Show NOTICE I 1 OTIE is I 1 tri C that r C ti NI james W Kon konev netly and J 0 y too tha united 8 states iti liy odo do claim ancell hundred tl kiy t in by three hundred feet in H lih ort tee war ballo ulolo 13 Jodo belair a bill vor vela vein of rock roch in placa aud the land and op to mid laid dulcet all in the th american york fork ind M 0 M distrI diatribe lItt county countr of salt aai lako lake or utah ml territory 0 of 1 utah too bu I cation aul an d extent thereof 1 9 more fu fly time bell as follows to wit t Beir inning tit nt discovery stake and shaft of the war toolie thus oo 00 na d 40 inin R kw feet thence N 41 loir door 4 3 therl in M 1110 feet mourning to 10 discovery shaft U 15 ala mla C lff feet lo 10 lbino N 30 del 40 min E r feet to post poat no 2 therloe N 41 ajr 42 min F 1110 ft foot to 10 post no 3 thence N 49 48 deg 13 12 min a aw feet to pott post no ko 4 thence 8 41 ell 1 l of Is i min ilu W buo 1110 feet to lost no 5 thence 8 ad doff 40 ID de la in W SM feet to post no fc thence 8 43 49 deg dee 13 12 2 in ala mla 1 a B X yo fot foot to pnat t no 1 tho placa of beginning M scirce almonr the adjoining claims are the aard the allieburg Illi eburg ajl titu abed on abc acom forli fork rold into district suit lako iti county comaty utah jef hect act forth in tho the gram aram and aad wo we do hereby give giro further ho t A L we have filed to to A outlet ft a CID copy Y of 01 pa the pm it t of the game eamoe and alio notes do kleb ith R statement and ecord abow boloin bo loir laor the ibo origin and light of thila poss poisson son fact the basis bals of a claim to a hatcat and also proofs of the poat t ing on said F p cralles on oa tto slat day of no october 1874 of a co copy 7 of plat together loyot bor with of thear their intention Jui cotlon to 10 apply for ft a patent ther therefore efort as ag well OA no proofs of their C in this behalf with the local rules 0 of t arid bolth tho the mining jaws of con sod also of having in actual labor bod rida io r 0 no amount not less tanu III R to and having at this timo actual or of suld mining property out wo we have applied fora survey and abd oltof said premise and a patent for into maujo under luo th act of con COD sees an AD act act to pramot promote prO tb the dairel dovel hopmen t of abo mining resources of tho the united boated approved and andall au other othor U ids I 1 wit i tora sa on oil r bands lobe aada this ll 11 icib h uny day of january C G huz bey dy by hla bit advy aly la in fact fac james W kennedy james IV kennedy JOHi J U foutter Ho utter by hla his fifty in fact james IV kennedy attest A at J kolac R C P M b 1 Hilli D i 1 1 1 nya george C bates solicitor laife 5 2 ALI fixx LA all ci r or uta cc jan I 1 1 ig 3 I 1 certify lout too and aad it a dj da ir farm r in of 0 f ibo i be raid mid claim WM was this day bild la ILI toija together with a motice of lot ell acia a patent I 1 from the government of the united states slater fie as provided in an aa act of on titled filled AU A u act to promote th tho development of too bool the united 8 la tc bt 1 11 beav mud all other x alet slet lUKl log I 1 nna I 1 amot a jd 14 to ba in too suit luke tribune a ab lobed the ailon of tho the eta on in J ti lanaia 2131 ULU it MAXW hLL lt Ile clator glater 11 AL NOTI E norice N Is s hereby gloden ihal gloat C 0 X jamaca W J 0 liu arcy and j petit who aro are ctol e of of be united 6 latest by cal ichaso and aad localio lo caloo do C claim I 1 a 1 m olget e lg b h U n d m d yx icet feet jo ja length by tano hundred JW feet la IQ width 0 on a the todo lode balnis a stiver clu of reck moll ta in p beat and too laud jaad bad and op to baid mino came all situated la in tho the Amo Amor caa yirk di county of salt lake or etab tied and or of utah tho the location and extent betas being moro fully d f bed us as lotions Jollo nf to wit nhi ut at the d discovery ditcu chaff thence 8 EO deg aes E 4 I 1 filet to on go w claim returning 1 tj shaft md and running on 00 cooler center of chum N bo deg IV 4 y f et ct to west cud of claim running runolD ff thence a 3 W to 1 thence b f W dur deir E WO foot to post no a 2 thence N ll it deg E X 10 not feet n ot to IV C pot poet no 0 o 8 3 a g to point of on of cf claim at lu its northern extremity throop N 10 30 deg R loot foot to ewt no 4 thence phonco 3 8 60 deg do K E 0 ewt to 17 C post no 3 8 red aad flad find it roa ran this line tiny lurt bor tho the claims aro are the tu tutors torn and western of tho the ry rg andwood aad wr af Ll all LEI la american fork mints minion district salt lake or utah viol diab territory as ftc forth la in the ibo foregoing dla din tram gram i rod and wo do lit litrell give lurther ahat bat 0 0 lavo filed in this n copy of the pint of survey burr of the omme samo toU such buivol alth a sworn statement bud and record ovil ionea showing bowleg tho the arlela and right of their mm line th tho basis of a claim to a patent sell alas preola proof of abo sting on m suld eald premise on tho the flat tat dakof clay of V november orem here W of it copy of suit said alto atar tg 0 of r wit is a act ct cf their hoto intention tion to ft P ply or a patent th ercoL oa as well as proofs V of f the r cc la hi to ablit bahal with too local I 1 rules 0 dealers aud and with the mining r jinwa wa of Couff nM arid and also of having ex ended la in sales labor and bero amount not lobs ices than Ov ovelton eltun and boillotat and ila at this time role toll blo POW of at blud property latt at wo have applied for a survey nad bull plat to of 11 fould tont fortso umeo cong com an aatto act to the mo ra otti oat approved may dill IS andall olt I 1 bud this r january CL a 0 brussey Hija sc 1 1 by laj ljj alty la fucali jumon v james i J 0 huh H wiley cy by n low kb att alit y la in taut fact james W Ken kennedy cedy jose jino it petit attest i br her kiy ID james W u M J If ellibe I 1 SUU gcorge C till SOHO tor STATES LAND OFFICE salt luko ake cita utah JAU jan ltv 3 I 1 certify that tile ilio above notice and a diagram of the all d mining claim was IT that day well lu in this ga legower with a notice or intent latti atoa 0 0 to for a survey burley and plat thereof froni from the fur a patent J a eglo fib ornament a tile united bt atOd as 1118 lu ILI an act ot of con cotal entitled an all act to promote th abo a do 01 of f the of this tb all IS statha tl 1 I t A blay alay 10 lohf ht and all it there other 0 x ta I 1 ing lawal I 1 direct mid faid bol to 10 or be lu ill th tho 0 salt bako Tribur Jet a it v per dearest rho ho loc of lb be cailo if to 0 LO K maeth MAV tH I 1 1111 Is law los I 1 I 1 NOTICE tite or application U fi LAID it 1 I 1 I 1 i SALT liki alir LT doc 1 lai lf 1 I 1 II 11 uc tool W WV Val lenin watto by pur purchelo chlo ui does claim lr alao hundred and affy feet lu in by I 1 as t in width alti on am the bo mountain I 1 cifor lode boa vla vein orrock of rock la in diio ad to ald all 1 lo in ai ophir district dialect county sad hilj edura laid the 10 lo lc ilni aud adl axtt felog mom fully folly doe crib u lol lullow bollow low to oil tt dincov ry abaft arid ina running thettice 8 37 th g IJ w 15 f kl ia K l t 1 ei I 1 of to in awo ery likit rod and those a 41 uj deij tv aj na i 47 0 afelt W ott lot loy akol no 3 alue a 7 ilg its i 40 st antto 10 pt Nui u 2 a aa ajder door 47 or w lou rl foot to p 20 m n 1 ta I deg 1 J jo 0 1 1 I to lo vt I 1 fa 4 1 1 il co J 47 4 a IV ait t to f loftt L no 1 i 1 ibo b e asco ei r i I 1 lb iu loo loore rea V 8 I 1 no a brt bran 0 24 eg 44 45 P 12 r awl I 1 the bodard od ard cJ ajari ari s ar ib juo ju o a mimi and lam 14 al 04 ri log irth la irk too tb sod bd I 1 da bouly mile il further jil thai d and nil cho lb faid hda ad aadi iiD ilic edu to lu the collates and tuco of tula tere in ait aall Ilu ilig JI di rul lising 1 in law hup then Xin au all 41 not I 1 that aba ste at hundred wu sod ant log tili ibis thua antul tai t a t l to godlar iod lar we d dow p r I 1 7 to I 1 olp it I 1 fat fo lond alt 11 of j 11 J 1 lid n 1 1 9 6 tao und badr or ta act lo 10 to rho ti of mini a I 1 91 bod too MAY 1 icyle ICY f lT 40 atik A I 1 caller ox as I 1 g 1 mt liti i 11 i I 1 in 4 it baj of dr D co talbor al W VALES lIMi w W if LEGAL NOTICES C NOTICE 0 n JONES belll 1 I 1 ajor ronni 1 si 2 kullon ul and edbril 1 l d will it pleam lease take that work loss hoa been donto by y tho the under undersigned undersigner signed to tho the amount or of to 1 model d and thirty by the dec itce burout I ill dry canyon aph I 1 or All 1119 annly rhth ind and you yoa aro hereby doun 1 I 1 ihie nt if ilir portion or of slid aront lila ilia n ln e ty freim date of it e l tot 30 your u r gldays i vr jacw will I 1 if ibias ba belil 0 1 1 l ija accordance W walli tit tb tho 0 late to act t rf r e RAN 11 I 1 M I 1 1 1 f I 1 11 1 01 ol all wm I 1 iu k MUNsoN L J trustees ri tall secretary De december cembor ira othnice gitil film beloli itria in relation to the th liberal institute will find mr jr harrison at his temporary brkl defoce bench banch otte one back pat W ti ars 0 on the he other side aj of the tb way ol tf NOTICE OTI fl rohnie not knon iv will please tako take notice that anve the under undersigner undersigned signed lieve bouls work for you jou to the amount of ninety cinto dollars sad W on the ibo american ielo mine la alit to lake county terri territory 1 4 and loa wo hereby bt reby notified to pay 1 th tou wl t bin ninny ninety days front from date or of this thlu rozllea to james 11 I 1 kettle lake city if NJ NY wll 3 1 I 1 1 I keitt ty b D william ohn joint I rin itta joh jolin Fro ancl ii ichols W V 3 T cromer Cro iner 1 11 1 ldavis BAIT LA alakl if 1 12 IVL dl I 1 tl Nori konci cill jame lff leayo hereby five I 1 lotice that I 1 bell ply for far a patent on n abot certain portio ri oath of tb J jo down lod owned by the nelgo bialog compoy of mn otte atio MI CUIr said fild iod til 14 situated in ID tl of wild dairl county utah tont tory lory and lip la of 0 record the tb mid record being t c Q n th the kjof 0 af r of 14 ot at allu his at ace alc in ID sistr city I 1 clotin bIr tuta lct on baid et urologists ft milot ill ahm ban arl dr jwj 3 acet moth from diasio stake ronit 09 he hundred and afat balt loot foot lb 1 1 1 16 min we three kod 1 I 1 1 to t dg wast making a total ol of thir thi lt taa b to 1 lu I fool feet I 1 ala ai at fill ft a width I 1 th eta I 1 or ho centro ties of f mid ald 66 ill 1 on the 16 watt side lido a width ol of forty live 45 test th rho laid bold lalita hundred 10 foes feet to ro bou bounded sidd oo 00 9 the th north by the claim of 1 the aco downes silver alln ing an tile south by the claim or of tile diamond silver company ov all on rul by the sliver viper lodo ld an Q on 1 iba h 6 we amt it ly by tb eltjo ZI ayr pride and od silver of loito 0 JAMPA alm ilm 31 M allm W diamond let dec 7 ir 2 dl dissolution or OF partnership I 1 ellb chip heretofore bilm JL ing between noll A green reen h hoot t and m la Is jbf t abl a da daiy diy alv c d b byl mutual CO content cheo gaon will coil collatt let re oe antt W fl IE LV J hullison HU lAiSON N salt lake afif jan lre all dl A aro mrs green r fai stood her bep aro 1 oleati muel arcco enow now in hall it I 1 JAJO do gilyot Git caly yot bonare H ro hereby notified that there la Is now nor due the turn bum office hundred and four dollars dollar anil and six for cases i ments on oa y boar our interest in the caledonia mi alno no in aa little t t to mining nl which aich yen aro hereby no tilled to pay lume dla bately or your la in said bald will be uld bold ui ILA tho the law durecu to pay ouch orients i all aers pas RK ro pur 1 1 choosing enli been settled la in full t cunnington president il co CID secretary salt lalie lake ity city january ica JC je sm AO TItI purchase ol of the big bl cottonwood grist mill al IN M 0 purchased nr rIAl the hen neove boi infill ai nai naim formerly owned by hum conoe sr and the bill lers john and kerman OK Op I 1 11 to former formerly r raa all abe mill we promise to reak inako 0 n article of dour as can be A 1 la territory ibobo who to patronize this null run can vend baur by our team which will travel to 40 and from bult bait lako lake lily fulty dally daily collecting wheat and dellver loK fluor ur all ordera promptly promptly attended to by the tero milter on erman cloth raid for oil heat at tho the valli 3 N january dit I 1 isn jn II lm NO I 1 ICE UNITED ettas LAKO laic a orect kalt lake city jan ill 1673 N oter 14 he hereley relly i isell that hull ic on CO W howland willism william T joseph josaph vincent william S golden derd P wheadon leach li 13 Thur john W their tri nin terl Q thurmal Thur mao joseph G and francis it if of the united lad owners by and by bafo do claim claim two arid and two hila drEi feet in length by two hundred reet in width on tho bliver cloud moong claim sad and latil site lc being a hirer bearing Dcarl nir len join ol of la 10 ILa cei and the jund aud and to wd bad and UTO live 6 5 acres of laud tor for it mill site lt all situated to the iho corale corals floyd winvil dialect 0 tomoo and T territory orro of I 1 utah the location sao aoa extent il bolor moro more fully as sol lot lowd at al too tao 8 W Y cursor or of aid id mining claim chim at pout post no li from which to th bait of uld laid mine boar laif N HI dc 13 mo E U foot thence running N I 1 deg w VAY fee fatt t to a pool KHI no 2 tour four frol feel aan W of duhn the ralto N jig ona li AM ac feet t to lo arnor pot t no 3 at t N E R corner of abiud clile thence 81 acir E fi 0 ft to the a F bornor the beof to a poet no 4 8 6 till der deir W SEM fee t to the abo place of ton on and add one OD fourth 10 1014 14 1 4 aora acres 1 a ad be ended as beginning atthe at tho II 11 9 conn irot too sliver silver cloud MIDO aud and running south U delf deir 30 go zam six liand decd red wk to a post poet 47 7 SU 10 mo bun drosd and sixty thren tarco darc M foot to post no J at B IV chorice N 4 43 deg SO on aln w oil 11 1 act tn I 1 I 1 N 7 ilcy 0 30 manh 8 1 an and I 1 tb I 1 foot feet to the place of be log 00 a in 1 ng java alvo 5 acres acre aj set forth in tot t tho 0 1 laid aid and wo we do he gottby noby give rib C hotl t that b having 0 and d imp improved A th abo raid lodo lode nad and prom a ato to tb tho kic hucul lil customs end ana rules of minors la in mid ald redoing and havlar having in actual labor jabor and too th thereon oreon an dot less jw than ONE HAND D and baving at this gimose almo actual peaceable Jim Jort of uld said mining jog j og prop arty will apply tor for a survey and plat bat of fe and a for she ho baran aamot no dor facto ao an act ac ran ilig too right of way to ditch and case canal I 1 owners over OTT the dmd 1 l and tor for olber cabe r purposely urpo iK july tits th IWA end n to abe 0 act approved july july ito it ilfe a and rid th ilia act approved AV may by loth 12 to mot I 1 th in de vo of tho the rat biczo iC ZO ur CCO of 01 ili alio llio united states blatte witness our bands and scala this day 0 ot it octobers Oc iwi LEACO 71 seal jon iseal j ef 0 Shut nun hla his mry billy la in fue t DL by ell if 11 thurman Thurm tn his bis alfy in y fact WM S GOLDIN oll IV soil si I 1 DAVIO DAVID p I 1 0 1 fecal wu T sal josuph by br atilt alii r Y I 1 U 0 ut vb alj 1 q alty la in fact sat I 1 N C II 11 IL z s T by will WB T v vincent incont hill bin att affy 1 I la in fact J y Vinc mii aill cy by wm 1 va his bli la IQ loot fact bromn W ascal by A gobbo till bla atty in fact act allot T J UNITED loina orrica wt salt lake lak city utah january ith 1871 1877 1 9 that VIC ibo above WM wall tills ibis day mod ID this hincz and a dIn graut of the said mild lode together with a notice of intention to aspril for a survey and al plat thorolf from llo surveyor oct lerall and ai a patent thero fur from r vein the government of the iho balti state 68 PrOVI provided dOd in an n act of congress entitled taa AJI act fiade t log too tho right rig tit dfwar to |