Show 1 I aar Z at I 1 VU 1 abr I 1 izabele ob P act b i Is a WITT it 1 S T 11 r R 33 S 8 33 S I 1 I 1 vf vyv 1 II 11 P I 1 I 1 ia c a aa X N ro a taft or or b ook oak and job printing 1 wibb BJ ad 12 a I 1 b wt kt bader I 1 SIR au bahi kl gain ap dbent tl le I 1 jj luno publishing company it I 1 men orthis of city v t orrim BAST TEMPLE jc ST Ml ncr T rebbia admeril aw AlC alstola cuts tola V I 1 1 ina exonia eiba IV A CO PA now new I 1 W TORS colln Crl lN g NET arl HErrl ELD dc ST mo 3 3 ners ael acene s A BLAKC Li ciry cirr T 0 BROWN em nt t T y eckam 1 SU SUN it it 11 derot OGDEN k U 1 I 1 4 k N D X N lashe READ ALTA ciar catt birma Tim 71 sofio 1 P OC 11 1 I 1 A san AA STAB V T U T ill al r re E A B SAN SAH I 1 the A pioneer of 0 the A ameral develops and having td in face ace of 0 all aji or position has the M rn conyne cony nM and of the ijo on a anaf is u I 1 A on y onval through k h it can be roach GEORGE L WOODS WOO S I 1 A T T R X I 1 Y A AT T 1 A IV I 1 cinci in secretory till ducks ck building SALT CITY koplo ia tf jUroR TANT TO IVI 33 CALLAHAN maluci del MINING MILLING AND BUILDERS HARDWARE A SAYER S FURNACE 14 ANI AND CR UC I 1 s STOVES ES ETC AGENT TOR howes platform hay railroad and counter scales AGENT ron FOR FB TAYLOR tatian a CO A celebrated CELEB HATED EUREKA KEROSENE OIL 54 south ir NOW now borit toik aam ix i ad x 4 BLOCK 9 L CITY still a liberally on of or and bullIO 16 bullion a at t highest market prices Irl ces rn tt tf THE NEW JERSEY MILLING DULLING AND FURNACE C CO 0 I 1 WILL PURCHASE at tho follow tag NET refer ores ora pr r ton ion S pr vt t aa AJ SY 1 V a 1 I K an 1 I 0 4 1 7 an 1 0 it 9 61 1 U I fl 1 l 4 u atti M M 54 I 1 1 I 1 0 15 iceo 00 11 I 1 tl I 1 I 1 11 I 1 si a 66 M ao TO 70 11 bica it 74 0 4 a FA ionti 5 I 1 ion 77 I 1 1 6 ti baui W 70 W IJU BO 0 at 81 I 1 1 na M 11 WN CITY utan JULY jtb th 1872 references fa H lako lake chy ni na lloyal SUL jav lm AUBURN MILLS N aad nr after jary J ary 1 lit 11 1 the tb NEVADA 0 hnud LAND 1 ud I MIN WILL PURCHASE SILVER ORES at the moving SIT rateb ta erv at I 1 11 6 1 af as 83 1 I 1 7 40 s I 1 SN 6 43 6 I 1 I 1 44 I 1 U L iao so I 1 4 1 1 L lam 81 54 ra 61 0 u 63 II abs as R 70 9 Is u sf ai 74 Is SM ai 75 16 it Is 40 7 A 6 0 0 1 71 6 31 A w s 1 A bt 61 i Is u i f CO ti ra u I 1 U I 1 63 83 Is iu 1 U tf cherf braar A says mo to 0 with 17 8 C or ak ma to sh fr of chag 0 ty ettura r or I 1 I 1 at t option ot of aiji par P F F 08 BISTON UR none benoi NT nav I 1 ism I 1 al 11 bai i oo NEW YO RK transplanted OYSTERS mou our OCR N SAX AN BRUNO BEDS THE FINEST rl FLAVORED i mr f r 01 W JEI 3 ais B in the lh world for or iilo wholesale and nd retail BY TILE r P i 0 NE ert BE importers and planters EMERSON CU CO at their derot depot the th 0 noted SADDLE aach lie II 11 I allu I secret hau flail cal N NU uwe genuo fill try orders direct faolu ab abo beds and dr arat th iho delivery of our oysters in it food d order at lo 10 my d ou tho the cuculo bleda am aiu OPHIR CITY OPHIR CITY H N LAWRENCE 0 s ORO BRO PIONEER outfitters OUT FITTERS Groo orlea ial and miners tobit always on band THE LARGEST STOCK IN T TOWN wr SALT LAKE balgo cs ci office orect witolo ki stio aa TA 30 JS f I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 i I 1 1 I 0 I 1 I 1 Z 0 kill I 1 bof I 1 rah three to forty horsepower horse power octis PAINTERS 9 ETC brumb I 1 REM I 1 HE tollies Tol lids nil GERI I 1 WHO HUSSEIN why ho hals ll 11 abc well known PAINTER AND SIGN WRITER who vox van formerly of the iho firm or of rumell howll white mid nl alth birllo to the iho walbor house watters walters bros and other jobs too numerous to lo mention n OF ABILITY TUI is itlie the BEST IMITATOR or OF WOODS AND MARBLES IN UTAH and add refers to the hall for ft a gp oc i men of frescoing gmaning nud gen Crill m ork give gho ul 0 a call at our art callery over cattera bawo jewelry store bit 66 tr ir INSURANCE COMPANIES IMPERIAL I 1 M P E R I 1 A L insurance COMPANY COM lAXY OP 01 LONDON aa FIREMANS FUND INSURANCE COtI PANY OF SAN ri itis ISO first class clam blk solicited for the th boo above ruble companies com panics apply to kimball A lawrence I agent tf ST PAUL fire insurance uce co ST NT PAUL paid up capital surplus chicago losses paid in ill full FUH C 17 BIGELOW J C Pron dent H R DIANN agent SALT LAICK CITY office 0 effice banking 13 mon hocum of A W white co 1 box ma tarri fia em UNION INSURANCE CO AN tan t III ii N and 1111 illel iv IN 11 AND RELIABLE LE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HAVE REPAIRED THEIR 0 jeal je al 0 n 0 to ibe th amount and are now prepared to do si N lh fis be I 1 ORE RATES MODERATE H HR R MANNA DIANN CO local affet Aff Affe niu Dt WALKER BROS IKO for ilola dla tf 33 u MT late of fagin d burn 4 HAINO opo opened nod ft A new store of 0 xa ito iSla bler in ill I 1 aru to walt upon boota bucl d bioco A MAI lit IU guaran ived or on ewe U am professional CARDS FRANK TUrO BD 1 S A MASS MANX tillord RAITY MAKIT AT LAW 36 30 STIREL 17 h hilt t LT LA ILE CITY 17 T na 1 tr GEORGE 0 BATES I 1 UNITED STATES COU ola 1 AT adlaw lAW F ekard ai tl T fzli clvin on to jo pur j i chef anti and enlo of and tion or of tula and nd cortina certin ates tc thereto die reto orric five doors doon catl of Ica eret nation ia bank if daman 30 aa THOMAS FITCH A ATTO T TO R itney N E YA Y A AT TL T L LAW A W G street 1 D 0 attention airn to JAMES iames me M CA CARTER 9 ATTORNEY AT omak over OTC r Nat ionea bank r I 1 temple Ft roIal 6 oa tf ir alt C K X 0 OH J cmunt HAYBON GILCHRIST ATTORNEYS AT LAW over first isaak of utah salt ball lake city ula tf lf BASKIN Attorn eya and cou melor sit at LAR over cr california store limn 61 I 1 I 1 I 1 MARSHALL ROYLE ATTORN ATTORNEYS EYS AT LAW over wells fargo co s bank bail 5 tf r E D B A rosborough ROS DOROUGH MERRITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW silt S lake C city 91 eUtAh utah tint uth temple I 1 a int bl leril building cast of lor seret bulo tf D COOPER attorney and solicitor orrion over mrs mra colebrooks milli millinery nory aitoro F bast temple street it H Ito Kirtson teon ju 0 spratt ROBERTSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW SALT lajta UTAH i WM WIB P APPLEBY ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REGISTER IN bankruptcy birst door fouth ot of commerce Coa building main bait lake city mr 10 O am bor boi P C I 1 H mccurdy s MOR GAir ATTORNEYS AT LAW barics ron boom in 4 ao 0 o 45 kemball Kirn tail wook jaell r M L dahll M ATTORNEYS AT LAW aalt ufa leas HIT atan kimball block roomi flows 11 and od 12 JAMEST JAMES T BLANCHARD 9 analytical AND an laboratory AN A 1 VY ily OF ICE alil LL carlt quick rea returns turns jbf I 1 ex formerly secretary DIW J jl 1 ma jiin M T BUR BURGESS SI 41 iii 1 16 I 1 L EN G INFER AXI r U S MIN let AI ia I lipare li pare the vice e 1 a r Y ap J ir 8 alad ding raws fur pt e 1 I t a and plu tm 0 i otrice rn occupied by survoy dr r general JI it lf JOSEPH gorlinski hill IL ENGINEER united alai mineral ani deputy ma r ca ar lur fur sough street nearly opp 01 otlia to 9 st L leirl li irl a t buriti J tt wig bt W W V WOOD GILLESPIE WOODS NOTARIES PUBLIC col SEARCHERS OF RECORDS 4 44 taken for or tho the bovere sovere aulm and office hours from 9 0 a m to 0 p ra 0 booro 0 o 6 over fasl biank SATT SALT LAKE CITY ts l t jaa W chu chas A goud STAINBURN GOULDs COULD NOr NOTARIES ARIES PUBLIC Sea robers of records conveyancers and aai commissioners of deeds deed for now york low nebraska Wyom lur mou ou cwm on OrrO Qi aex tarm colorado ot of co gra UL other and awa for paten it flolo deebs add tor cocja ort lorl power of AtU ruf exams cant t fadl other 0 of drawn with accuracy b mn minin and other companio companies incorporated othoL ilal 0 r the law awe ol of i utah abstracts of title to anning end DI otar property me aiuto in the most moet colci pitta form property properly examined and aal reported ua on arice orrica AT EAST BAST TEMPLE ST SALT LAKE LAEB LA EB CITY V U T furnished froni from the ferut mining in 10 the comity of bl bako to it A 1100 of tho the lk lake liming du dix brict now DO 14 11 and battle cottonwood du tracts ts slid nil fram tewo of uie the big minin district A nit froni 9 IQ tn ft i m a L lf J JB B dana na PS PS FV ASK aik M r as W M Z SALT laka J S ASSAY 01 IF I 1 C E HAIR stearl Bl SALT hafl CUT acca ayca batup Bat Dp toiro trona a promptly attended 4 mma be tr to abari bars v 01 41 M ral raa Hc Vicin ar NEW YORK I 1 JEREMIAH an and william street N Y GLASS WARE wafe of ebery hir i ame crewl qa vm adoth rips ata aboor Bott bothlen len to ola W waro T md m d to ort anlo Dea dealiea lira LARCE OF BENEDICT HALL CO boots cac cia hoe ill 4 I 1 grand at L cor crosbi J wr NW ab law ar TZ 0 0 aa gj 1 I 1 WM M FLIESS CO IMPORTERS commission merchants AND shippers to all parts parta of the globo globe map jw ac abax NEW YORK bimla wd to iho shipment of 0 I 1 ORES made ou oa the rrb ur 2 ak aa BB ai JK Granville Whittlesey GO co malowe dealbera la in I 1 hats hati caps cape straw good gooda umbrellas and parasols of pan broadway nn new york I 1 ras I 1 GRA graffenberg GRAEF EHBERG EFENBERG MEDICINES the MOO mot t caws cases of res ualle ness had and complaints ot of women are permanently cored by the braet beix o I 1 catitton cati tion von con THE IME PANACEA 1 la tho the best befit medicine to the world for all eam to am ct for headache md d loll 1011 orex tion everyone OD aboudi terotha take tb a PILLS theae mc meda laca laos in are tor for ul gals by all 11 ans tsu ia V lr SAINT LOUIS VILLUM C ORIL OBB D D LIff DELIT ORR onn LINDSLEY coo BOO max do aff bra AIM 8 IN made divico M ica ud autom ifie ullah in evory style trade in front 1 tab tor rl to ry sol I 1 ell luct lt 17 RODNEY D WELLS co to sanford Stu tord wolla walls co UD AND or 9 ia jamzs E atia A AH QUEEN 14 north main street bet pine fine and olive I 1 stint SAN FRANCISCO JOHN TAYLOR ca 0 CO 1 61 2 to HI WASH IN G tan ST S A IN JF K n 1 A alif A C I 1 H 8 C C 0 0 I 1 J aon to la As assayers marxs CHEMICALS CHEMICAL 9 ANO AND ACIDS 1 1 area is for alne amab Ba Balanc lancos ci A AND MINING companies COMPANIE 3 furo taho oom pluto for se at deals in elwe jl we nad and n khol A phien tock ICE CENTS FOR FOB THE PA fl elass WORKS ivi tf A T CREEM 9 commission MERCHANT ami AID purchasing agent no mo 3 front st 81 san francisco Fran clico a ili WM WK r AI IrP LIST BOST 0 CARLTON APPLEBY CARLTON REAL ESTATE AGENTS SALT LAME LAKE CITY U T G p VJ nud collection of la I 1 territory apply appi entry 0 latida ada on OD cah pre u onil and 0 obtain patents buy anil and tell soil I 1 lom in alt 11 1 djiko ko cily collect rento ray pa taxes tac rr irwy piira conveyances lake aein anil uralis abitt rata of titles onite sit MAIN IAIN hriber 1119 ELT r ML M hiir it I 1 EXCELSIOR COAL roil FOR SHELTERS A from I 1 lahti tUto ut of ath nalle I 1 55 i 1 00 I 1 hydrogen arbea I N csc aj in 1763 culpher 01 t y IX coke good WW K JOHN agent idaho store curner greili ercill western hotel hotl LUMBER YARD I 1 on ALL KINDS OF 01 TH I 1 doors windows I 1 1110 U LDINA 4 SHINGLES St LATH ayd cr J a X 3 13 AT WHOLESALE T R JOKES 4 tt ll ask Uth him look anuth V lu dodot haskells HAW KEllS ETC A W WHITE CO BANKERS BACKERS east temple st salt lake laha city ire IB gold dust 0 coin and bullion a on OB all the principal cities or of tho the united states state and europe particular A given ITO to calk collections tin i atad n d P d dj a remitted etc current raut p pit R 2 a g s i 3 ac d dy 0 payment ooL GEO GEOE E WHITNEY EY attorney correspondents bank of ad franc Fru ciKO loo leed now Kow york cook county national bank chicco chicmo 90 iladell lank euit a st loan 1 1 saito hsnk of 11 On mh WELLS FARGO GO CO 0 EXPRESS FOR 01 flud ol lies in teb use drafta on europe Europ cin chuoc I 1 tiona promptly attended to east temple street salt lake city tino F agent SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK BAN K HALT LAKE CITY authorized capital benj B benj me durell presidents president HUGH WHITE cashier A Jt BUT NAVE BAR of ETAB salt lake city se spead on page mlis ly 17 masonic tia sonic savings loan bank anro a 43 oot M lIA SONIO TEMPLE SAN 1 Calif california ornta LEONIDA 3 E r TRAIT GISO panice secretary toha I y taus tUL tt M STRY HOUSE OT STEVENSON x N 0 0 to o 80 0 th nard rb st ab iladell b isi bold old silver botand kot government cecur atle ibba It ba oil js j s r t 1 c on co all ose sible jolou to in ID aba balco up a a k v I goad bd loarf L bs b fiat and sold ola on com pa PT 1 P 01 to 0 o W ula of deloa which efty y L Zuel from utah territory and iacino btty all la in nord to adf juilet ID I 1 mat tb batted ratted sum SLL mint MIDI BJ guy t at iida reada no 0 makaa absan oro eleun drezel A 00 oo jay cooks cook A co po aown were A W 1 2 A mryr lifo cor E 0 1 coin iss ccok ilm alm it co it lk city plan ww g A 2 4 ca 96 0 9 1 A 4 3 44 II 11 1 I d M el ca M A al 9 S co pa ftc n P 0 0 1 pa 4 13 4 pa 14 t 1 a g a tt i w f ce 1 0 PA 4 j eba 21 X 1 I cz D 4 fal 0 4 4 I 1 A I 4 1 4 W 0 P I 1 E 4 9 11 1 I 1 4 C 2 3 g S a Z 5 C gs 4 C rala g 3 4 PA C i 20 a I 1 sa 4 ll 11 ta 4 fa 1 3 j A a fc 0 0 LL 0 4 h J ca M p asia ak pa q ca a 10 2 ba pa 1 if sas bd 1 4 5 S B ca 1 12 03 j AR 0 l mi i ei E i eldh t da CD security against fire and burglars I 1 halls patent concrete Con crale rine FIRE phool sar SAFES US HATS blac in over SU BU hundred ak fires sad KOI not ODO on hu ever gilel to halls improved Imp royed dovetailed BURULL BURGLAR R PROOF SATES SAFES ravo rt ikid lod all U tho forts of skilled beak burcal re fol kolon one tn bas tt evet been b cater ty bur flirt glaim combination BANK LOUIS LOCKS for I cit tu vast k lads OS of we lod 01 ol vuk bank vault fronti and linings with walh largely artl ed we are to abbed to offer our Colebr atod sales safe tas and looks lolu on better farina tasa dr b local loal ganal conium go lubars FOB fia ADD halts safe lock coo co III ida Dearbo irn st ill III tars of DILT DAILY pau YA icv d 8 six moiron 0 o turin mornia an i WEEKLY TRI TRIBUNE BUREz PIM tran mt six clr 0 traz mourns zus I 1 invariably to la Ad advance vanoe ITA Z I 1 I 1 a rv oe hark V every ve year inc increases rowes the ty of thu if valuable hair preparation which is ia due to merit alone 1 we can assure sure our oar old patrons that it is ia kept folly up to its high standard an and it atia is the only reliable and perfect ed cd f for r yes restoring to rm grat or on FADED 11 IIA alain to its out ul color making it soft lustrous lustro and rill cen the scalp by its use becomes white e andelean and clean it removes removed all eruptions and dandruff and by its tonie tonic props properties prevents the hair from falling out as it stimulate and nourishes the hair glands I 1 by ll 11 its use the hair grows growa thicker an and stronger in baldness baldness ness it restores the cap capillary glands to their normal vigor and will create a new growth except in extreme old age it is the most economical nom ical DRESSING ever used as ai it requires fewer applications and gives the hair a splendid clo aay appearance A A haye 4 AID state assayer of massachusetts says the constituents are pure and carefully selected for excellent quality and I 1 consider it the BEST preparation for fir its intended purposes SOW sou fry by alt all Druggis irand and dealers in price ono one dollar buckin buckinghamm Bucking hams dye FOR FOB THE WHISKERS ag A our in many ca ses requires too long on a time and too much care to restore gray or faded MI aers NN no 0 have prepared this dafin dye in we preparation which wm quickly and effectually accod accomplish ii if h result it is if easily app applice licu led and produces a color which will neither rub nor or wash eff sold by all dru druggists CIO i ests fifty cents manufactured by R P HALLO HALL CO MIL for sale by co 00 isalt it lali lake city o os 13 d aly Christma sand now new years PRESENTS 1 0 O just cl nt at G CO j ml an immense stock ot of GROCERIES CROCKERY GLASSWARE I 1 AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS I 1 9 miroir saie A CALL AND SEE THEM at Groes becks block second south street SALT LANE LAKE CITY a crollay glassford Glas sword a dm dig tf theodore |