Show 1 11 orrs NOTES EASTE 1114 A iuga mm mass meeting 0 of honorably iu did charged soldiers noldi crl wait held on an Bati arday night under tho the auspices of tho ilia philadelphia bold kra colony location LoeA tion john joha W W fortice For ticy thu the object of the association is to lorm form a D ton ono ODO of the raci fici rail gado at present ak numbers ft a hundred members A loudon london dispatch reports a triko strike among me iho iron foun foundries drits tad and rolling throughout wilta the ship charles 11 II from rom liverpool hatloy experienced basay weather dant ilia entire riago ra sage tarco men were overloud ud lout ex ei mayor of brooklyn Broo lilyn wi was ro ported nying dying on saturday Nort cau the X Y post office lu lie been ro rc arresta and 10 in increase la in ku had bail asked to one hundred mil filly fifty thousand dollard T 11 e funeral of tho the late ilov dr boelius leavitt wait liim c n sturdy af tes noon at tho the church of ilia ali pilgrims brooklyn it as stated that the of 0 tho the cause kro are ta in reed receipt of lato 1 1 4 from haig of 01 a de 1 it 1 9 Is understood the spaniards bays some lomo revere tho no weather report front from the on saturday loraing beat anything this vienta r at sparta art ni isco naim tho the mercury congealed paris mark 15 0 dou catlow aro at la JA crome croc vi is 31 st sl arul min mia lisota 31 ak H faulce WA ulce 8 shown A amt of Is rife in new kew york as to ta tho ilia almana bay Cump company otay seeking aid fro brou frou M the val fail slated ail furthering it objects 1 0 I 1 it 1 is thou glit a I 1 diio corn ai he pe auy till alig airet f st t to alio a i protection tion of our government and if awl an ta traice alc le to in leago it as A natal station in m ito iloray ray rod and further agitator ilia lilies of it is that t lobby in lie ir mair onto aita is in to at ceib in view and that mill bu ba asbeil soon oon to special exception at tariff lava latas applying to t jr the a trade from cau bau am 1 go A washington ilu patch nick states that tv two a uh I 1 tact nO dAb om r og ano oc A g tw w boork yorla a k J D g hod aud lifto ca lla leading ng lag of f aid lit lie I 1 0 submitted to r secretary c y blunt I 1 ill 11 p g a bials to lund ad a d al an mg a fill yes ic I 1 canta c on I 1 liaa aal ar to be 0 of uio a 11 c or of licit last yeu JW UON the right lion edward iuler latton barou latto amton n tile ball aaen english an aa thor d died ci at london on saturday afternoon aged 67 georgo brown or of halifax will c balleno ha lleno tho the world to row ft a bidgie scull race for to take ado platen next an cri in n ilala fax harbor or ory flaring pring 11 biltl id mass maria lIrt ference will lo be 10 give givia a to tile L aiho aviu bo be loucil Al allt nuil lla lis ox to re row att at halifax A adrid royal it A blind of Cul curlista lista tat on tho inh buri acl ilia buildings at on ID the north spain ll It adrial ala thoy iLo eliot thoP witch iteli tend cran and lied laur by tho ilia volunteers tho the of tho ito in Guillia genre irritate the of that province the government forced display great 0 tho the insurgents tho the memorial diplomat Diploma tique pa ia ilia dramatic calipers leavo lave tto d to gene rid military Mili tiry alay now flow IKID A at ono one of tho the also of its iiii outrageous entire up vp 01 american at alt a melting mating of tho the dominion bard carlof of trade at ottawa on all saturday bolls lolls wro pasted in favor of a rocil rocel alb tho i blanches lanches w ro maelu by uw loy of detroit aud othora I 1 thomas D nanis harris a 0 merchant vf toronto 19 11 cited di ad |