Show cy by W U I 1 N I 1 A LEON S 1 rr E it iril T I 1 1 I 1 london Ivec iriz the build on death of napoleon took everybody at as well us as in london by surprise pur prise the 1 1 l lond ants of the household and even the I 1 physicians were not prepared for it had bad eased a comp campara am lively comfortable night his strength abdat and at a beoo sul ta tation early yesterday morning it WM thought he be could best a third operation which was fully de determined ter mined u upon pon so great was wag the confidence folt in ID the p PE Z t lents condition that the imperial wa woi permuted permitted to return to woo woolwich wel to resume n e his Is bt studies udies dr go gall I 1 I 1 went cut to london 1 yesterday and macy of the emperors personal friends who nho an stoned to at tho the first ularm alarm had returned to their bm homes bere was no reason whatever to jl ai a fetal fatal in the ease case up to 9 a in I 1 when now new and dangerous symptoms suddenly set ina in the E m derors vital forces forced teemed to leave him ill all nt at once and lie commenced to sink with alarming rapidity aide A tele I 1 ram cram was di patched to kVool woolwich for the prince lr fir gull was summoned irom from london and lather goddard the spiritual adviser was beat for fl or in tho the greatest hasto haste to ad the last sacrament of the church the lo 10 private chaplain was also informed of the danger and started to but they all arrived too late the prince was not to lee ece ois ais father again alive dr gull and n the clergyman just reached he file prk ark rates gales eszo emperor expired the empress Km in press ress who bad been most con baan I 1 in her per attendance was at the bo bed lido at the lalit lait hour his medical ad ili wn 1 sir henry thammon thompson Th dr bompart U 1 S and the emperor ul geror s od friend dr conneau Conn Corin cau find and several members of the LOUSe holl were present sinco since the emperors em eror Is death his residence d at a t C b c fh u r his has been strictly closed e locce d to all a li but b isu t his h i nearest nea reet friends and an relations the physicians state slate that death result resulted Cd from causes ill of the t 1 Burgic 1 r 11 i cad iJ operations to which the P patient U was I 1 the h has a s p produced r 0 ducca a deep impression in london where the emperor WM wag always personally very tery popular with the leading JAu niaL publish long full fall of expressions of mourning part parlo tho the newa of the emperors death reached here at a lato a to hour this afternoon it ia bot yet possible to estimate its effect on the be imperialists Imperiali its of course they are profoundly affected and appear to regard the event as the anal final blow to their hopes hope the only evening journal which has at any ly editorial on the subject is the bles kager agar ue de paris an influential finance organ which closes a brief article with the following tribute disasters which have made thip fillip wreck of the empire will not baase to be forgotten the great services napoleon Na has bas rendered tho the nation in establishing I 1 order and developing the prosperity of this country none oher ober of the evening edg papers had time to do more than print the an bounce ment without com comment ment I 1 |