Show inal it Mi litral department I 1 ft A d shall be glad to 0 o off rc dry ay iy of our achning friends at our office ef and receive from them any in y details of their prospects and labors if ve s oil all who have any mineral informer inform ir hon to 0 o joint us af a call ca I 1 nhsn r leanox frumolt lua nox january 8 1673 editor satt fait las iu I 1 ghisi town as many of tin the badt naira rs of 3 lour our j anad know is if situated atil about forty ironi front halt hall lake city in a louth tit fraction birl and in too the alovel named district tb abo town boasts of 0 hakul having 9 a population of if boot four our hundred with 1 funnies as aa follows M 1 ingston in erchant lion ft a stock of avnor a lit fu atlue inc from soua tu to daw 2 11 D frangion B uron 1 A l hen bun of pila gooda ath worth front from hoax to sa 5 nuu mx tho lureka I il onial by Geli crAl connor and run lef liyo mr S 11 Vi blo rl o i cair ramly to tile stocton ht octon hodio couf aarom tile tho I 1 front the lunka is ruu rula ity by mr bit IA lopell kr aemer ae mer and I 1 that lodi hoth liou saro aro doing wll well lo in to those joua bonka j there in a aitery in cry beable ruu run li by iwler A bain icilin axt liu i a billiard bill nril liali hall two to jim mil and nicea by L tuil sia containing one table by lowd Gro itta I 1 Igilio alao notice that blacksmith shut ono one run niti by G dent id and uio the other by bli onnan a 9 meat in market blit bv ui in wilson wilon ono one harric 4 hiiop bv ivaloe 11 ChamU iUn imil anti by I 1 ml lilor tao musical man 1 the I bo town lun is i with etli hell bittl anil nil telegraphic communication and LI is situ atol in elude proximity to kovei bovein ii Ment lako lAke 1116 lk lake I 1 nn am toll told i is rii enli i in two iwo billea aldo file at tho deat Pul tul litand ua beautiful melr I 1 IT was alloin through como of the mines ol of tile li district yesterday by mr air joint john it 11 is acting as 2 cut ter lor Clon cial content at this risen place alio hiller lensi owned by P r connor slid aidi situ situated atod cue unto suit ul a half northcut of this towo town ua altu boido I 1 batt ill iua ull uil run rua a distance of fiat follow fu loli lug the bo ledge at a point feltt from rom the mouth or of ilia ibo wood li is a it book to uio the of 0 07 ilot that rune rud lu in though uio the ledge to bo be broleen somewhat in ll plaid il armm at t th tho the bottom of wit ibid abal I 1 there is another ruu run fa wil and a 9 a haft sulk from the bick ond to lo depth of C 0 5 act in ole dilno there aru several stopa run some of which show coir heavy of though out nut of itry tary high bih grade below this i wail there to 14 souther abaft sunk to thu the depth of ft vu list atol that hint in fit now covered owr over binl anti fitly I 1 hl did not foe 00 oo tho the bottom botto r 1 0 I 1 kara from the th attila jj s not much mineral in eight irk in tho the rz lot shaft running tram from tho the accord lovel there in a allow of mitic ifil in paol but none DODO of ay any in the LOOM at ahti I 1 time line the gacs are running a drift adrift es steril from f born wo item cf with a hope of binl I 1 taff rig the main oro ore boily body tho the character of oro ore n caluag bod and carbonate and kal I 1 fim told is ai in alv r to tho the ton alid uil vilida boril per the lobro runie auth 78 3 ecat east according to the survey stands blanda nearly portion dicu loro and shown good cuing wells in la the rol rol ili 1 lea bedr 0 o varying irom brain to five arct il in t to tho the northwest of this mine turco fourths of cf A milo mile la is altu Atell the abo grand cro aline PI 1 owned by A co ladno ruia caba nj mile flon and pitA ica about forty degrees to the north tho the lalun u in ft dl tAnco or foit fht nj it from chenco hero is 19 an fujino shall hafl runk illy five amt alv cp krom broin ali ilia bottom of this incline a is id run winterly westerly fifty feet lot t at t uio the book end of which tho the who ledo has bu boon been scoped out for a distance of fifteen feet upwards lu thi akca andl ledge thirty tavo inches thick encased tret won Ime walls rance I 1 by on ono of the th 0 owners ol of t ali 14 wino that tho the ore Is t worth 50 in silver to the ton amilt bAt it carrica 65 per cent oil character of ore aroid lit mostly fin palena leria though with wilh carbonate A few ratio fiona this mine is i A the defiance Ild niico mine allue owna IT bt paxton butler bailor I 1 co tunnel 14 io in seventy dro dra feet wl passes thru tigh the iho bioc location made by tho 1 X L cent com company pany paDy arom tho the back end of this touncle there Is an aa incline shaft sunk to the depth of thirty allows about two foit of galna and ore worth I 1 ini am told old fw III iuar to the llo ton oa Lodge raus mt m t and wool and pit lits forty to the north tim thi i include inc luUs a till nil ilia mines minca examined iii tiia this locality and next li Is tio tile minot mine owned by E C caaso co itna tot tao miles mile to tho the lit hoost of flue law n ledge runa pitches burly civo dogre cwi to the north I 1 tie incline shale in this mine ammo is 18 down thirty fito fee acot and shows three fixton bof oro ore tto the character ot of m billt id cube allet gitil some giacona I 1 urn run told by some of tho the owners bat this oro ore in worth 01 to td tho the ton to ia silver piker and that tbt li it carries CO 0 per percent cout alad if athi thid Is ia the ibo truo true naldo of be A ore re and I 1 lavo have no reason to doubt it then I 1 must conclude couo judo thai iliac uio ilia mine is vl val bablo for or ilia reason that tho ilia ore baill bol calif lia atif il dently irga anti cooing wells pr perfectly factly formed Jorni cd ou on use ibo dump damp third is ii from twelve 14 to fiftena toem afore of oro attlee iho read ready y for blurt ment to tho the furnace fur Dac 1 efto a miles kiil to the lb coal cast ol of tonn dar ilia lead of spring cannou is ia tho great enson IvI fIle owned by general connor Cot ioor gladgo runs itina north casmond anat and artith alid pitches fort forty y degrees to tho debt is in KV caty alt an aa bachno Is sunk juuli from tho alo backeD 1 thirty feet deep la in lid aldi iiii andulo lino there appe arti to a bo be about two wotton rod a half if cc of oro ore mostly carbonate carbo nalo that I 1 am tol I 1 by mr murray is id yorlli about 5 to 10 to tho ilia ton oil ail in tho am mediate TIC auty of orebia abia mine is id the ilic owned by E C chu chieff A co abaft in illk mine ld do an I 1 10 it 9 fU fulloue 8 UJO led Is down and pitches to the north ou on anglo of ten tell di direction of thu ILIA ledge L loing to ing cast it at the bottom of this a halt thero are two d its run ono one following follow mi tho the edge thirty feet cast and ami thy the other tho the MOIO famo distance wot west at ilia back oud end of the last darned drift thoro there appears to bo be a largo body of or oro though thol Artice halo not adael rd I 1 I 1 rift cd 0 lUro neti it in a tho cut cast drift thare is s pr ir hips two tiro ft of oro ore in a ight tho character of wo tuo oro ore Is carbonato h nh a small pcr cent tago logo of balona mixed and aad Is IB said to bo be worth from 74 to 1 to tho the ton ilar and cameo 10 I 1 lead irom from v hat I 1 love lavo awn on of abid p acl I 1 lave hato fi a valry favorable favo raLIo opinion ol of it J 1 slid anil think au all that is ry 11 I 1 till ut to provo prove it to ta to a mae A fuw hundred yards from thas wine rumo is 14 site eita in oth r ono ODO called callol our owned by 17 wm win giolito aal MAIL Moul icim location Lo cattou dual pacts loto feet ledge runs east aalt 1 add I d weak and appears to kotob 20 do dc arl arco 1 1 3 to the north tuo tho aft irk in thui this mine to M down 1 about feet and who luhowa wa a wall formed tun v in 19 thick ovo five tons of this oro ore worked lit kt jacobs A i co COR furnace in thil tono lidded fi in silver to tho the tou too and au W pcr toot cent load this lind of oro ore A to rou to bo be or of high leilh enough grade and for P a orkin ner jf and it is IR in to to bo hoped laun owners in this distri district Lt will mil speedily develop their ames mmes or show II 11 A cof aitio athla lid burnat furt iaco I 1 pre prename same li asono ODO anion gist beet in the territory and may bo be briefly described as ab follows follow HAS three blest far s c ca artta by two sturtevant no 0 9 blow w with t lh four water to each furnace furo aco tho the motive power for machinery is a obtained irom boat ono buo of Burko yB 45 loro hors upright engines rn sinos and uio ahola liu has capacity for GO CO tons 21 hours to provid witha with I 1 niagara steam harop with hoko it for ilia pur of g art alibi wiil ILL dodak lodo cru or having capacity CUPA CItY for potting then through 70 tons tona every overy 12 ile hours T tho a mot moot oath of tho ore at this farnach comes from the lattice of dry calyon a a those thoo of this district ard ed I 1 understand that d lat tho the furnace lo lit 6 barted up galu again 10 A low few dagg it yo cuino foo foe |