people C R coulter of this city went it a rolle mile en an the balf mlle mile track jai in 1 so 55 1 paced by a tandem through to the half one mile open class A J T kiln ger first E S second rd ed smith third time 2303 5 one mile open class B first heat heal hald bald first callahan second earl third time second loat leat a first daiss second bald third time 2074 45 4 5 tura mile handicap clasi A la ia I a reat real yards first wood yards etc ond smith yards third time 4 88 1 5 ono one half open boys P ar L sanger first time 1 1146 11 4 6 one half mile unicycle black first khater second time one mile club alce clays clams A charles lewis first P F W grouse crouse second JI gadsby third time hak mlle mile open class clasa U heair coulter first allus second L C lohn 0 son third time I 1 09 43 45 4 3 5 second beat hillst jenney second blown third time tb 45 t 4 B 5 cinat heat tl ti tua first brown second third time lefel 15 1 5 five mile iche handicap clasi clasa A I 1 12 steele loo yards will lee field yards second ferd valte balds thaid time 12 fill 3 5 two mile handicap class B johnson John Bon 80 81 yards won murphy Murp liy 40 vard fcc ond rigby 10 maids third time at san francisco san SAH francisco july 29 mr and mrs J darula mcilrath of chicago who are arc on a bicycle trip around the world for the inter ocean here to day lit in good film they left chicago chicard a on april mil italia but this li ii their lift efty eighth day of 0 actual K they alu y will ill remain to main hote emial eLal weeks GRAND CIRCUIT RACES good speed and rino rine sport nt at the cleveland track Clev cleveland cland july 2 49 the grand circuit meeting at th Cl cleveland eId driving park opened today to day under favorable auspices the attendance atten dince ince was between and anil and the day wax was nn an ideal one olle for or tile the trotters tile sun being obscured by clouds arid and the temperature lust just right to get good speed out of the horses there were thiep events on the card all of which were vere fl the class clas stake race for or 3 year oldy was wun by the larabee in kably fast time in aar straight a ight hp tm in ili the class trot nominee and tied red of oke were the favorites lit in the but the brown rita lilon baso lit III tok tile llie ruce in fit stia straight ight heats all of were mod mad in exactly tile the am abc me time after a hard light with the two Sun larid clay the favorite in the class clab had no difficulty tn in winning agal libl llie ilia bl bla held field following volin folin ale aie tile llie summaries year old baake trotting class purse purge parable won second third and fourth heats heat time 1 15 au fred kohl won firby ineat heat anil and was wad second time geddes was till third 1 I no othera othel 4 I 1 n class clai trotting purse 2000 bao wi won three straight heats time in each hrat best red tit of Wara noke atta lag second tit in thice heats nominee was thaid ll 11 exploit allen alien volunteer medium and etiquette quette also started stalled 22 7 cliss trotting auise 32 2000 0 00 sund I 1 lind I 1 clay won in flit three TO bt raight heats binic 2 2 lite hii ir judge rice was wan a liccone C cond and A I 1 kempi nil nd th third ird elthe blenn valley queen avana red pointer Content contention lon blind cotilda colelda Col llda 1 forester orester ster and blew 0 also i upsets at brighton now new york july 09 the worst upset 0 f the day was la in the first race at brighton beach today to day iben hen annie dishop Ul eliop the favorite wax was ill the also ra rans as and lochinvar at odds of 0 1 so 9 I 1 to 0 3 1 won easily in the second race the f favorite v 0 rite imposition had EL a long lead to tto the stretch retch Bt but allowed laura davis at 6 to 1 to pass her summaries one mile anille selling lochinvar won lulu T second Ch lowick third th tiie to 1 43 cond half mile selling laura laaura 1 D is u aton 6 In position second annale ina d time BO 60 third race mile anti and a 91 sixteenth ilai 0 acob vt ilond corid golden C 1 third timi 1 I 1 iri F fuith tabith il hi larli iiri our ark won ron ii if t 1 a rond cond third alroe lol fifth on a d in mil frill i qt 11 ini ina daml tl it w in n lili mn fud nd and E 1 1 bird third rim I 1 91 sj ill ih 1 r n mil ilia A grale w wi 1 hi inal annal aid ad makuh mak blaair bla gir U 1 h thaid tiro tim 4 kill d in the steeplechase 11 ir it 11 11 ml ll JI r th ui III da s ull n IDS alc ting at windi it r L I 1 r tan gan this thin afternoon weather throat threat t cuing but tho the attendance good cadillac fell in the steeplechase and broke his neck jockey lawrence lawarnce was badly bli alcon but not seriously injured first race six furlong aunt lida acin on second stark third time tim I 1 18 I 1 second lace face five furlo jigs conces fann on won von laiq alaa kitty second lady maui maud third time third race six furlong grannon won alamo second beeta may third time fourth race one John johnson 11 son won von second bird catcher third alne ILe fic 1 47 7 fifth race steeplechase about two and it a half alles mlles le IC panto won don 11 7 tier second garnold third time 4 16 A BEAUTIFUL SPECTACLE defender P vigilant find and all the other new york yachts new york july td 3 the nine days cruise of the new kaw york yacht club beran ran at 1 p m today to day from Glen glencove cove long island islam the defender vigilant and jubilee participated th the to touched will be morris C coe a new london nr tt port vineyard ha haven en new bedford and lade back to N newport M on dilday the schooners ners and sloops will race for the goelet cups the signal for or the yachts to g got t under way was waa fired bcd at 2 32 1 35 p rn L under T ader A cloud of canvas the assembled e d fleet moved slowly out of glennova Glen cova harbor toward the starting point of 0 the first days race for or the special cup clip offered by commodore brown OR olt matinee rock point towering high above the lofty canvas of the rest of the yachts moved tile the great club topsails top sails als ot or tile hie defender arid and vigilant though the lest jest of the yachts moved slowly in the iho light air which was waa bly ing from tile the southwest at no more than six knots nn an hour four the th blk big bingle stickers went through the fleet in grand style acyle although they had none of their great kitab out the starting gun was blied flied at p ro in and at so ae accurately and smartly were vere the two big handled that the vigilant went over the line less than a minute after the gun eun was fired and the defender crosien less than a minute later both yachts running ninnis up their foresails fore sails as they did no the lant immediately after crossing tins tile line broke out tur her tu r balloon jib topsails top saUa sails the defender re fender did the same defender at 2 p an less than 1 ten en minutes otter after crossing the line facial passed ed the to leeward and soon began beean to open a n gap betwee ra her stern und the bowsprit of the vigilant the yachting neel fleet ag it passed by matinee creek point to the eastward presented a beautiful picture within the first mile of tho the first leg lea of the course which was one of ten tell miles mile a the defender appeared to gain materially on the vigilant although the weather waa truly vicia an L ni fleather eat tier on oil tho the homi home run the defender rat ler beat the th vigilant by one minute and forty seconds |