Show MA CITY I 1 nom alo enterprise ot of tho the ath lb I 1 A alev lut loit c evening about aa a colored man carneil basil oneil was shot in tho the face aco by captain kelly koll T tho the now HOT locel i reporter of the abo chronicle Chro niclo oneil wu was blinding la front of hail A acos coi furniture torm luro store tho the eater aruo Of floo when kelly approached him and aked him if ho would make good ing blabs which lo ho oneil Oi oil had broken tomo some timo go 1 in ll 11 carrying a load of furniture from como 1 u chiou store to lo kellys louse on CI 0 tho The colored mm man to b laulo r 0 for tho glaas and laigh bonu tol 1 loften 0 lr log out ont his hill six shooter dealt bialt L ono anoil a I 1 a kerible blow with it in the face fa dl his bis pitol pistol at tho the game timo time tho the bill ball after through check endor bis big aers went t through tho the it aindow oi moad mass cog coa ill fur dituro store and add lodged to 10 A roll of carp carpit t to edg tho the colored man raa was taken to his lot on G street and andar dr WM called to lull the loj ories ore drouot not of a serious nature but that is ij not abo fault of tho the pliant captain capt ud the DOSO is ia badly cut and there is 1 til lit ugly gub iq in his bis right check kelly was LiTro ted but obtained bad la in the sum liam of foo for lits appe appearances arancis thursday next la in the abono me bale simply given a ment of tho the facts sad years will probably pro bibly pas lo 10 fore mother another such euca dastardly duit ardly lm will III oc cur to attack itt ck is cripple and nd almott t negro for ouch each louns bo aas in the above aboto stated is au AD outrages upon one dollar would havo have strod tho the damage done tout bite it would uit that a name atme tut fur desperation and nd bray ampf olson lon wu was moro more col ct ell cd thin itna atly thang else and we oo know of no lang wigo too hanh to bo in deprecation of euch cowardly attempt at assassination W do not know captin kally comos comas from but this taj B reckless rec LIeas attempt at murder rula puts us in mind of the case of i a who shortly lifur the abo Eman cipa tion lion proclamation put pat tho the light out of a cou con plo of colored nica men to in Mim Thu las and nd on boog with bith therel vr paid heir hit dots I maliC biggers lutat worth a 1 cut at now how I 1 AT and quint death of I 1 rauk frank NN luu ahm lit at but had 11 hi tile coin column runs jf NI 0 a havo hale raved n romo isow of tho the torri blis ur M biall RO go to 1 abow that willm was rcA it urmi that wilen had had h ail memo with a ninn man named 1 lut u t it il all stifled and that nothing moro u m uius come or of it 11 ul oil clerking tic nin last aa wilha vat going go edg lainio lie hoew lio enter cuter a louse and dil pit it r in to with them Ilag gerty 01 and shipped him tho the kit itil land hand victors the iho qc bellid ing him fur for a Dio moment ment ti 11 illis ow hag 1 11 at the asano timo tano make a motion with lid ind I 1 bud ail ad if almut about to draw a pistol ifopo 1 it lua ids could we clearly bo be licht lichtle ld the flesh of the pistol the aim it accrue lind bad lian all tho the bill ball into uio tile braht above tile livirt and thievish tile alio kit kfir lung wilbe lid did not hot ace estul but lio lie died doubt ad to m iku fired ilia iho deadly end add murder oua oils idiot FLA the young inan ling crul cred until sunday night nit lit anti retained all liu its mental faculties until y athin a fuw few inclineD tA of lite ids death dath after lie firul fired haggerty handed tile to frank baker ill lio adow him SAN log X aw if you fire to ti TIE un to abat lat you agree agreed to do IV it bakir akar wind t ano 0 man mail to but bill coroner beld tile sign inquest wilcia its ij to bale bian a Y very young man and tile gri grairt I 1 ts oa of I 1 lud afu tow to whom lioto lie hv vied van in anti was heart rc tiding thid lit in a diabolical proc proceeding ceding and add the iho lar be 14 dial vi nith ith r I 1 ri locco oc lie accord |