Show I 1 now ON virgi 11 rini 1111 s nc PRE me it EN r KED r arom the na mcw york I 1 our learlin leading dailies ila alica havo have lately called attention to a of plans for the die prevention or of largo conflagrations and among oilier means mcana have to carbonic gas gaa us as an agent that as als yet hij has no ile equal crim la in the reports of fires ll it is u often found that the water used to extinguish them has haa occasioned far jinro anro damage to stock than tho flames and it is also a tio tabla fact that fires frequently reappear affef steamers hayo bayo been playing lor for hours upon the owing to ignition caused by sparks fung falling upon the charred and splintered ered woodwork now by the employment of car carbonic bono ac acid id gas these 1 I otias are arc entirely overcome in the ibo first place it is tho the pis that tho the fire by absorbing tile alic oxygen upon which it feeds the water being used simply as 03 a means of conveyance thus preventing the u ucles alefs clefs dissemination of the gas before it reaches the flames the alc flames flame once deprived of oxygen become estioc extinct L there is 13 practically no sense in deluging g a building with water to quench that which may bo be overcome in a few seconds by gas easily manipulated and requiring but a few pails of 0 water in the second place the liquid imparts to whatever it touches an incombustible el clement e n t th thus u s beams raft erst and other t h er in inflammable flam m a blo ruins are alro free f from rom the dangers dan gersi of an outbreak for tho the moment a firebrand touches the soda coating its flame is extinguished these facts L bring ang us to the consideration of the most approved method of using the gas in cases of large fires this is found in the sell self acting manufactured by the babcock extinguisher company Co whose portable extinguishers havo have attained the highest popularity in all essential particulars it is 13 made bide with two copper generators anil and tested to pounds hydrostatic pressure to the square inch for Por country use each engine is furDis bed with double action force pumps by which water can be taken from a w well e 11 should there be none near enough a sufficient amount of water can ca be had haa by bucket carrier carriers s tho 11 h can superiority P priority erio rity of this engine consists r firstin rat in its simplicity simpli olty it dispenses with the complex machinery 0 of hOse fire companies reservoirs and suction hose carb carbonic anio acid gas as is n uth both the working and extinguishing agent second in efficiency mere water inadequately applied leeda the fire tut but carbonic gas gaa never dever bulk for bulk it is thirty times as effective as water the one hundred and ad thirty callons of the two cylinders being exactly equal to thirty nine hun bun cred gallons ol of avater besides it uses the only agent cut that will extinguish burning tar ON oil and other fluids a and a vapors A ol of interesting experiment with tho babcock engine was recently made before commissioners shalar and blair and chiai engineer polley of the new york pire department in marion street A feet hose was attached to the engine and run ran to tho the roof of the house of engine no 20 thence to the reir rear and up to the top too ortho of the bell tower ono one hundred leet feet above the sidewalk the 9 gas was 11 quickly u it kly generated and on the signal ediew icing given it was let on and i immediately 1 y came from the pipe with a rush that carried it over the buildings and out into the street with a sixty gallon ol cylinder ioder tho the stream dream was kept up for seventeen minutes while it was 1 playing I 1 n the second generator wa beings being charged ig s occupying the space if f five minutes As aa soon as the first crat was exhausted it connection was opened with the second there was vias no interruption of tho the stream A feature of this engine that cannot bo be too attentively considered coni con dered is that when the fire is reached instant in stint corn com tion is made there art are no d delays ei from I 1 1 ree zida supply or at water or other cause one of these engines was cullel out on thanksgiving ru morning orning to a fire io in the metropolitan me liLan ta tables ia in prince street and colln U 6 hed in about eight minutes what bid lair i r to be ba an extensive cor na dg gration ration each of these engines car ties rici two extinguishers attached to the dr ivera nal cat the book and ladder trucks and the wagons n of tho e insurance patrol are likewise provided and by using them an incipient fire may be overcome without flooding the building about fires have been put out with h theo the o small squall engine by the department and patrol tiace tile lat of janu ary 1872 in ili a recent message to the iha common council mayor mcdill or chicago Cb ch cogo cago called especial attention to this conne and while sti speaking caLing of if those already in use strongly urged the pur Chabo of fourteen others as alio llio lie best bent means oi of preventing a recurrence of the abo great calamity A large number of the leading manufacturing fac turing grins firms in the country as well ass as lire fire ot of wo moil important cities have evinced their sati salis faction t attilli i ith the operation ef df this self acting bogino so fo far as to rely in a great measure upon it for instantaneous and effective work it las has been subjected to the tha severest tests and during a long practical service has leen found of the highest confidence and commendation |