Show getheral GEt lERAL wm SATISFIED ATIS 1110 silver cause Is not losing ground SIMPLY As A GOLDBUG FICTION people are deeply interested and the agitation will show results at the polls senator duboiss view on the carpetbag carpet bag indian agent cause of all the trouble copper production TRIBUNE BUREAU 1 t vort pott building pennsylvania ave 1 washington D C july 29 general A J warner lV arner president of 0 the bimetallic league of 0 the united states has arrived in the city after an extended tour or of the country in the iho interest ot of silver general warner expresses himself as aa much encouraged 9 ed by tho the outlook ire he denied emphatically icalla that silver Is losing ground ond arid states that the charge Is 13 only made by the eastern papers paper 1 I am just back said general warner from the sections where the right for silver diver la Is being waged and it where here in ili the end it will iiii be won and you may quote me as a saying that the people are arc neither going over to the gold side aide of the question nor becoming indifferent to silver tile people indeed mer ft ere e never before so 0 o much interested in sll ducr as ne a they are at present there may inay not t lit bo the excitement plowing glowing out of public meetings and conventions that existed in the spring but there has been no abatement whatever hat ever of 0 that interest which be tokens an organized purpose and upon which you may rely lor for good results at the polls CARPET bagden TO BLANIE BLAME senator dubols dubois who aho L leaves laves aves tomor tomar to mor mar row ifor for idaho Is very emphatic in stating that the right of the lh controvert my between the whites white and the B ban nocks Is 1 i entirely with the whites whiles who contend that if they are not to be allowed to kill same game out of season tile the a same r tie lay daiv shall he be enforced against the indians and right here continued the senator with some warmth h 1 I want to express my belief that tills ihla trouble would riot not have occurs occurred e d but for or the president having unloaded unload e d EL a car pet bagger on off us as indian agent the mans name la Is teeter and lie Is from west virginia and was forced on off us ua to oblige air wilson now teeter like all rast easterners erners Is afraid of an indian and perhaps it la Is a good thing to lo in mistrust 1 trust them until you get onto their tr tricks 1 1 its teeter teete I 1 has probably issued passes to these bannocks Ban nocks is was afraid to refuse at any rate the entire tribe appears to be up t there here and having been joined by the tou tough bucks of other tribes are killing game indiscriminately ly and ready to kill any one who interferes but there will be no war or any thing like onel moros mores the pity nor do I 1 believe there has han apen the troops will III get ret there the braves will promptly submit and be taken back to their re reservation S erv atlan and there the th matter will end for a time A little later the indians will be oft off the reservation re on slaughtering game again it cannot be otherwise as long as inexperienced men such a as s teter teeter are ampol appointed n led indian adlai agen agents I 1 s and yet there ar are e people mho T ho blame the whites for taking the matter in it their own hands the extermination of them the whole hole lazy shiftless supporting non tribe of bannocks Ban nocks would not ile be arty any very great loss losa miss christiana ot of fort duchesne chesne utah is lit in the city W E il A production OF COPPER over half bait of last years product came from montana washington july 29 the review of copper and cappai mining for the year 1891 made by the united states geological eoa logic I 1 survey has been completed it says nays that copper mining suffered from the general depression of tile the scar still cor consumption was mas irk in advance of but an enlarged production could only be marketed by means of 0 lower prices on the whole copper mining ining resisted th the e tension otter better than the other oilier mo metal tat trades the exports were less than lit in 1891 1893 and were almost entirely of the refined metal the production or of copper tor for lesl was tons A if little tie over halt half of tills this ca came 11 from lion montana tana and two thirds of tile the remainder front from the L lake A ke superior mines other sources of supply aply include fil ell arison Ar leono pounds pounds colorado 6 pounds southern states 2400 wl 0 oil pounds utah OT tho the available liable copper supply in 1894 1994 Is 14 placed e d ant at pounds not including cl blocks fiam previous years the exports from the united states tor for 1331 1304 were acre liou pounds valued at over the repart of the surey sunoy of tap production of zinc line in the united states says pays that the check which tho the steady and rapid advance ot of the industry recell ed in extended into ISM 2894 the decline in the consumption of galvanized iron the sharp falling off tn in the he demand f for or wass brass and stagnation lit in the building trade contributed to tills this result the production of iter during the year vua mits in round numbers tons front from the following states stales illinois short tons kansas hart tons ills bourl tons western states TWO short tons southern states 1000 aholt tons the production of at zinc oxide in 1391 was 1441 tons regarding man mangan ganse the th geological hurtay report say bays that nearly all of tile the united states manganese orea area lire are oxides in tile the united states manganese is almost coextensive with the brown hematite ir iron it ore the ediin connection elion bt bouen uen pen them 0 being intimate the far geat portion la Is untried mined lit la tilt chwe lee localities cali ties ahe I 1 tn valley of virginia Virgin la C carl arl osville ga and Dates vIlle alit aik rally large IU KB deposits have rece recently n sly been b served in california an and I 1 T enli calce the production of 0 the united 1 fei ja for 1894 was GOS long tons ton va valued I 1 1 at 7 |