Show as IF U cill if t 1 L I 1 MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES 0 ulu al 11 i I 1 i r anu WM wag made on friday n ight to roh rob ilia iho groat great ralls nation bank tim this 0 lajta mi tle tone goow col coi acir of S a 1 n 1 I 1 tn streets wag KM 1 art frt m ll 11 y b urrie d and bar 4 nolan holan one of t lie ho WM was athol hered in de il calli kill nine at ers were rendered in le IT t alio amole but recovered tile Ial abl in 1 ew wahington 14 the ire con tanua 0 to o 1 I nix from new mcw orleans which wilh thoo tho O privately addressed to other carlies par lies do not indicate the file early termination or of the political troubles trouble L 1 A resolution fur for tho ilia appointment or of an investigating will be in the house of representatives toi tomorrow some members of congress express the 0 opinion n alitta history orllis trouble lea cannot he a obtained unless suh committee conduct their proceedings in now new bileam lind say that even if tile the troubles before ilia committee mitt ise on could old re teli chere t acri the information inform officially obtained would bo be valuable vilu atlo in T jew ot of future legislation it is ia known that president grant is ia desirous A ol 01 avoiding a beclar declaration line of al martial ui artial I 1 hw ewt and that it will ill not lo be resorted 0 a un lck irom aho inte necessity y he has bag privately said that it would he proper croper for fair congre on grei s to 0 o take lalo tho the initiative in ia measures looking toward a pacification deith ora or ft Call lb bolle oll bishop it 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 L 1 right rev john ilag mcgill ill for 21 years yeara bishop of the alom etonian tit catholic at holic diocese ol of I 1 ir irginia gini died here this morning aged sixty silly two years I 1 I 1 new 1011 I 1 oil 14 J rude birbari Bir nari bated today to day in rel reply ly to queaa 1 I 1 the I 1 E grand U 1 jury will tomorrow to morrow commence to investigate the cli arges against lim liin ira ho lial had been becore the airy and landed them thein a I 1 lut of chiq an enemies about abent forty in and said to then them atif if you find any dorge substantiates I 1 at once inc a 11 ho said lie could have made if lc ike had iio violated liis his public duty he had opportunities every the investigation would prove whether an body halt had a right ht to assail lm him ani icv lov george rif I 1 ir hepworth preached tody to 0 dy aly in steinway I 1 hall all ahe J lie century club last night elected wm win callen irant president it appears that the alic grand na ma star J Julma lun who led ilia orange procession of lie of july wag waa noon after appointed to a in the llie custom hoeu ly hy request of tho ilia and till still holds hold office A political campaign cabin cai in N ii going oil nn for grand army of tile the republic in ia this ia state tie the election elL clion occurs next wednesday candi canda ditcu gen woodford conklin and gen barnum 1 ento antonites energetic ire arc making by members of the medical profession pr ofes sion to obtain a change iu in the lie laws lawi of fit the state so that a practitioner bansin g abortions shall to aft regarded aa guilty of f fic felony I 1 any in instead I 1 5 of manslaughter a and n so ilia ln g punishment beat be at the alic discretion odthe of alio court new mew york 4 tho the herold herald u fishi cs as the 1 pk I 1 correspondence rr pre prefacing racin it wt with th a his history r y of stokes connection with I 1 lit riak rib I 1 their it air hubs 1 I bent quarrel a al over the woman oil tan alan alle ld 4 lisas final enal brea g with tile latt or glicr rag rage wt which I 1 to 1 caused cad be her r to put pat 1 risks ik a to 0 o h her or into inlo stoles stokes llad end and stokes stakes attempt to blood bleed il 1 with them by threats of publication all of ol 01 which atel been anade public the litten lateri are extraordinary citra ordinary in some rel peco but such as a 1 I invin would arilo writ to to lo a winnian with he a no revelations about eric or Ta inmany appear in those published W aich 19 11 iid nd opar to bobc all there are arc in ex ci is istance islo tonce the alie fol following lowin is tile only letter which has any n to parties connected with either eric aric or tammany I 1 no I 1 ineat in wes t street tuesday at 13 I 1 J L MS ay iy dear botic jamck Mel lenry partner of sur sir morton palo the ilia largest raila ay builder bidder in the world mr I 1 and lr lane lana will iline dine with us at half past 0 I 1 want you to provide agnitia 01 die a dinner dinners din possible ito ible went off elegantly we iva are all sale safe AM and will 6 8 20 c you at 0 6 Oc lolk ilal JR jn tile correvon lence malos altogether NIP four columns of the hrold and it contains little ofin ahe composition of the letters is ii neither better nor worse diore than the ilia average ol of suji sudi correspondence pon n d dence e nc V they show what la I already lr ay iy rn cnown ow n eliat fik was infatuated at d it this ilia woman and spent large sums of money upon her and that a wu was in intent upon getting ill all she could out of liim him that thai oven even after they had nith ith eneli each other anil and hid h til exchanged farewell site continued to ask aak 1 ial lor for livora favors and jor fur money and that she always got what file elio abbed only two wo of the letteri are arc of any these are arc farewell letters in ine iia isk is acry levercon fever con mansfield these were written in october I 1 asto Z they wilde up their garrol quamil and ami hris affection aicard cirs to liwo aye returned most of liia its t notes to 1 glicr or call contained liberal of I 1 i tan ing ing in in amount from 75 to nay tw I 1 london 11 ll II the prince of wales is ia progress in in conva lose ence but some rome time must mint elapse before his health anti can bo be fully Fe restored stored dealt odthe duke de D barig parig 14 the dulo duke po Persi gily died on 1 at nice god sixty four team years the emperor eiji vicror of broad brazil has hall returned from a tour through the ria in the north of france the tha advocates of taxation tai alion in raw materials are arc reported gaipin gaining ground mounil in theAL alic assembly f alegre I 1 X 1 in i ti orrin now york 14 to ti like says fays the or f county headed liy 0 9 campbell a negro offic offia it al tre are in in A most excited condition and arul owing to 0 o their threatening attitude atH tudo the tha whites aro are returning anil and for protection the trouble with the ne groeb w on account of the ega uro aji appointing pointing vt bite commis to take charge of campbell a official looks hoots and liap cr lill homco 1 I I 1 lalio 1 I 1 ap oil cn I 1 cloth SWIMS at 0 M N caily at Win thron took firo fire in ilia this a U ernson end spread ira rapidly eidly and bolero it waft li locked tin an adjoining mill band anil three dwelling houses bode were consumed con coas umed one or of the kouacs contaldo conT Aljo of MX loss P puller p burned Verol tl 14 t cos eiten axlen site 1110 paper mill bull at burned last night lota loss insurance bot inn known new orleans Orl tana I 1 ll 11 I 1 th abis i city i a te very ry fuist ell til testing rc stint after afar a wee week k of t itta 11 but few poo Mati I 1 atlin niora oraa 1114 1 l 1 I el CA C A il a announce tile lie complete coin pleto nf f alier ly hy cortino Corti Carti nM nag four or five hundred Lunil red under agen en havo hato been driven into the mara where they are vigorous vigor euAy ly do dc Vo rUnas biang aitor armed jfe ire inflicting severe lou lea on the insurgents Quino gaa only chance of escape is through expected from monterey Moa terey which i reported i on en route rout it to TILL tilla rait a tile fiege ati |