Show we S allois I 1 i salt lake iron co president HENRY is J DAVISON secretary n I 1 MA av 4 j I 1 C I 1 i I 1 ENGINES AND BOILERS MADE REPAIRED TO ORDER IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS WORK ir M V I 1 in n A ass likis planner old cant ire aror tic R price 11 T xi V sutherland manager diott na WORKS ll 11 liouta or P 0 box m 1 I 1 C 3 C 30 a 03 F 19 TV ark W r ci MIK c A t U 1 u just retired must opened up fp for SRI rate by r 1 0 V C cb CAU I 1 00 losiak ff 33 ack S or OF NEW FRUITS picked packed by J B Van evancovitch Vanco covitch lower thames street london SOO boxes BOXES 1000 POUNDS HOME HOMB MADE CANDIES FANCY CHECKER BOARD BOXES WISA OF VE BOXES t and it barge 6 variety of of Chr minas THI STORD IN GROE IC dott do tt tf a 6 CO 1 pe BROTHERS 00 a U 0 I 1 I 1 M and in I 1 r W WINES FN E sy in LIQUORS I 1 Q I 1 U ar CIGARS I 1 I 1 I 1 J 1 I 1 t I 1 I 1 1 W 4 i 1 t q k t I 1 fr t HAVE A STOCK or OP 17 A I 1 ai io u foreign I 1 dign I 1 domestic wines brandies i U gins 1 L ac I 1 ITO I 1 f BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES I 1 4 T N and an immense of case liquors and t bitters bitters I 1 I 1 r I 1 I 1 I 1 ann AND I 1 ati tl I 1 I 1 HAVANA AND DOMESTIC I 1 to 1 1 11 I 1 II lily it opened KU an rod and tie flat h mt r bald to la ceab we ire offer I 1 S mr SPECIAL ei inducements TO THE TRADE ZU asole 1 l agents in utah for J n FT ond and 5 T SUITS A COT CO 41 eli oa 07 I 1 WALKER BROS CO one door ft east of ERe elephant ste I 1 1 I 1 1 a the tb oil which men I 1 rt it in IB their lamps modern ato VIK W A I 1 10 J a J jh h L LP vl P FISHER ERA advertising SING AGENT dorrk 21 Mereb antal exchange I 1 CAu ronniA 5 al j j J SAN FRANCISCO california ca 1 and od subscription lot or ule tr A A I 1 t D 1 1 1 W WEEKLY E t K LY TRIBUNE TRENE AJ ter r a ch is h od l la a C cal a to tor ab ore rei BK Is fald n d e d N V h n aa D bugs Oo barado loral I 1 ls adi I 1 c orvit e it I 1 Is if the iho MI 1 i cou aorl r I 1 tt ami I 1 can fadd d chlan r new lka is C an mj ih guf colon I 1 lM j ur atlan it aass 4 europa ADVERTIS IKO IT HAI crew led many A new B hu as many an old ha P m revived many a dull bur bulD triesel fi ku sal WADY moy ft A pont frol efm i saved many a falling basin loo glas I 1 mae HUM baay a large busine bulnes bul neu I 1 ures erteld cuc 1 calK I a my any busi Dese I 1 I 1 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS 0 1 4 1 r r beep YOUR NAME MAME B elore TH THE E PUBLIO I 1 t I 1 I 1 elgivA will In nare a fortnoff 1 is IH DULI DPI ADrE STISE S I 1 I 1 1 1 fc 01 UP is n britt brisk advertise I 1 i 6 W arth fh e nun n vv 0 o bel feild ln air ustate ul haa bi on into partnership with the hair sher sherler lir ma an bonso does alx lx abe adverts ad verus air mu m u tr HI OWE SEWING I 1 MACHINES 4 SALESROOM a I 1 7 hibst aou M ST BT or THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE As A perfected by 1 ELIAS HOWE JR bip next BEST IN tiie THE THE HOWE SEWING MACHINES tire ur unequal unequalled led for 17 itY and d durability th taftt ance or of work of which hit aln li lt i ara ic 1 0 of I 1 conr i and it b LT 11 1 1 tu bualle alle it ft THE VERY BEST bacri MACHINE NE isac IN TIRE WORLD I 1 1600 MACHINES DAILY I 1 OVER SOLD IN 6 YEARS that I 1 ELIAS HOWE JR J R was the kolh ad the th principle invented iD vented tr by him 1 lis BEEN BEEH IM PROViD ON OM can md and examina our oar styles and price BAMS BALES knout koout first art bouth brivet a few cw ca rl test op wholesale Who laal department AKrE ANDL IliON laftoN dt A Ml lIEn I 1 ib ly aig AKU lista a cro C IX 4 I 1 STORAGE MAIN STI tEET E awas AND TUDD aodra sodra JUI AU lone promptly attended to larre firo cellar tul aud iton room to for 10 r abo will of storage Blur wro TUO TUB eft beat quality received from chicago acell JUS ayat LILl lu MABION ABION 21 forwarding commission commission Z commission AND forwarding DUR SAMPLERS SAM or ORE AND AID BULLION MONET I 1 i OS or of ort ore deuton Du Uton grain alo A dealers in nat cory CORN OAT CRACKED conn I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 agents for t lue J we W make lower rates rat to au all prin principia cipta east cra than any etoy other company THROUGH SILLS ILLS OF ladak GIVEN extra for the thi shipment Shipments olt i ORE OS AND BULLI ON AGENTS roil SALE HALE or 1 hinton coil coal for the entire arta portion fortion of utah I 1 ware wire I 1 houses at BAIT 8 A L T LAKE L A ix ae carr irr to 1 RANDY akar py i aan A NI it ti atan th Tern lluu of utah cl h southern South frn and DI american fork having room to tore say naf amount ol of weight relf bt addren all communications to JM tANTa A ClIT TING oct 25 lt SALT CITY Christma sand now new years PRESENTS 1 a jant arrived at GRAVES CO a an immense or of GROCERIES 1 CROCKERY GLASSWARE I 1 i AD N D y HOLIDAY PRESENTS I 1 P dt A CALL AND SEE THEM at Groes becks blocki block second south street SALT LAKE CITY i I 1 if Is 1111 T 11 Glas a specialty dig lf if HIGHEST CASH PRICE rain PAID ron FOB W J an ft CO I 1 V t ce 2 ca Z ea I 1 0 1 4 ell 4 ab t 4 0 ca s boll i 11 IP CC C 2 0 i 5 ME CL 0 A 1 arg Amort ment of cAlit irm nov any 2 EK E tf K at t beegel 1406 blo nana NOTICES S wasatch bodge NO 1 I A f r A M X U 11 1 0 1 0 le a I 1 0 u hrail I 1 ag ol 01 1 I 1 II 11 1 1 1 1 1 b d a II 11 1 g 0 cliot temple erect the angood Elti cond anil az conr rl d 0 of ath d r n bembe of so and 0 o 0 ing Lr ethren irk in rood bood standing TO are cor jd lurn to alt oil 10 a t te nl J af RN W X L kany bt lodge alvo aa R r al beld at t M mmel alto ball 1 tl tart temple stat treat tb the pooped and dd fourth moods goodat ID of me ach h nhoth Idem berig of sister sifter 6 aoa Dreth in rood good ailing u are na cordial 11 to attend a FOL FIGEL W M sm bucy y Arre sidne NO ko 3 A r A A A ill af of thu clodfe at 7 hold hij on 00 the iho art arst and nil third T tda da of 06 each month at 1 I hl exit et will street members of sister lobreto and ernig brethren broth ron to f rood good ar are cord latar dinv inv Inri tta td A W N UCK W IL W IL II dian tarT dig tf A fory rr xo no J A r d A at A 71 L provo aro CUT city blob hold communications a fadl perlar third of rob trob A J month all amoni la in good stain ding V are ro invited 0 attend aka A st SWARTZ W M clah r f SWA Spore tary A it A A R R II st Joli tiB a W bodre or r r e r r c I 1 N ko 0 iha JA A tn aim A 1 17 alt I 1 ce 1 M c iba i 1 X I 1 lt main directs every of each month aa sojourn mg ing brett lern are r cordially invited to attend T E F TRAM Y T ap P 0 bf C V ax aril r T T tab tribe nesa imad 0 it if Stis tail councils belt it at I 1 I 1 ril fy F y faiell F t hll second bout b street tract tta every I 1 evening it at tr bait pt pst on ona mn a I 1 lec ciok loek solom hidir breth th ma in rood good lir r cordially invited 10 T E k W F 0 B F cah stati blidge Ij tiler no to I A 16 I 1 06 0 0 r grifa mass every at t op 8 p ashe in in oa y south at aw gigg g OM ivllon it I 1 s foden see r to attend fir he h purpose pui po ot of conferring decrees arst month am pm p m I 1 i ta tl sli ILi N cu 0 J clr jo u tr afim af lM AIT catir LODGE sa no 2 I 1 F i meet every friday m cv nl A half seven 0 it PM p m in fut faut aidah allt odd fellow s clo la brood standing are invited meet to confer degrees on the urt arst in Is every month a at half put past seven 0 clock pm IL if A REED 24 0 i E M I secretary cr tf to the unfortunate C nm I 1 now remedies I 1 I 1 DR GIBBONS dispensary ii kearny st relt commercial SAN SAM FRANCISCO STAB LISH M IN ant E J IdEN TotS 1 aland I is 1 such u Gonor iless west steelton la in nil all its III feml flemig bairdi Ba ilDI ial weakness imp toner sea to olt le skin byln cism adlum 4 of year standing ulla tee B ku bm tb the pleasure of that bottom returned rt nid croci Th eiting th the principal of f aad ligis bu resumed practice at its hj kearny eray borost comer mc W lee aber alt old and those alio reli alting mi him TIc servI fc my may find and him the nr do doctor tot has b nd cofler accas dar goo aboa 1 Is ID making king out oat new bv remedies kad and bm bell La Ormard for or the th of f human suffer jur samuel weakness or n the cf CC ifon T his solitary oIl tAr vies or depraved zoa idola a by the yosif of 1 both lb its to ea D kl J most producing with certainty the tb following train of 61 morbid we ani ty hodiw measure ali ark pot under rr palo la ft the ali need ad ringing jo in the tb assan not aola like castling of or ni tillus or of chrisof chri of comal no about the total edae of ofte the halbe coo COD a vision blauth ibl lot lose of a failing it approaching a dislike to corm MI a tion to atia m Q I 1 ely to low of armory pimples and vacloas nip 1 1 lions about abs face beccio amble furred 0 houd foud or broth satis dogbe consumption might swa A rebas tody anany if be sot obtained should apply 7 mthr in in person or by letter md jut bar a can cor affected by bit hl now sod mods of treating treat lax ibis dig alm ellk b never atrul bT rUl win in effecting a qa balck k and radical cars cirod at home boma my t AT hoys by br a letter to on atsung tuo tago sym jap pt bm fourth or time tho abdus dle lu bu nod kod and ht belva cirs promptly forwarded rr free from froio damage ball ad corio alty ta 1 may koy port or of the country with full foil kod plot directions for DM 04 sf by actori of III IA in car reavy JA in 6 rite rosis tod terell letter the th lo leo or through wolla tarso a co A pac kalte of 0 will t b 6 tor by lis li press to uy any part pan of the lb union tom to writing hotbo doctor will plu aab rt the U ago 0 f the rare t 1 f wo n u I 1 ALI LI gon strictly abw DB jl 1 0 acx i ada rda ito LI Ct J a 0 LAMB CO MI 33 at H c gor c X is T a is sf 0 e ree moved to no ha 82 gain st hc hal 1 aud n d have opened a fine find aul well so ao acted A tock lock or of I 1 drugs chemicals and fancy goods accurate ly riols Is 1 the lb beat he who cures curea ix Is the abo best beat ap axi ZIP abai ac FM HERBAL MEDICINE STORES PHILIPS BUILDINGS TENTH WARD WABD SALT LAKE CITY AM AIX DISEASES SPEEDILY AB D effectually EFI BPI I 1 CURED anneal boot bl burlap 1 leaves Irn vea rowil cris Clu calil itol 1141 I 1 same binm tinctured tinctures tures etc cie cie n BV y E 1 P PI it A aalt N T W who ho may be consulted dally ot at the above address all ren WORMS DESTROYED OR REMOVED IN TWO HOURS TERMS ONE I 1 IX N cases AC of couch rold colds asit scan declines bronc bronchitis hites lodi liver complaints nervous stomach alk lck bendicho hen dicho 1 scurvy ulcerated Is lexth 0 branath vl 1 bill if e tic etc balarr bi ufler larr er 11 arum TON a n ab conama Con ams kloc kings evil flat natula la pa allex 01 1 thick net act it ki dien sed and contracted at in jolna A rou ote khouli apply I 1 to thin in there tn in nota not H e it 11 eer r to 60 baj bad but eliut relief ca be read rendered e and inmost la most cases a cure performed ahl I 1 ST MARKS SCHOOL SCHOOL L FOR AND 1 DOTS 4 ity 11 1 N n room tin lini beell coin calls AN A I 1 a ted to accommodate about luu IW word 1 puella U pail GIRLS GIRLY SCHOOL lit hundly of it maiks hotels bur cli your raaf and Mch begin jan ali 1873 for particulars inquire of at ill alio llio onico oleo of olat st murk mark rudoll ruDo tl 0 o kiy aln ja 31 lw IW 1 occidental FOUNDRY alvand and pint first street ban fraacisco A HOLAND BOLAND anora IT M LM I 1 I 1 IRAN ILON antl n M e of f all descriptions at short abort A A ail 1 borders punctually executed in time agreed on 00 otten lion ion paid ani I 1 to 0 o making superior bones abo and LICK leo ong the iho t of able koundry aro are the well known Callighan Grate ST of Bb perlor arlor merit marit for burning screen ing all AUF site a to barb jock jack VJ iii alzen corpaci wad and effective effect iNe I rump agricultural chat iut infra lugot ingot MOUld fl acid Ite borts and kettles Kettl cB and a great variety oj of other and nd special celtin mi steigen dc BOLAND crople Prop 11 A poland tire lire the solo jolo or on of of the he HOLLER PA PAN q atie pat hajac all abo improve monte to these pans are sit nt the foundry the to deliver JI mus AD parts thereof with uni la in the iho cincot etyle an and d ni at tho the lowit blo price van Outi ago oci fur the th trade with alb liberal to erection dec all persons perv are ara cautioned lt or those through the authorized agents ana viz boland of the occidental k aundry S 1 F WIS IL am to all whom it may concern I 1 taut JAMIA l jr of areat arn y at benden bucks LD glaud do hereby W pi TO 0 public notice that I 1 have jjoe heretofore been and not nol slow now lu in soy way or macher manuch whatever or in business jai in tho territory or of gulab with QUENTIN A mcconn ELL or toy soy other proa noonen paid mid terr territory atory sae my attorney n eye acting for uia the purposes sex berohn lic rolD Is authorized zed or empowered to coo my usino to ID or an anable COO con a e ataw walli L 1 noy bw elainea on a tn in bild 1 d territory r duay I 1 bold ciares of stock I 1 a the tha etab binl mining ng md and Bin citing company limited but tt be oad this I 1 have and havo have bud no coonen llon lion in business buk lacA with any ODO or affairs in ia utah camets E McCIN NILL TL by marshall it avlo his lil a this 1174 la aw WELLS SPICER attorney at law AND AM COMMISSIONER FOR UTAH UTA H halt anh all attention paid to sum suits tind and tro trail scripts crypts of title to mining litin tnt proper lyl and deeds edged alan aitto aa a or ro IT aid lupolt orui I 1 alag office tu lu Ill deock dig ir ft PROF SHELDONS t DANCING ACADEMY beconi south one dour door hobt of walker k I 1 U EN CT TO 14 m MEETS I 1 L rs 0 4 ir u r ANDT LA L lidley and dd children on aved bedoc agia day and saturday Batu iday afternoons soiree very every evening bartt oos U I 1 I 1 I 1 33 TJ at 1 Z I 1 or roeln A liurni j 4 1 9 11 to ew mur kitson oil 0 AA beable ill jj pre amrod to WAIL upon citti lomi ri for footit and abou A good fit or ou own bale dla aia in mo WERRY cunnington CUNNING TON CO 7 W K V R ram aw rajiv FV po 1 I KET K ET wholesale and retail grocers havo lu fu toro store a splendid did new stock null ault ablo to the senoa including I 1 nc luding fine now RAISINS 9 CURRANTS 1 APPLES CITRON AND LEMON PEEL FIGS CANDIES 9 SPICES ANCHOVIES CAPERS ENGLISH PIC PICKLES klesa CHOICE GREEN AND JAPAN TEAS 1110 mocha eha java and rio I 1 AND everything ELSE TO MAKEUP ua A coin complete grocery G store Z q I 1 family orders filled lae it wholesale rates hates and goods delivered at Resi residence fince FREE OF CHARGE I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 cunnington 1 CO I 1 d daw I 1 tl I 1 ll 11 la to lo i i i 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I r r f J I 1 i I 1 I 1 KIMBALL LAWRENCE are just in receipt ofa of a full fall and complete stock stoa of FANCY I 1 az STAPLE GROCERIES z whew W mx B w ft CANDIED CITRON LEMON AND ORANGE peel ZANTE CURRANTS GERMAN and n brench PRUNER PRUN va LAGAR seedless and bultena rA HINS DRIED APPLES reaches PEAKS FEARS blackberries RASP BERRUS PITTED CHERRIES CANNED and BOTTLED FRUITS and vegetables FULL assortment SARDINES and SAUCES SPICES and HERB GROUND ard MACCARONI vermicelli HOMINY COARSE and rine FINE WHITE WHIT BEANS ROGE BOOE BEANS SPLIT PEAS SAGE TAPIOCA YARL PEARL baruyr BARLEY TWO BROS YEAST CAKE SUGARS COCOA CHOCOLATE HYSON GUNPOWDER IMPERIAL AND OUR celebrated A K X 4 L J A A 3 a 1 I TEAM TEA LAWRENCE dai tf I 1 I 1 WA MINNAS M 1 BROS 0 X DRY GOODS AND f CARPETS I 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 1 allu I I 1 II it 1 c I 1 I 1 i L i 1 I 1 I 1 tui t g r 1 11 ti i ii tor W bartt fauct to i i is t ta op j A t I 1 t 17 r 1 l I 1 41 ill I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS I 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 i I 1 gt i alaj ai J I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 wi r i 1 it 4 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 FUR SEAL AND MINK I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 J I 1 k I 1 I 1 SILKS IN EVENING SHADES 1 i 1 INITIAL handkerchiefs I 1 J I 1 j SHAWLS IN CHOICE STYLES SHIES I 1 I 1 am 1 I 1 11 1 I 1 0 REAL LACE COLLARS I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 DRESS CHEAP I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 REAL LACE handkerchiefs I 1 I 1 in 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 AMERICAN STRIPED SILKS I 1 I 1 I 1 1 i LACE AND embroidered SETS I 1 I 1 r 1 I 1 BLACK ALPACAS OF CHOICE LUSTRE I 1 I 1 I 1 |