Show toi on 01 ol ilat I I 1 WE at independence nau last evening creams w an in in treat the subject visa vaa Baby babylon lom ills excellency allowed a ablo amount of at research in obtaining facts concerning tho the car history of that period of the world alin lan ilia or of our oar rice race li is supposed to lio have commenced ills his description of tho the great city of babylon six city ty miles in a ball tao BO lund real ral feet bigla ln sli mj anti 80 80 feet la IQ thickness olio also its 11 jem terraces md and temples of goll gol l wi ru iu in tho the extreme that amat city lio sold sai fl a al ai founded by a great granil bon of coati anti and on con its nto bile for vlad erected the totter of babel renowned in biblical bastory hl bi atory story ILO barer presumed that previous to ilia building of dabah bait ono language langi inso vim poten and ilia iho of ai quoted in scrip tutt hire may bo be ai kllc gor ical tho the march dinch din ch of civilization inaugurated in that era diff diffused ased and tho ilia the a population of tho the world over a wido wide extent client I 1 embracing emi crai india ant asia and part of Lar ople bringing about of if dialect but all of them rAn rankling kring in one con dion origin orlton in dabi wan filid to alo bun and god framed by bot I 1 at a liter later dito in alio world liia tury christ I 1 maj As dorn and aal lite religion 0 of if tile predent day leaches us ua a religion I 1 uro anti undefiled aril and that falleth not biot ach aay ay and babylon wro aulta in tho ilia largist and aad lee mont is t pall irful cities of in clumb or madru tuned anti anil monuments in ill of of uio the advanced of civilization cx cl lt ilia eliat gc tho the yung king of 0 babylon exhibIt tl extraordinary went and executive ability lux ids tion licit and liaa has left a time call cje tho koturo clooj etli a very on oll tho ibo antry aich on aliu of thu aay y to sit all alio llio tf ct in the arts sciences civilization and religion ilia its excillina Excil lini on noun cacil that licit sunday bo be woula tiao take for ida its subject Z of if egypt and lid ill early carly A M li title duo to ibo aladits anti ami gentlemen it he bo some elegant causio before aftin tho the lecture the avro gol bo be merciful to me a bluner koev of ages ag acte now the hit ligh t of 0 day by mrs IIi idun stirs ini Mathio Mithi miD edon sir mr arby mud and mr cutting ting |